Kawameeh Middle School

Name: _________________________________ Date: ____________________________ Period:_______________________________7th Grade Honors Science What the Science? Current Events AssignmentLAST MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH!Objective: Students will be able to connect real world phenomena with science concepts and practices. Student will share their thoughts about the event while having an open discussion with their peers in science class.Requirements:Find a SCIENCE current event taking place in modern day. Some examples include: articles from the internet/social media or newspaper, news broadcasts on television, podcasts, etc. Include the title of the current event, date, and sourceTYPE a 2 paragraph minimum reflection open ended response.Things to include:Paragraph One: Answer who, what, where, when, why and how questions.Paragraph Two: State your opinion about the event. Why did you choose the topic/article?Was the topic/article interesting to you? Did you change your opinion of the topic/article after researching?Need some help with sentence starters?I noticed…I can relate to this because…I wonder why…The central issues are…I was reminded of…I still do not understand…I am surprised that…What interested me the most was…I’d like to know…The author/presenter wants the reader to think…I realized…This event/article is similar to…Current Events RubricCriteriaExcellence (3pts)Satisfactory (2pts)Below Satisfactory (1pts)No Credit Mechanics, Word Choice, and SpellingHigh quality; neat and clean, proper grammar with little to no errorsNeat but somewhat disorganized, proper grammar with some errorsVisually disorganized, uses grammar with numerous errors, mixes in TXT or IM languageEntries discourage reader, uses mostly TXT or IM languageRelevanceArticle is linked in obvious major/important science world events and relates to our essential questionsArticle is linked in to major/important science world eventsArticle is linked to science world eventsNo reference to science world eventsAnalysisWritten summaries are thoughtful, explicit and use details from articleWritten summaries are thoughtful but provide little detailsWritten summaries lack insight, and include too much repetitionWritten summaries display some evidence of plagiarismOral PresentationProper aesthetics, organized, knowledgeable of the content, good eye contact with audienceOrganized, frequently looks down at paper, inconsistent eye contact with audienceLacking organization, depends on paper for reference, comprehension is questionable, little to no eye contactChose to not presentDevelopment12 font, double spaced, at least 3/4 of a page in length for each article summary and reaction12 font, double spaced, at least 1/2 of a page in length for each article summary and reaction12 font, double spaced, at least 1/3 of a page in length for each article summary and reactionA few sentences for each summaryName: _________________________________________________ Period:Current Event Topic/Title: ___________________________________________________Total:__________/15 Due Date:____________ ................

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