
7th Grade Current Events

The current events topics can cover any part of the world EXCEPT the United States. Students should NOT submit any current events that take place in the United States ( due to upcoming political season, the months of October and November will be open to the United States). Students should use credible news sources such as: The New York Times, The News and Observer, The Herald Sun, CNN, The BBC and etc. (Please do not use sites like Yahoo news). Student will submit Current Events via Google Classroom.

Extra Credit (5pts) Bring in a new paper clipping of your article. You can’t print an article from the computer. It must be directly from a newspaper or magazine. You article will be added to our current events world map.

Current Events Due Dates for the Year:

|September |October |November |December |

|-Sept 16th (will be completed in |-Oct 14th |-Nov 18th |-Dec 2nd |

|class) |-Oct 28th | |Dec 16 |

| | | | |

|-Sept 30th | | | |

|January |February |March |April/May |

|Jan 6th |Feb 3th |March 3th |April 7th |

|Jan 20th |Feb 17th |March 17th |April 21nd |

| | | |May 5th |


--- Begin by writing the article title, author, date, and source

Sentences #1 - #5 Introduction

What is your current event about?  Be sure to give specific details to support your answer! (Use the 5W’s: Who What When Where and Why)

Sentence #6 This Article Reminds Me of………

Write a sentence describing what this article reminds you of.

Sentences #7 - #8 Comprehension/ Personal Response

Respond to one of the following questions:

What is one lesson you learned from this article?

Why did you choose this article?

What questions do you still have about this article?

How do you feel after reading this article?

Sentences #9 - #10 Historical Connection

How does this connect to another topic we have studied in class this year?


Ancient tombs unearthed in Egyptian city of Luxor, BBC news staff, 1/10/13,

My current event is about a new tomb found under Pharaoh Amenhotep II mortuary temple. An Italian group of archeologist found the tomb in the Egyptian town of Luxor, which is located on the west bank of the Nile River. The tomb that can be dated back 3,000 years housed a wooden sarcophagi, human bones and canopic jars (jars to hold organs). The canopic Jars were decorated with the four sons of the god Horus, which were believed to help the soul find its way to heaven. This tomb find is important because it shows the temples were not just used for worship, but also for burial. I choose this article because I love reading and learning about ancient Egypt and its tombs. It is my hope that I am able to visit Egypt one day. This article related to the Egyptian Unit we learned about in the beginning of the school year.


Your grade will be based on the following rubric:

|Category |100 |80 |60 |

|Title Sentence | |States title, author, and date |States title and author |

| |States title, author, date and source | | |

| | | | |

| |. | | |

|Introduction |State what the current Event is about | | Unclearly state what the current Event is |

|(Sentence 1- 5) |(Main Idea). Gives specific details |State what the current Event is about (Main |about (Main Idea). Gives general details about|

| |about the current event (using the 5 |Idea). Gives general details about the |the current event (using some1 to 2 of the 5 |

| |W’s) |current event (using 3to 4 of the 5 W’s) |W’s) |

|This Articles reminds me| | | |

|of (sentence 6) |A clear example of what the article |An unclear example of what the article |No example of what the article reminds you of. |

| |reminds you of. |reminds you of. | |

|Comprehension/ Personal | | | |

|Connection |Personally reacts to text with thought |Some personal response and reaction with some|Little or no personal response and reaction |

|(sentence 7-8) |and insight |thought and insight | |

|Historical connection | | | |

|(sentence 9-10) |Makes a clear connection between |Makes an unclear connection between article |Little or no connection between article and 7th|

| |article and 7th grade social studies |and 7th grade social studies |grade social studies. |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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