Seventh Grade English - Syllabus

Eighth Grade English - Syllabus

Mrs. Eide / North Pole Middle School

2019 - 2020

Course Description

In English students will integrate what is known as the six LAs: listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing, and visually representing through a variety of activities. This course will provide students with an opportunity to learn to communicate in different ways for different audiences. Eighth Grade English will broaden what students have learned previously and prepare students for high school English classes and state required testing.

Some of the subjects, books, and activities we hope to cover this year:

|Grammar and Punctuation Practice |Vocabulary |

|Personal Portfolio |W. W. Jacobs' The Monkey’s Paw |

|Descriptive, Narrative, and Expository Writing |Robert Cormier’s I Am the Cheese |

|Limited Student-Choice Projects |Literature Circles with Limited Choice Books |

Grading Policy

|Grading Scale |

|A+ |100 – 97 |

|A |96 – 93 |

|A- |92 – 90 |

|B+ |89 – 87 |

|B |86 – 83 |

|B- |82 – 80 |

|C+ |79 – 77 |

|C |76 – 73 |

|C- |72 – 70 |

|D+ |69 – 67 |

|D |66 – 63 |

|D- |62 – 60 |

|F |0 – 59 |

Hall Pass Procedures

Students will be permitted outside the classroom for a restroom or water break after the first 15 minutes of the period have passed and before the last 15 minutes of the period, as these are usually the busiest times of class. At these times, only one student will be permitted out of the classroom at a time. Students will then be given a pass. Of course, when there are emergencies students will be dealt with individually.

Late Assignments

Writing and reading assignments are to be completed on time. Late assignments are docked up to 20%. No late assignments will be taken two weeks prior to the end of the quarter.

Make-up Work

Students who have an excused absence will be given an alternative due date in order to make-up the missed assignment before it is considered late. It is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements to complete the work. The class “Bob Boblaw” file usually has extra copies for students who missed or lost a worksheet. This file is located at the back of the room and is organized by week. Many assignment instructions and worksheets can be found on the class website: eideland.

Note: Students cannot make up work or assignments in the event of an unexcused absence.

NPMS Mission Statement

North Pole Middle School believes all students can succeed because education is a shared responsibility

between students, home, school, and community in that this partnership provides students opportunities for personal and academic growth in a safe and supportive environment.

Quizzes and Tests

Quizzes/tests will be given periodically throughout the year. Tests will often be given at the end of a unit. Students who receive a D or F may make corrections. Corrections can raise the total points one letter grade.


Regular homework has proven to be effective in students who conscientiously and consistently do their homework. Homework will be assigned. Reader’s Reflection Reports are assigned each semester. Further, class time is provided for most assignments, but sometimes there are factors that teachers cannot control. Students can expect to have homework if available class time is not used due to student choice and/or classroom interruption such as: day-dreaming, chatting, announcements, and/or an emergency drill.

Supplies: needed every day

• Paper

• Pencil (If a pen is required, I will provide one.)

• A folder or binder marked “English”

Supplies you will need occasionally

• A pair of ear-buds (The first pair is provided. The loss of the first pair can be replaced for 75¢.)

BYOD/ Bring Your Own Device

This classroom will use technology. The library’s computer lab and our classroom set of CHOMEBOOKS will be used as assignments require; however, on occasion students will have the opportunity to use their own devices. Students will be given plenty of warning when these opportunities come up. There will be no assistance or instruction on how a student’s device is/can/or will be used, nor will there be any assistance on the maintenance of any student device.

Classroom Expectations

Be Prompt

Be to class on time. Warm-up begins before the class starts. Assignments are to be completed on time.

Be Prepared

Everyday bring a pencil, paper, and a folder that is marked “English.”

Be Polite

Remain silent when the teacher or another student is talking. Refrain from distractive behavior and when

silence has been stated be considerate and allow other students to work.

Remember the golden rule: Treat others the way you wish to be treated.

Be Positive

Have a good attitude. Effective writing and reading comprehension are better and easier to learn when

your attitude is positive and optimistic.

Be Productive

Learning is hard work! Come to class ready to work, have your materials with you and be

prepared to use them. in this classroom.

All policies and procedures stated in the Student Handbook apply in this classroom.


Reading Material

Students are encouraged to read! Not only are students to read class approved books and curriculum, they are encouraged to choose and read books from other sources such as: books at home, within the classroom, and the school and public libraries. It is important that parents know what their student is reading. In this classroom censorship is limited. There is no way for any teacher to be completely informed about every book each student reads. Ask your student what he/she is reading and how they feel about it. Asking students what they are reading is a great way to know how and what is happening to your student in and out of the classroom.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 907-488-2271 or you may email me at: jan.eide@ You can also find information at:


     The total number of points accumulated for writings, readings, projects, discussions, presentations, participation, and assessments determine a student’s grade. To see the curriculum for English and other courses go online to . Click on departments, then go to curriculum, then click curriculum guides. There you'll find a list of curriculum guides you can choose from.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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