Mrs. Salas White Track 6-8

Santa Rosa Academy

7th Grade English Syllabus

Mrs. Salas


Teacher Info

Email -

Phone - (951) 672-2400 x 4203

Office Hours: 2:30-3:00pm-Room 4203

Tutoring Hours: Thursdays 2:30-3:30

Class Website – mrssalasenglish.

*Note to Parents and Students:

Please consistently check the website for homework and class information.

The BEST way to contact me is via e-mail.

Mrs. Erica Salas:

Welcome to 7th Grade English! I am very excited to work with you all this year at Santa Rosa Academy! Menifee is definitely home to me. I attended Menifee and Murrieta schools, so I am very familiar with the educational community here. I have lived here my entire life, and it is a genuine pleasure to be working in the community I grew up in. I graduated from National University with an English degree, and then continued my education at Azusa Pacific University, where I received my teaching credentials and Master of Arts in Education.

While I strongly believe in a quality education, I believe being a person of admirable character is of utmost importance. I have high expectations of my students, and encourage you all to challenge yourselves in every aspect of your life. I will be alongside supporting you as you grow personally and intellectually this upcoming year. I look forward to getting to know each and every one of you more throughout this course!


Course Purpose:

The main purpose of this course is to help the student to become a well-rounded individual. This course stresses the importance of not only pushing oneself academically, but also socially to become an admirable person of character. This class strives to remind students how important it is to be prepared for the “real world” rather than just rushing through class assignments for to achieve completion.

Another goal of this course is to help students to make connections between the literatures read in class to the world at large. This class aims to make help make the material learned in class applicable to real life. Reading, writing, listening, and speaking are essential ways in which we communicate with one another and convey our perspectives on various matters. By dissecting literature, we learn more about the perspectives of others, more about ourselves, and more about societies around us. Knowledge of literature, their authors, and the time period in which they are written, can help us to make connections to the world around us. In this course students will be challenged to use the higher levels of Bloom’s taxonomy (synthesis and evaluation) rather than simply recalling and remembering texts they are exposed to. This will enhance writing, reading, listening, and speaking skills so that students grow both academically and individually.

Course Overview:

The major components of this class will be for students to analyze pieces of literature, create their own original writing pieces, give class presentations, and speak in both group and whole class discussions. Rather than strictly having teacher led discussions, this class will also have student led discussions so that students have a better opportunity to teach each other. All discussions will be conducted in a comfortable and respectful environment.

Students will read literature including, but not limited to: short stories, novels, poetry, plays, fiction, and nonfiction. Students will analyze themes, characters, and use of literary devices to better understand literature. Examples of the formal and informal writing pieces expected of each student include, but are not limited to: expository writing, narrative writing, response to literature, reflection, persuasive/argumentative writing, and research reports. Lastly, students will consistently practice grammar and vocabulary within each unit of study.

Class Structure:

I encourage my students to speak their mind and share their perspectives in class, as long as this is done in a respectful manner. I also expect that you listen respectfully to the perspectives and views of the other students in class so that we are all contributing to a comfortable and welcoming learning environment. This class will include various settings and tasks throughout the year. Structures used to promote learning and understanding of course material will include:

• Individual-students will work individually on assignments such as reading, completely tasks, taking tests and quizzes, and working on their computers.

• Small groups-students will collaboratively work in small groups to discuss books, complete assignments and projects, and present course content.

• Whole class-students will participate in whole class discussions and receive information on various topics.


Classroom Conduct:

All students are expected be quality students of character that respect the teacher, classmates, visitors, and themselves. Students are expected to listen while others talk, refrain from interrupting others that are speaking, and come to class each day ready to learn. Students are required to be in proper uniform in and outside the classroom while on campus. Electronic devices are not to be used or visible in the classroom (Kindle/Nook may be the only exception if it is approved for reading purposes only). There is also no food or drink that may be consumed during class, with the exception of water.

Classroom Expectations:

In order to ensure a safe and productive learning environment for all individuals, students must abide by the following expectations:

• Respect yourself, others, and materials

• Come to class prepared and ready to learn

• Take responsibility for your actions

• Strive to be an admirable person of character

• Follow directions quickly

*All rules and policies of Santa Rosa Academy apply inside the classroom

Consequences for Behavioral Violations:

        Violation of classroom expectations and/or school policies will be addressed immediately and consistently. The consequences are as follows:

• 1st Offense – Verbal Warning

• 2nd Offense – Step Outside

• 3rd Offense – Detention and/or Reflection/Potential Parent Contacts

• 4th Offense – Referral to Administration

*Please note that extreme cases of disrespect towards instructors or other students will not be tolerated and may result in immediate removal from class.

School Policies and Procedures:

Dress Code:

We insist that our students follow the school dress code. Our experience confirms that when students follow the dress code, we have fewer discipline issues and we can concentrate more on education. Please take a moment to read through the section in the student handbook (available online at that covers the dress code. Students who violate this policy risk losing valuable class time and will also earn consequences, starting with detention and moving to more serious discipline. 

Lunch Detention:

This year, besides the standard weekly after-school detention session, students may also be assigned day-of lunch detentions. If this occurs, students will serve this detention in the classroom of the assigning teacher. Teachers will provide time for students serving lunch detention to eat. If an administrator or teacher assigns a student to the weekly after-school detention, the student does not have the option of going to lunch detention as an alternate and/or additional consequence to be assigned at the teachers' discretion. Teachers will provide time for students serving lunch detention to eat.

Computer Use:

We expect students in our one-to-one Macbook program to always use their computers appropriately. Middle school teachers rarely allow “free time” for students and their computers. Students need to remember that games or YouTube or other non-educational sites (of any kind) on their computers will earn discipline, starting with lunch detention and moving to more serious consequences. 

In addition, students must remember to charge their laptops every night at home. Students who bring their laptops to school without it being fully charged will also earn discipline, starting with lunch detention and moving to more serious consequences. While on campus, students must have their laptops always secure in their possession—with the exception of P.E., break, and lunch when they will be stored in locked classrooms. If a student leaves their laptop unattended, that student will earn discipline, starting with lunch detention and moving to more serious consequences.

Classroom Policies and Procedures:

Homework Policy:

• Read class readings every weekday (Assigned readings and questions will be given when necessary and listed on the class website)

• Weekly vocabulary List (Vocabulary assignments will be completed each week and quizzes will be held every Friday, unless otherwise noted)

• Any work that is not completed in class automatically becomes homework

• Additional assignments will be assigned as needed

• Homework is typically checked on Wednesdays and Fridays

*Please note that you are responsible for consistently checking the website for assignments and homework. It is expected that you stay updated with assignments, even if you are absent. Please make sure that you have a classmate to contact to stay updated/verify assignments and homework if you are absent.

Attendance Policy:

Students are required to attend class regularly, and punctuality is expected. If a student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to contact another student in class to collect the assignments, notes, materials, and other information that they may have missed. Students are responsible for completing their homework and other assignments on time, even if they are absent, as all homework and other assignments can be found on the class website.

Restroom Policy:

Students may only ask to use the restroom during appropriate times and may not leave class without permission and without signing out. Students are encouraged to use the restroom before class, during break, passing periods, and lunch. However, students will be given three tickets at the beginning of each semester. If a student has an emergency, their tickets may be used as a restroom pass. If the student keeps all 3 for the entire semester, they can be turned in for extra credit at the end of the semester.

Active Participation:

All students are expected to be engaged and fully participating in class. Throughout the year, students will be expected to work with partners, in small groups, and individually. Class will be interactive, and will require students to participate in whole class discussions stemming from preparation through assigned readings, notes, collaborative projects, etc. Students will be assessed on their knowledge of material displayed through social and academic participation. Overall contribution, attendance, and behavior in class will make up their participation grade in the course.

Late Work:

All assignments are to be completed and turned in on time. Students who do not turn in their work on time will be given a maximum of half credit if the assignment is turned in within ONE WEEK of the original due date. After that, a zero will be entered into the grade book and the student is no longer able to make it up. If a deadline cannot be made, students are expected to speak with me prior to the assignment due date to arrange a plan for completion. The exception to this policy would include major projects or essays.

Students who are absent on the due dates of major projects, essays, or other long-term assignments must drop the assignment of in the teacher’s box, send it to class with another student, or email it to the teacher at the time the assignment is due. If these assignments are not turned in on time, students will lose approximately half of a letter grade. These assignments may be made up for a maximum of half credit at any point during the semester.

Make-up Work Policy:

Students should ask another classmate and/or check the course website they are absent or they return so that they do not fall behind. Students should not inquire about missing assignments during class time. Students are expected to discuss missing work with the teacher before or after class.

For an excused absence, however many days the student misses is equivalent to how many days they have to make up their work. For example, if a student is absent for three days, that student will have three extra days to make up and turn in their work. For an unexcused absence, any assignment that was due on the date of an absence will be due the day the student returns.

*Missed quizzes and tests will need to be made up within a week after the test date if a student is absent. It is the student’s responsibility to plan the make-up test date. If the student chooses not to arrange this, the test will become a zero in the grade book after one week.


Grading Scale:

98-100% = A +                         

93-97%   = A                      

90-92%   = A -                         

88-90%   = B +                         

83-87%   = B                         

80-82%   = B –

78-80%   = C +

73-77%   = C  

70-72%   = C –

68-70%   = D +

63-67%   = D  

60-62%   = D –

below 60% = F

*Grades that end in .5, such as 89.5, will automatically round up in the grade book

*If students fall below a C in my class, I will contact parents via email. At that point, the student must begin attending mandatory tutoring. I will also contact parents via email if there are any other concerns. Students and parents are encouraged to use School Pathways to stay up to date with their student’s grades. Note that an N/A in the grade book means that the grade has not been entered yet.

Grading Breakdown:

Students’ grades will be determined based on:

Tests/Quizzes/Essays =55%

Classwork/Projects/Participation =15%

Homework =30%

Total =100%

Materials Needed For Class:

Supplies are due

• Student Macbook (operating and fully charged each day)

• One college ruled, letter sized notebook

• #2 Pencils, erasers, and pens (blue or black, and red)

• Highlighters-green & yellow

• Post-its (regular size or mini for annotating texts)

• 1 Expo marker

• Scissors (optional)

• Glue stick (optional)

• Colored pencils or markers (optional)

Classroom Wish List:

If you would like to donate any items to the classroom at any point throughout the year, it would be greatly appreciated! Here are some items that would be useful:

• White printer paper

• Lined paper (college ruled)

• Disinfecting wipes

Helpful Websites:

       - MLA format information

                           - grammar tips

                                                          - American Library Association

                                      - online dictionary

                                                          - used for turning in documents

                                                           - used for uploading essays


Santa Rosa Academy

English Contract 2015-2016

Please return this page to Mrs. Salas by 8/14/15

I, ___________________________________, have read the classroom policies, procedures and expectations and agree to abide by the policies and procedures set forth by Mrs. Salas

      Student Signature:   ___________________________________________

Student email address: _________________________________________

Class buddy for absences:

My class buddy is _______________________________________________

Parent/Guardian: I have read the class syllabus, understand it, and support the policies and procedures set forth by Mrs. Salas

     Print name:  _____________________________________________________

     Signature:   _____________________________________________________

Phone number(s) to reach you: _________________________________________

Email address: ______________________________________________________

*The best and most efficient way to communicate is via email. If you need to speak in person, please call the school front office and leave a message. Phone calls will be returned within 24 hours

Santa Rosa Academy

English Contract 2015-2016

Please return this page to Mrs. Salas by 8/14/15

I, ___________________________________, have read the classroom policies, procedures and expectations and agree to abide by the policies and procedures set forth by Mrs. Salas

      Student Signature:   ___________________________________________

Student email address: _________________________________________

Class buddy for absences:

My class buddy is _______________________________________________

Parent/Guardian: I have read the class syllabus, understand it, and support the policies and procedures set forth by Mrs. Salas

     Print name:  _____________________________________________________

     Signature:   _____________________________________________________

Phone number(s) to reach you: _________________________________________

Email address: ______________________________________________________

*The best and most efficient way to communicate is via email. If you need to speak in person, please call the school front office and leave a message. Phone calls will be returned within 24 hours


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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