Lesson Plan: (#1, #2, etc - Embry Hills

Lesson Plan: (#1)

Class: (6-7 grade)

Title / Subject: Creation and Fall

Key Scripture: Genesis Chapters 1-4

Overall OT Objectives supported in the class period: (Overall objectives can be created by the teacher or copied from the list previously provided of “Big Picture” OT objectives.)

1. List the Days of Creation

2. List the consequences of “the fall”

3. Understand that God has a plan for man

4. Understand that God keeps His promises

5. Understand the OT’s connection with the NT and Gods great plan( identify types/antitypes, messianic prophecies)

Specific Class Objectives:

By the end of the class, students will be able to –

1. List the days of creation

2. Explain why man is different from the rest of Gods creation

3. Explain the consequences of the fall on the serpent, woman and man

4. Recognize the significance of Gen 3:15 (Messianic Prophecy)

5. Explain the significance of animal skins being provided to cover the

shame of Adam and Eve


The following activities will be used to achieve these objectives –













Note: Attach Lesson Material to Plan. Matt Qualls material for 7-9th grade

* If possible, provide this completed form and any lesson material in electronic form.

Lesson Plan: (#2,)

Class: (6-7 grade)

Title / Subject: The Flood

Key Scripture: Genesis 5-11

Overall OT Objectives supported in the class period: (Overall objectives can be created by the teacher or copied from the list previously provided of “Big Picture” OT objectives.)

1. Recognize that God watches over and cares for His people

2. Recognize Gods Disappointment in and punishment of disobedient


3. Understand that God keeps His Promises

4. Recognize the value of Trust in God

5. Understand the OT’s connection with the NT and Gods great plan( identify types/antitypes, messianic prophecies)

Specific Class Objectives:

By the end of the class, students will be able to –

1. Describe the condition of the earth before the flood

2. Name the 3 sons of Noah and which sons descendants included the


3. Describe Gods plan for passing judgment on the earth and its antitype (I Peter 3:20-21)

4. Describe the covenant God man with man after the flood

5. How is Enoch an example for us as we live in this world

6. Describe the sin of Noah’s descendants at Babel and Gods action


The following activities will be used to achieve these objectives –


1. Lead class in a discussion of how water saved Noah and his

family and how water saves us.

2. Describe the world Enoch and Noah lived in and how the

students experience similar situations today and what Enoch

and Noah’s example should mean to us.








Lesson Plan: (#6)

Class: (6-7 grade)

Title / Subject: Jacob and Esau

Key Scripture: Genesis 25-27

Overall OT Objectives supported in the class period: (Overall objectives can be created by the teacher or copied from the list previously provided of “Big Picture” OT objectives.)

1. Recognize that God watches over and cares for His people

2. Understand that God keeps His Promises

6. Recognize the value of Trust in God

7. Gain an overall understanding of the history of Gods chosen people.

8. The sinfulness of man does not prevent God from carrying out His plans.

Specific Class Objectives:

By the end of the class, students will be able to –

1. List the ways that God provided for Isaac.

2. Describe the character of Esau.

3. List the lies that Jacob told to his father.

4. Describe the lingering effects of sin and its consequences in an

individuals life and in his family.


The following activities will be used to achieve these objectives –








Note: Attach Lesson Material to Plan. Matt Qualls 7-9th grade material

* If possible, provide this completed form and any lesson material in electronic form.

Lesson Plan: (#7)

Class: (6-7 grade)

Title / Subject: Jacob and Esau

Key Scripture: Genesis 28-35

Overall OT Objectives supported in the class period: (Overall objectives can be created by the teacher or copied from the list previously provided of “Big Picture” OT objectives.)

1. Understand that God keeps His Promises

2. Recognize the value of Trust in God

9. Gain an overall understanding of the history of Gods chosen people.

10. Be able to recite certain facts about the Old Testament

Specific Class Objectives:

By the end of the class, students will be able to –

1. Discuss some guidelines we learn from the lesson regarding finding a


2. List the 12 sons of Jacob and who gave birth to the sons.

3. Describe the progression of Jacobs faith in God


The following activities will be used to achieve these objectives –








Note: Attach Lesson Material to Plan. Matt Qualls 7-9th grade material

* If possible, provide this completed form and any lesson material in electronic form.

Lesson Plan: (#8)

Class: (6-7 grade)

Title / Subject: Jacob sold for slavery

Key Scripture: Genesis 37-40

Overall OT Objectives supported in the class period: (Overall objectives can be created by the teacher or copied from the list previously provided of “Big Picture” OT objectives.)

1. Understand that God keeps His Promises

3. Recognize the value of Trust in God

11. Gain an overall understanding of the history of Gods chosen people.

12. Describe the lingering effects of sin and its consequences in an

individuals life and in his family.

13. Recognize that God watches over and cares for His people

Specific Class Objectives:

By the end of the class, students will be able to –

1. Describe why Joseph’s brothers were jealous of him

2. Describe how Jacob’s sin regarding Joseph caused him great sorrow

3. Describe how Joseph showed trust in God and the evidence of God

blessing Joseph.


The following activities will be used to achieve these objectives –








Note: Attach Lesson Material to Plan. Matt Qualls 7-9th grade material

* If possible, provide this completed form and any lesson material in electronic form.

Lesson Plan: (#9)

Class: (6-7 grade)

Title / Subject: Jacob Prospers in Egypt

Key Scripture: Genesis 41

Overall OT Objectives supported in the class period: (Overall objectives can be created by the teacher or copied from the list previously provided of “Big Picture” OT objectives.)

1. Recognize the value of Trust in God

2. Recognize that God watches over and cares for His people

Specific Class Objectives:

By the end of the class, students will be able to –

1. List the names of Joseph’s sons and the meaning of their names.

2. Understand the idea of God’s Providence and how that providence was

evident in Josephs life and in the famine over the land.

3. Describe how Joseph showed trust in God and the evidence of God

blessing Joseph.


The following activities will be used to achieve these objectives –








Note: Attach Lesson Material to Plan. Matt Qualls 7-9th grade material

* If possible, provide this completed form and any lesson material in electronic form.

Lesson Plan: (#10)

Class: (6-7 grade)

Title / Subject: Joseph Forgives his Brothers

Key Scripture: Genesis 42-45

Overall OT Objectives supported in the class period: (Overall objectives can be created by the teacher or copied from the list previously provided of “Big Picture” OT objectives.)

1. Gain an overall understanding of the history of Gods chosen people

2. Describe the lingering effects of sin and its consequences in an

individuals life and in his family.

3. Recognize that God watches over and cares for His people

4. Locate on a map the places where OT events occurred. (e.g. Israel's

wilderness wanderings, taking of the Promised Land, 12 tribes, etc)

Specific Class Objectives:

By the end of the class, students will be able to –

1. Describe how Joseph’s dreams in Chapter 37 are fulfilled in this section.

2. List some reasons why Joseph would of tricked his brothers.

3. Describe the leadership position taken by Judah and how he could be

seen as a type of Christ

4. Find Goshen on a map


The following activities will be used to achieve these objectives –








Note: Attach Lesson Material to Plan. Matt Qualls 7-9th grade material

* If possible, provide this completed form and any lesson material in electronic form.

Lesson Plan: (#11)

Class: (6-7 grade)

Title / Subject: Joseph’s Family comes to Egypt

Key Scripture: Genesis 46-50

Overall OT Objectives supported in the class period: (Overall objectives can be created by the teacher or copied from the list previously provided of “Big Picture” OT objectives.)

1. Gain an overall understanding of the history of Gods chosen people

2. Recognize that God watches over and cares for His people

3. God has a great plan for man

Specific Class Objectives:

By the end of the class, students will be able to –

1. Describe how Jacob displayed his faith in God and His Promises in Chapter

46. What assurance does God give Jacob?

2. List the ways that Joseph was able to increase Pharoah’s power during

the famine.

3. Explain how the desires of Jacob and Joseph regarding their burial

location displayed their faith in God.

4. Describe the meaning of the blessings given to Judah in chapter 49.


The following activities will be used to achieve these objectives –








Note: Attach Lesson Material to Plan. Matt Qualls 7-9th grade material

* If possible, provide this completed form and any lesson material in electronic form.


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