Seventh Grade Social Studies

Seventh Grade Social Studies

District Quarterly Review Sheet

Fourth Marking Period- Late Middle Ages/ Renaissance

Answer Sheet

Directions: Use the word bank below to fill in the correct answer for the following questions.

1. During the Feudal Times how was power determined? Land Ownership

2. The Church conducted _____________ during the Middle Ages in order to call out heretics. Inquisition

3. Trade developed between the Middle East and Western Europe as a result of the_____________? Crusades

4. Who produce the printing press that allowed for books to be published quicker?

Johannes Gutenberg

5. What were created during the Middle Ages because trained teachers offered more things to be learned? Universities

6. _____________ were special contests that Knights would practice their fighting skills during the Middle Ages? Tournaments

7. Merchant settlements during the Medieval Times helped developed __________?

Medieval Towns

8. Who best represents the Renaissance period because of his mastery in many areas of life? Leonardo da Vinci

9. To have more _________ meant more ________ during the Feudal Time Period.

Land Power

10. Council of Bishops of the Church created the _____________ or Church Court to call out heretics for their beliefs. Inquisition

11. Art began to focus on Death because of this event? Black Death


Medieval Towns Power Black Death

Crusades Universities Johannes Gutenberg

Land Inquisition Leonardo da Vinci

Tournaments Inquisition Land Ownership

*Yes the word Inquisition is used twice that is why it is listed twice!!!!!

Directions: These questions require a short answer by either listing the answer in order or giving a brief description.

12. What is the focus of humanism, the driving force behind the Renaissance?

On human interests and values

13. Name 3 results of the Black Plague?

Art focused on death

People lost faith in the Church

Feudalism was weakened

14. The goal of the Medieval Guilds was to __Protect it’s Memebers_?

15. The “Renaissance” refers to a period when?

Scholars took new interest in ideas and classical writings from Greece.

16. Why did the Pope organize the Crusades/ holy wars?

Take back Jerusalem from the Muslims

17. What is the main purpose of Magna Carta?

To secure certain rights and liberties for nobleman

18. List from TOP to BOTTOM the correct order of the Feudal System?

Hint: Pyramid




Nobles, Church Officials


Peasants, serfs


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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