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8th GradeMeadowdale Middle School REQUIRED COURSESENGLISH 8Students will implement the steps of the writing process to create strong expository, narrative, and argumentative essays. Writing will have a clear purpose, strong organization, intentional cited evidence and elaboration, as well as grade appropriate conventions. Students will read grade level text for both fiction and non-fiction, and comprehension will help students analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information from multiple texts. Students will effectively communicate thinking through discussion, debate, and oral presentations. SOCIAL STUDIES 8This course presents a chronological study of our history from Revolution through Reform (American Revolution, Constitution, The New Nation, Expansion, Civil War/Reconstruction, Industrialization/Urbanization, Immigration, and Reforms). Within this state and national historical context, students will also examine our multi-cultural heritage, our economic development, as well as citizenship rights and responsibilities.MATH 8Concepts learned in 8th grade include: formulating and reasoning about expressions and equations, including modeling with equations, and solving linear equations and systems of linear equations; identifying and approximating irrational numbers; working with exponents in equations; grasping the concept of a function and using functions to describe quantitative relationships; analyzing 2- and 3- dimensional space and figures using distance, angle, similarity and congruence; and understanding and applying the Pythagorean Theorem; and investigating patterns of association in bivariate data. Students will be required to communicate their mathematical knowledge through problem solving, reasoning, writing and class discussions. SCIENCE 8The 8th grade science class is a continuation of the skills and concepts developed in the 7th grade in the areas of physical and earth science. As with the 7th grade program, students will spend the majority of their time engaged in science investigations that promote increasing skill development in identifying problems, designing and carrying out experiments, collecting evidence, interpreting and analyzing data, and communicating findings.HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATIONThis course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills to lead a healthy and active lifestyle. Students will participate in a wide variety of activities including individual and team sports, cooperative games, basic orientation to physical conditioning and a variety of Health topics. Cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and flexibility are incorporated into every unit of study. HONORS and ADVANCED COURSESMost students are challenged by the general course of study in 8th grade; however, students who have exceeded standard in the classroom, STAR Reading Tests, and standardized state tests will be offered placement in honors courses. Please keep in mind that Honors courses generally require an additional 2 -3 hours of homework per week for student success. Please note that Honors classes are a year-long commitment and cannot be dropped after the school year is underway.HONORS ENGLISH 8Emphasis will be on fostering creativity while promoting the use of critical and higher level thinking skills to deepen students’ understanding of English concepts. In preparation for accelerated high school English courses, this class will be heavily research and writing based, providing strategies for oral presentation and debate.?Students will review grade level standards working to challenge individual strengths in reading, writing, and communication by completing tasks designed for the next grade level.ALGEBRA I (Pre-requisite: Honors Math 7 or IBA Math Test)This course focuses on generalizing the algorithms of arithmetic to learn how to develop equations and mathematical formulas to simulate real-life problems and solve them through mathematical manipulation. Topics include simplifying expressions, evaluating and solving equations and inequalities, and working extensively with linear, quadratic, exponential and other functions. Algebra is a high school level course and if requested, the grades and credits will be posted on a student’s high school transcript.GEOMETRY (Pre-requisite: Algebra I)Available for students who have successfully completed Algebra 1. Geometry provides students with experiences that deepen the understanding of two- and three-dimensional objects through logic and modeling; and includes work with probability. Deductive and inductive reasoning, as well as investigative strategies, are stressed to enhance the development of problem-solving skills. Geometry is a high school level course and if requested, the grades and credits will be posted on a student’s high school transcript. ADDITIONAL PROGRAMS: Placement based on standardized test results. ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNER (ELL) Incoming students, who qualify for ELL Service based on Washington State’s language ability test, will be placed into English 1 (for beginning levels), English 2 (intermediate), or English 3 (Advanced). All ELL students receive 2 periods of instruction in mixed grade classes. ELL instruction follows leveled INSIDE curriculum combined with development of academic vocabulary and evidence-based writing. Our independent reading program requires daily reading, note-taking, and book projects. Students will be working on common core standards in all classes and Level 1 and 2 students will have ELL Math and will have support in science, and social studies. LEARNING SUPPORT CLASSESStudents are enrolled in Learning Support classes based on their individualized education plans. Students receive specially designed instruction to develop skills following the scope and sequence of common core standards. MATH 8 SUPPORT (Taken in addition to grade level math course)Designed to support students in learning the concepts and skills for Math 8 through additional time and teacher instruction. It is recommended for students who need extra support and who have previously struggled with math. Please contact your student’s counselor to find out more about support opportunities. TIER II READING (Taken in addition to grade level English)Tier II Reading is a supplementary reading class designed to provide struggling readers with targeted, skill-based strategies in order to close the gap between their current reading level and the intended grade level. This class is separate from a student’s English class; activities are individualized based on the needs of the students. Students are closely monitored for development and growth in their reading. ................

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