Phonics planning:

|Week beginning |All of the ICT resources can be found at under phonics, week 6. |

|Day |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|Review- |Play time challenge from |Play Quickwrite with all phase 2 sounds. Say a |Play time challenge from |Play Quickwrite with all phase 2 sounds. |Play time challenge from |

|Revise previous | |letter-sound (with the flashcard and action if | |Say a letter-sound (with the flashcard and | |

|sounds learnt. | |necessary) and ask the | |action if necessary) and ask the | |

| | |children to write it, saying the letter | |children to write it, saying the letter | |

| | |formation patter as they do so | |formation patter as they do so. | |

|Teach- |Introduce the letter h and b. The |Introduce the phoneme f with actions. Show that|Introduce the phoneme l with actions. Show |Recap the phoneme s. Ask children to show |Teach tricky words I go no |

|Look at new |children practise writing the letter h |there are two ways of writing this sound. We |that there are two ways of writing this |you the actions and pick the letter that | |

|sounds/tricky |and b - with a finger in the air, on |can write it as f but sometimes at the end of a|sound. We |makes that | |

|words. |the carpet, on the back of another |word it is spelt ff (remind children that the |can write it as l but sometimes at the end |sound from some magnetic letters. Explain | |

| |child or, on a whiteboard. |sound is |of a word it is spelt ll (remind children |that ss can also make the same sound. | |

| | |still the same. Model using soundtalking to |that the sound is |Remind | |

| | |read fun and puff. |still the same) |children that double letters often come at | |

| | | | |the end of words. | |

|Practice- |Ask the children to write these words |Hold up sentence on card or whiteboard Read |Practise Play Sound Buttons. Words: hum bug|Ask the children to write these words on |Ask the children to write their own |

|As a class |on their white boards. |together model blending tricky words. Where |back fan huff leg fill full |white boards: |sentences using these three words. |

|practice- | |there is a double letter draw a line underneath| |less hiss fuss kiss mess niss dess tass | |

|writing/reading. |Words: hat hug big bag bed bat hap huck|both letters to show that it is one sound only.| |goss. | |

| |bip bem bup hin |I can huff and puff. Get off the bus. It is fun| | | |

| | |to sit back to back. | | | |

|Apply-Game/activit|Play Dinosaur eggs from |Play sentence substitution from |Play word search from |Play Phoneme pop from |Play Sentence substitution from |

|y to use sounds | | | | | |

|learnt. | | | | | |


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