Global 10 Syllabus for Mr - Wappingers Central School District

Global 10 Syllabus for Ms. Garrison’s Class


Grade: 10 Credit: 1.0 Rank: 1.00

Prerequisite: Global History and Geography I (Global 9)

Assessment: In Global II (grade 10), all students take the NYS Global

History and Geography Regents examination in June. The Regents exam

is also the final exam for the course and counts as 20% of the final

course average. Students must pass this course and the Global History

and Geography Regents exam in order to graduate.


Textbook: World History: Connections to Today (Prentice Hall, 1999)

(Text book will be used in class. Students may have a text book for

home if they request it.)

Welcome! Here are the guidelines, procedures and requirements that will be utilized in this class.

The purpose for this Global 10 class is to:

1. Give you a working knowledge of Global history, consisting of Absolutism through modern times, and review the important 9th Grade concepts. This includes knowledge of the important historical figures, their influence upon events and concepts, and geographical location and resources.

2. The skills and procedures needed to pass the cumulative knowledge and

Regents based final exam. The final exam will be formatted and

administered based on New York State standards and mandates.

3. Give you a foundation knowledge that will combine with the material

you encountered in 9th grade. The combined knowledge will allow

you to successfully pass the 10th grade regents exam.


|Areas of Study |Absolutism (1550-1800) |

| |France under Louis XIV |

| |Triumph of Parliament in England |

| |Rise of the modern European state |

| |Absolute monarchy in Russia |

| |The Enlightenment (17 15-1800) |

| |The Age of Reason philosophers |

| |Enlightenment ideas spread |

| |The French Revolution(1789-1815) |

| |Eve of Revolution |

| |Creating a new France |

| |Radical France |

| |The Age of Napoleon |

| |The Industrial Revolution(1750-1900) |

| |Dawn of the Industrial Revolution |

| |Britain leads the way |

| |Hardships of the Industrial Revolution |

| |New Ideologies |

| |Industrial Revolution Spreads/Cities |

| |Revolutions in Europe and Latin America(1790-1848) |

| |“When France sneezes, Europe catches a cold.” |

| |Latin American wars of Independence |

| |Nationalism in Europe (1800-1914) |

| |Building a German State |

| |Unifying Italy |

| |Russian Reform |

| |The New Imperialism (1800-1914) |

| |A western dominated world |

| |The partition of Africa |

| |European Challenges to the Muslim World |

| |The British take over India |

| |The New Imperialism in China |

| |Japan modernizes |

| |Impact of Imperialism |

| |World War I and its Aftermath (1914-1919) |

| |The stage is set |

| |A new kind of War |

| |Making Peace |

| |The Russian Revolution (1917-1939) |

| |Two revolutions in Russia |

| |From Lenin to Stalin |

| |Life in a Totalitarian State |

| |Crisis of Democracy (1919-1939) |

| |Recovery and Economic Collapse |

| |Rise of Fascism |

| |Hitler and The rise of Nazi Germany |

| |World War II and its Aftermath (1931-1949) |

| |Aggression, Appeasement and War |

| |Axis Advances |

| |Global conflict |

| |From World War to Cold War |

| |The Cold War (1945-present) |

| |The Soviet Union |

| |Warsaw Pact vs. NATO |

| |Cold War all over (Cuban Missile Crisis, Race for Space) |

| |East Asia and Southeast Asia (1945-present) |

| |Japan as a superpower |

| |China: Reform to Revolution (Mao) |

| |Asian Tigers |

| |South Asia and the Middle East (1919-present) |

| |India seeks self rule (Gandhi) |

| |Nation building in the Middle East |

| |Africa (1945-present) |

| |Achieving Independence |

| |Struggles for Independence (Apartheid) |

| |Modern Struggles in Africa |

| |Latin America (1945-present) |

| |Forces shaping modern Latin America |

| |Review for Regents will include 9th and 10th grade material. |

| | |

|For Information |For a complete review of the NYS Social Studies Learning Standards, see |

| | |

| |For the complete NYS core curriculum for Global History and Geography, see |

| | (pp. 89-120) |

Class Attendance Policy:

Attendance will be taken every class and the school attendance policy will be followed.

• If you are absent from class - it is your responsibility to see me - to get the work you have missed. If you are absent from class you will have 1 school day to make up work missed. Failure to make up work will result in a zero. (notes, worksheets etc.)

• If you have been absent (1) one day and there was a previously announced test or quiz, you will be taking it. (Students will be notified of tests and quizzes well in advance.) With longer absences you have (3) days to make up a test or quiz. Failure to do so will result in a zero.

• Tardiness without a legitimate excuse will not be accepted – code of conduct policy will be followed.

1st Offense: Verbal Warning

2nd Offense: Discussion with teacher

3rd Offense: Phone Call to Parents AND Referral

(Reminder: School Attendance Policy is active and will be followed)

Supplies Needed Every Day:

• Black or Blue Pen (for all written assignments, quizzes and tests)

• 3 Ring Binder / ringed folder (2 or 3in) - Strictly for Social Studies (Any combination for holding papers, maps, assignments and notes.)

• Completed homework / assignments and any handouts / packets that were previously handed out and required for next class.

No Pens, Pencils or Replacement Handouts will be supplied!!!

Class work / Homework:

o All homework from the Text Book, Maps, Worksheets and Vocabulary / Identification assigned will be collected on Every Friday for evaluation and grading. No Late Work Accepted

o The class period will consist of discussing assignments, classroom activities, taking notes, reviewing material, completing projects, worksheets, tests and quizzes.

Taking Notes in class is REQUIRED.

o Some class work could be subjected to grading and would be assessed as a homework assignment.


Homework / Class work / Maps 25%

Quizzes / Tests / Projects 50%

Data Based Questions and Essays 25%

Total 100%

Extra Help Guidelines:

1. Students must make arrangements with me in advance, (At least 1 days notice) during the school day, to stay after school.

2. In accordance with school policy you MUST have an after school pass signed by me to stay after school and be allowed to ride the after school bus.

3. You must have an academic reason for staying after with me. My time (and yours) is valuable.

4. Review sessions will be available for cumulative exams (based on student need) and dates will be announced in class.

Asking for extra help shows initiative and a concern or one’s academics and is encouraged by this instructor.

You are responsible for the following:

• RESPECT other people, their personal space and property at all times.

• Keeping school property in good condition.

• Doing all your own work. Plagiarism and cheating of any kind will result in a zero. (For you and anyone you “borrow” from)

• Staying in your seat until you are dismissed.

• In accordance with rules stated in the Code of Conduct Handbook Cell phones, Ipods, Video Games and other electronic devices are not permitted in class. Violation of this rule will not be tolerated.


Students are instructed to turn off their phones / Ipods etc. before entering the classroom. Violation of this policy may result in confiscation of the phone / Ipod/mp3, removal from the class room and/or administrative discipline.

(Headphones must be put away and not in use)

Contact Information:

Ms. Garrison Room: 285

Ph #: (845)-298-5100 Ext. 31147 (Special Education Office)

E-Mail: jennifer.garrison@

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Roy C. Ketcham High School

Global 10 Policies & Expectations 2014-2015

Ms. Garrison

The Global Studies (Global 10) class policies and expectation have been discussed with your child. Please review this form with your child again. After reading and discussing this document with your child, please sign it and return it to me as soon as possible.

I have read and discussed the support class policies and expectation with my child.

Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Student Signature Date


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