Leon Goldstein High School

Leon Goldstein High School Humanities Department

Mr. Joseph Zaza Principal Christian Del Re AP Humanities

Ms Adrion. Global Studies 9th Grade Homework Assignments

Email Msadrion@

Global History and Geography II

Middle Ages To The Scientific Revolution

Refer to the following textbook World History the Human Experience

Unit I Review and Reflect How to analyze Primary Sources. Students will be placed into groups and analyze different primary sources ( work sheet provided) Present conclusion to class. Different documents from Unit I.

Lesson 1 Has Nature been good to Japan?

Read pages 315-319 use class notes and readings

Define Shinto, Selective Borrowing, Ring of Fire, Tsunami, Arable, Volcano, Typhoon, Terrace, Archipelago

1) Make a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting Ancient Greece and Japan’s geography.

2) Write a 1-11/2 page essay :Compare and contrast the geographical features of Japan and Greece Discuss how geography influenced these two cultures.

Lesson 2 Who were the Khmer?

Read pages 311-314

Define: Animism, Archipelago

1) How might Buddhism or Confucianism complement the belief in animism?

2) Why did the Vietnamese have their own spoken language, which differed from Chinese, but used Chinese characters to write that language?

3) List three ways in which China influenced South East Asia? Which influence do you think is most significant and explain why?

Lesson 3 In what ways did Chinese innovations change the cultures of Korea and Japan?

Read pages 315-329

Define: Shamanism, Shogun, Daimyo, Samurai, Shogunate, Code of Bushido

1) In which society did women enjoy more privileges, the neo-Confucian Korean society or the Japanese feudal society? Explain

2) Complete the Social Hierarchy Pyramids.

2 a) Compare and contrast the feudal system in Japan and that of Medieval Europe

3) How has nature influenced the development of Japan’s belief systems?

4) List three reasons how and why life changed under the Tokugawa Shogunate.

5) DBQ Practice Shinto” The Way of Spirits. Complete questions and write a short essay using the documents page 405

Lesson 4 What were the contributions of the Tang and Song Dynasty’s?

Read pages 304-308 use class notes

Define:Metiocracay, Gentry, Dowry, Pagoda

1) Make a creative newspaper heading of the achievements of the Tang Dynasty.

2) What was the significance of the Grand Canal to the Song Dynasty?

Lesson 5 Who was Genghis Khan ?

Read pages 309-310

Define Pax Mongolia, Steppe,

Identify Marco Polo, Genghis Khan, Kublai Khan

1) Why did Kublai Khan choose to comply with some Chinese traditions?

2) Why do you suppose he appointed only Mongols and foreigners to high government positions ?

3) How did the Mongol conquests promote trade and cultural diffusion? Give examples.

Lesson 6 How did the Mongol’s conquest promote trade and cultural exchange?

Re-read pages 309-310 and class notes

1) Why were the Mongols able to conquer China?

2) List three ways that the Ming Dynasty changed life in China.

3) Research on line to investigate some aspect of global trade today. For example you might focus on major trade organizations such as the World Trade Organization, or major trading partners of the United States. Summarize your findings

Political Cartoons Analysis of Political Cartoons : students will construct their own political cartoon/ or Graphic Novel Activity Genghis Khan /Silk Road

Lesson7 How did Charlemagne rule the Frankish Empire?

Read pages 256-261

1) How did Charlemagne use each of the following to strengthen his rule? A) record keeping b) Education and learning c) Blending of Germanic, Roman and Christian traditions

2)Make an tombstone and write an epitaph of Charlemagne’s lasting legacy.

3) Why was Charlemagne successful in enlarging and maintaining his empire?

4) Primary Source Reading Charlemagne Sends out Messengers of the Lord a) What were the broad goals of government envisioned by Charlemagne?

Lesson 8 To what extent did the Manor System create a self-sufficient society?

Read pages 262-266

Define: Feudalism, Fief, Vassal, Chivalry, Manoralism, Serf , Knight

1) How did the breakdown of central authority in Europe lead to the development of Feudalism?

2) Describe the relationship between the peasant and the lord.

3) Imagine that you are a peasant on a Medieval manor. Write a diary entry describing a typical day in your life. Include all of your activities from sunrise to sunset.

Lesson 9 Should organized religion play an active role in society?

Read pages 267-271

Define Sacrament, Abbott, Cardinal, Lay Investiture, Heresy, Excommunication, Friar, Mendicant, Canon Law, Tithe

1) The Middle Ages was known as an “Age of Faith” Explain this description.

2) Primary Source Reading Medieval Pope Demand Obedience and Subservience. A)Why did the pope claim authority over kings? B) What enabled them to enforce this authority?

Lesson 10 How did monarchy break down feudalism?

Read pages 272-277

Define Magna Carta, Common Law, Grand Jury, Middle Class, Parliament,

Identify: William the Conqueror, Otto the Great, Henry IV

1) What steps did William the Conqueror take to exert royal power in England?

2) What principles did the Magna Carta establish?

3) List two reasons for the conflict between popes and monarchs. How would you resolve the conflict?

4) Primary Source Reading The Church Opposes Private Warfare A) Why did the Church seek to prevent fighting over the weekend? B) What types of punishment were provided for violations?

Lesson 11 Why did Pope Urban II call for a Crusade?

Read pages 282-285

Define Crusade, Seljuk Turks

Identify: Richard I, Saladin

1) Primary Source Reading Pope Urban Launches the Crusades 1095 A)What arguments were used by Pope Urban to persuade knights to join the Crusades?

Lesson 12) What were the long lasting effects of the Crusades?

Class notes

1) Complete Regents DBQ Richard the Lion Heart King and Crusader Answer questions that follow and write an essay using the documents.

2) Why is the Crusades known as “The most successful failure in history?” Explain in a short essay.

Lesson 13 Was the growth of Medieval towns a benefit to Western Civilization?

Read pages 286-292

Define Money Economy, Guild, Charter, Usury, Apprentice, Journeyman, Troubadour, Vernacular, Scholasticism

1) How did the growth of towns affect the rigid class system of the times?

2) Primary Source Reading The Medieval Guild a) In what different ways were guild members aided by the regulations of their guild? B) How did these regulations affect non members?

3) Primary Source Reading Dante Descends into the Inferno A) What evidence can you find that Dante knew history and mythology as well as the bible? (Cite the reading then explain)

Lesson 14 How does disease affect society?

Use class notes, reading

Define Small pox, Aids, Bubonic Plague, SARS

1) How would society in the United Sates be affected if mysterious diseases wiped out 90 percent or more of the population? Explain the Social, Political and Economic implications

Lesson 15 Can Disease stimulate worldwide change?

Read page291 Trail of the Black Death use class notes and readings

1) How did the Black Death lead to social disorder?

2) Primary Source Reading The Black Death a) What was the Black death b)What problems did it pose for people living in a town?

3) Research a disease and how it affects social, political and economic aspects of a country. ( Suggestions AIDS, Swine Flu, Bird Flu, SARS. West Nile Disease, Smallpox, Influenza) AT LEAST a One page essay double spaced

Lesson 16 Is a strong central government necessary to establish order and stability?

Read pages 293-301

Define: Great Schism, Babylonian Captivity

Identify: Joan of Arc, Edward IV. Richard III, Henry VII John Wycliffe, Jan Hus, 1) What were the causes and effects of the Hundred Years War? Fill in the chart

2) Why did reformers criticize the Church in the late 1300’s?

3) Construct a report card for Joan of Arc and grade her on the following A) Leadership B) Motivational Speaker C) Military Strategy D) Speeches E) Effort

Write a paragraph: If you were a solider would you follow Joan into battle explain why why not?

Lesson 17 Who were the Medici’s?

Class notes, Readings, Film

1) Write an editorial on how Cosimo Medici improved Florence.

2) Imagine you are an advisor to Lorenzo Medici. Write a letter to Lorenzo of how his wealth should be used to encourage cultural growth.

Lesson 18 Was the Renaissance more Medieval or Modern?

Re read pages 364-371 Use class notes, readings

Identify : Petrarch, Leonardo da Vinci, Michangelo, Rafael, Sofonsiba, Castiglione, Machiavelli

1) Describe three ways in which the Renaissance differed from the Middle Ages.

2) Compare and contrast art work from the Middle Ages and Renaissance. (Print out the pictures and discuss in a short essay the comparison and contrasts)

3) Primary Source Reading The Genius of Leonardo da Vinci 3a) Discuss the following statement by Will Durant about Leonardo da Vinci “ Contemplating his achievement, we marvel at the distance man has come from his origins, and renew our faith in the possibilities of mankind.” 3b) Is a present day genius likely to have as wide interests as Leonardo? Why/Why not Explain

Lesson 19 Should world leaders be guided by the views of Machiavelli?

Use Class notes, readings

1) Find a political article from a magazine or newspaper. Discuss how the ideas of Machiavelli may be used in politics today (AT LEAST One page double spaced essay)

Lesson 20 How did the Renaissance develop in Northern Europe?

Read pages 372-375

Identify Francois Rabelais, Erasmus, Peter Brueghel, Jan Van Eyck, King Henry VII., Thomas More, William Shakespeare, Johann Gutenberg

Define Vernacular, Utopian

1) Predict Consequences: What impact would the printing press have on religious reform movements of the 1500’s?

2) How did northern Renaissance artists blend Italian Renaissance ideas with their own.

3) Primary Source Readings Renaissance Individualism Rabelais 3a)How does the excerpt from the writings of Rabelais reflect Renaissance individualism?

4) What about Shakespeare’s plays drew people form all social classes to the theater?

Lesson 21 Who was Martin Luther?

Read pages 376-378

Define Indulgences, Diet, Justification by Faith, Vocation.

1) How did revolts against the Roman Catholic Church affect northern Europe society?

2) Primary Source Comparison Catastrophe: The Peasants Rebel in the German States 1524-1525 Martin Luther What were the grievances of the German peasants? 2b) Compare these grievances with those of the English serfs Froissart On Great Peasant Revolt in England 1381.

Lesson 22 How did the Reformation bring about two different paths in Europe?

Read pages 379-381

Define Predestination, Identify Zwingli, John Calvin, Henry VIII, Catherine of Argon, Anne Boleyn, Edward VI, Mary, Elizabeth I

1) Primary Source Strict Calvinist Regulations1a) How do the laws regulating life in Geneva reflect the religious views of Calvin? 1b) Find a NYS law that may be similar to a law in Geneva.

2) Imagine that Catherine of Aragon had given birth to a male heir to the English throne. Do you think England would have become Protestant? Why or why not?

Lesson 23 What was the Counter Reformation?

Read pages 382-384

Define Council of Trent, Seminary, Baroque,

Identify: Ignatius Loyola

1) Evaluate the actions the Church took to halt the spread of Protestantism and their effects. Which were successful which were not?

2) Primary Source Reading The Society of Jesus Loyola 2a) What were the objectives of the Society of Jesus?

Lesson 24 How did geography and natural resources affect the development of early societies throughout Africa? Readpages 332-336 Use Class notes and Reading

Define: Sahara, Savanna, Cataract, Desertification, Bantu Nubia, Meroe

Cultural Diffusion Concept Connector (pg 345*) Answer Thinking Critically

Lesson 25 How did trade influence the kingdoms of East Africa?

Read pages 336-340 (Economic lesson)

Define Sundiata, Almoravids, Timbuktu, Axum, Griots

1) Determine why trade was vital to the economies of Ghana and Mali?

2) Geography application Ibn Batuta travels to Mali. Answer the questions that follow

3) How did the Gold –Salt trade develop between West and North Africa?

Lesson 26 How did the kingdoms of West Africa Develop and Prosper?

Read pages 336-340 Use class notes and reading

Define Surplus, Commodity

Identify: Mansa Musa, Ghana, Sundiata, Songhai, Mali

1) Find a sculpture/painting or print of African Art print it out. Pretend you are an art critic and discuss the piece of art you had chosen. Discuss historical background, area, culture, type, materials used etc.

Lesson 27 Who was Mansa Musa?

Class reading and activity Graphic Novel of Mansa Musa

1) Write a two day journal entry of your travels with Mansa Musa.

2) Choose another leader in history that we have studied and in the cartoon fill in a conversation between Mansa Musa and your chosen leader.

Lesson 28 How did geography shape the lives of Latin Americans? Read pages 341- 345 Use class notes, readings

Fill in the following chart

|Geographic Feature |Location |Description |Positive Effects for the |Negative Effects for the |

| | | |people and country |people and country |

|Andes Mts | | | | |

|Amazon River | | | | |

|Caribbean Islands | | | | |

|Yucatan Peninsula | | | | |

Lesson 29 What factors encouraged the rise of powerful civilizations in Mesoamerica? Read pages 346-351 Use class notes and reading

Define: Maize, Stela, Tenohtitlan, Chinampas, Tribute, Teotihuacan

Identify: Olmecs, Mayans, Incas, Aztecs

1) How do you think archeologist use public buildings, monuments, and artwork to trace the influence of earlier civilizations such as the Olmecs, on later civilizations?

Lesson 30What characterized the cultures and civilizations that developed in the Andes?

Use class notes and readings

Define Quipu, Ayllu, Adobe,

Identify: Sapa Inca, Chavin, Moche, Cuzco

1) Explain three ways in which you think the Inca system of roads strengthened the empire?

2) Regents DBQ Practice Aztec Training and Education Answer the questions. Using the information from the documents and your knowledge of global history write an essay in which you discuss how an aspiring Aztec tradesman might advise his son or daughter.

Lesson 31 How did the search for spices lead to global exploration?

Read pages 395-399

Define: cartographer, Line of Demarcation, Circumnavigation

Identify: Henry the Navigator, Vasco da Gama, Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan, Bartholomeu Dias

1) Primary Source Reading Vasco da Gama Reaches Indies 1498 1a) What rights did de Gama seek to obtain for Portugal from the King of Calicut? In what products was he especially interested?

Lesson 32 What effects did Europeans exploration have on the New World?

Read pages 400-405

Define: Conquistador

Identify: Cortes, Francisco Pizarro, Montezuma, Tenochititlan

1) Make an obituary column for Montezuma.

2) What motivated Europeans to move from their countries to the Americas?

Lesson 33 What effects did the European exploration have on the people of Africa?

Re- Read pages 400-405, use class notes and readings

Define Triangular Trade, Middle Passage, Plantation, Monopoly, Missionary

1) Primary Source Reading The Slave Trade 1a) How did slave traders obtain their human cargo? 1b) what was the reaction of the captives to slavery?

2) Would the Europeans have taken the same course in Africa if the people there had been Christian like themselves? Explain your answer

Lesson 34 Did the Commercial Revolution benefit the world?

Read pages 406-411

Define Joint Stock Company, Entrepreneur, Mercantilism, Balance of Trade, Bullion

1) Primary Source Reading British and French Mercantilism Hat Act Louis IXIV 1A) What was the purpose of the Hat Act? 1b) Why did this legislation seem reasonable in England, unreasonable in America? 1c) What steps were taken by Louis XIV and Colbert to increase trade?

2) Which class of European society benefited most from the Commercial Revolution? Explain its effects on the two social classes living at that time.

Lesson 35 How did European nations build empires in South and South Asia

Class notes and reading

Define: Outpost, Dutch East India Company, Sovereign

Identify: Afonso de Albuquerque, Mughal Empire, Malacca

1) Why did the leaders of the Netherlands give so much power to the Dutch East India Company?

2) Write a biographical essay about Afonso de Albuquerque. 1 pages double spaced

Lesson 36 What is absolutism?

Use class notes and readings

1) Primary Source Reading Absolutism in Theory James I Bishop Laud 1a) What seems to be the goal of government envisioned by James I? 1b) How is the King’s position justified by Bishop Laud?

Lesson 37 How did Philip II extend Spain’s power and help establish a Golden Age?

Read pages 416-418

Define: Absolute Monarch, Divine Right, Armada,

Identify: Hapsburg Empire, Philip II, El Escorial, El Greco

1) Write an editorial of the positive and negative effects of Philip II of Spain.

2) Research El Greco; print out one piece of artwork from El Greco and write a short synopsis. Write an art critique of why you like or don’t like the painting.

Lesson 38 Who were the Tudors?

Read pages 419-423

Define Balance of Power, Poor Laws

Identify Henry VIII, Elizabeth I, William Shakespeare, James I

1) How did Tudor monarchs restore order and respect for their throne?

2) Make an epitaph of Elizabeth I .

Lesson 39 How did the British Parliament assert its rights against royal claims to absolute power in the 1600’s?

Read pages 488-491

Define Dissenter, Puritans, English Bill of Rights, Limited Monarchy, Cabinet, Oligarchy, Constitutional Government

1) Primary Source Reading Puritan Revolution Charles I is Executed 1649 1a) What was the basic charge against Charles I?

2) Primary Source Reading Glorious Revolution: Parliament v. James II 1688

2a) What was the basic chare against James II?

3) What was the significance of the action taken by Parliament against these two rulers?

Lesson 40 What impact did the Glorious Revolution have on democratic principles?

Use class notes and reading

Define Habeas Corpus, Prime Minister, Bill of Rights,

Identify: Charles II, William and Mary,

1) Why was the Charles II called the Merry Monarch?

2) How was his reign different from his fathers?

3) Google the US Bill of Rights and choose one. Which outcome of the Glorious Revolution influenced that idea?

Lesson 41 How did the two great empires of Austria and Prussia emerge from the Thirty Year’s War and subsequent events?

Read pages 428-431 Use class notes and readings

Identify: Ferdinand of Styria, Treaty of Westphalia, Maria Theresa, Frederick II, Silesia

1)What factor caused the Thirty’s Years’ War? What was the result of this conflict?

2) Make a Facebook pager of Maria Theresa, General Info, Interests, Etc.

Lesson 42 How did Peter the Great and Catherine the Great Westernize Russia?

Read pages 432-434 Use class notes and readings

Define: Warm Water Port, Partition, Autocratic, Westernization, Boyar

Identify: IvanIV, Peter theGreat, Catherine the Great

1) Make a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting Peter and Catherine’s Sovereignty.

2)Primary Source Reading Absolutism in Practice: Peter the Great 2a) What were the important achievements of Peter the Great?2b) How can one explain his cruelty?

3) Construct a Magazine Cover “Catherine the Great” Bullet point her achievements, failures, and personal life

Lesson 43 How did France become the leading power of Europe under the absolute rule of Louis XIV?

Read pages 424-427 Use class notes and readings

Define: Intendant, Levee

Identify: Henry IV, Edict of Nantes, Cardinal Richelieu, Treaty of Utrecht, Versailles, Jean Baptiste Colbert, Huguenots

1) Primary Source Reading Absolutism in Practice: Louis XIV 1a) Which of Louis XIV’s suggestions to his grandson wo0uld be most effective? Explain why.

2) How did Henry IV’s conversion to Catholicism help France unit?

3) Why did other European nations form alliances to oppose France’s plan to expand?

Lesson 44 How did discoveries in science lead to new way of thinking for Europeans?

Read pages 511-517 use class notes and readings

Define: Gravity, Calculus, Hypothesis, Scientific Method, Heliocentric,

Identify: Copernicus, Tycho Brahe,, Johannes Kepler, Galileo, Francis Bacon, Rene Descartes, Robert Boyle, Isaac Newton

1) Fill in the T Chart Prior Learning Scientific Method

1a) In what ways did the Scientific Method differ from earlier approaches to learning?

2) Primary Source Reading Roger Bacon Forerunner of Modern Science

2a) Why is Roger Bacon considered a forerunner of modern science? Cite the document before you respond to the question.

3) Primary Source Reading Galileo: Scientist and Heretic 3a) Why did the Church object to Galileo’s views?3b) What was the significance of Galileo’s trial?

4)Research a scientific breakthrough (ex organ transplantation, Vaccination, MRI, Cat Scan machinery, Genotyping, Cloning) Write a press release announcing it to the world.







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