DDCUS 9th Grade Spanish Language Syllabus 2021-2022

DDCUS ? 9th Grade Spanish Language Syllabus 2021-2022

Mr. Chaves

email: rchaves@

Room 307

Course Description The goal of Ninth Grade Spanish Language course is to provide students with a comprehensive immersion into the Spanish Language and Literature for understanding, interpreting, and reinforcing their knowledge. Attached you will find a general guide describing what will be covered during the school year. This syllabus is subject to change and occasional review.

Textbook: 1. ELE actual A1 y A2.

Materials: We will be using a Spanish Language journal in class as well as the ELE Actual A1 and A2 mentioned above. In addition, printed worksheets and online resources will be used in class for further learning of topics. Journal will be required on a daily basis for class. IPads will be used when necessary.

Communication: Parents and students can contact me by email at rchaves@.

Grading Policy: A: 90 - 100% Outstanding B: 80 - 89% Good C: 70 - 79% Satisfactory D: 60 - 69% Minimal; improvement needed F: 0 - 59% Unsatisfactory


Classwork (30%): Students are expected to actively work in class activities, laboratory activities, etc. All students should arrive on time to fully participate in class. If students are tardy without an excuse, their participation grade will be lowered. In addition, students are expected to actively engage in class discussions and activities.

Assessments (60%) Include tests, quizzes, and projects.

Homework (10%): Students are expected to efficiently complete their assigned homework by the assigned due date. Late homework is unacceptable.

Conduct and Effort: All students are always expected to behave professionally and adhere to the DDCUS Parent/Student Handbook expectations and the Miami Dade County Public Schools Code of Conduct. Respect is our number one rule in class. Students are expected to respect their teacher, classmates, and others. Students are also expected to respect classroom and school property. Students are hold accountable for their actions and must be ready to assume any consequences. Responsibility is also crucial in our classes. Students are responsible for bringing the required materials to class (journal, book, pencils, pens, additional requested materials) and for turning in their classwork/homework on time. In case of an absence, students are responsible for obtaining and completing any work missed. Students are also expected to give their best effort in every class. They should be actively engaged in class.

Make-up for Absences It is the responsibility of the student to check for missed work no later than the day that the student returns to class from an absence. Make-up work will be due the following class session or according to the deadline dates unless other arrangements are cleared through the teacher.

Late work policy

Failure to turn in work on time will mean a deduction of 10 points per day off the grade of the assignment. For example, if students turn in work two days late and they get 80, their final grade will be 60. All late work must be submitted via e-mail.

Students are also encouraged to e-mail the teacher during an extended absence to request work for this class.

Remarks The school-wide behavior, attendance, and tardy policies will be followed. Appropriate attire is expected (see Dress Code). Refrain from having gum in class. The use of cell phones is not permitted in class. Please, put electronic devices away unless being used for class activities specifically. ZERO TOLERANCE FOR ANY KIND OF MISBEHAVIOR, DISRESPECT AND BULLYING.

***Please keep this syllabus for your information and fill in, sign, and return the next page by August 27th, 2021. ***

DDCUS - 9th Grade Spanish Language Syllabus 2021-2022

Dear Parent/Guardian(s): Welcome to Mr. Chaves's 9th Grade Spanish Language Class! Please read the Spanish Language Syllabus with your child and make sure you understand what is expected from him/her to ensure the success in this class. I look forward to working with your child this school year! Sincerely, Mr. Chaves

I have read and understood expectations and guidelines described in Mr. Chaves's Spanish Language Syllabus. Student Name: _________________________ Student Signature:_____________________ Parent Name:________________________ Parent Signature:_______________________


Please fill in, sign, and return by August 27th, 2021


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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