9th grade spanish vocabulary list


9th grade spanish vocabulary list

Getting sick while you are away on a trip can be scary, so health-related vocabulary is a good place to start when learning a new language. Hopefully, you will not need to use most of these words, but they do say that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. With that in mind, let's look at some Spanish vocabulary that might come in useful in a medical emergency. Spanish health vocabulary words Let's start by going over some terms for body parts. Remember that Spanish words can be either feminine (as indicated by the definite article "la") or masculine (as indicated by the definite article "el").La cabeza - HeadLa cara - FaceEl ojo - EyeLa nariz - NoseLa oreja - EarEl o?do - Inner earLa boca - MouthEl diente - ToothLa muela - Back toothLa lengua - TongueLa garganta - ThroatEl cuello - NeckEl hombro - ShoulderEl brazo - ArmEl pecho - ChestEl codo - ElbowLa mano - HandEl dedo - Finger/ToeLa u?a - NailLa espalda - BackLa lumbar - Lower backLa cadera - HipLa pierna - LegLa rodilla - KneeEl tobillo - AnkleEl pie - footLa piel Skin View & Download WorksheetView & Download the Answer Key What is inside also matters, so let's look at a few more words: El hueso - Bone El m?sculo - Muscle La sangre - Blood El pulm?n - Lung El coraz?n - Heart El est?mago - Stomach El h?gado - Liver El ap?ndice - Appendix El intestino - Intestine La vejiga - Bladder La ves?cula Gallbladder El ri??n - Kidney The next thing you will need to know is how to describe what you are feeling in Spanish. To do that, you might want to use some of the following descriptive words and terms. Most Spanish adjectives change their last letter depending on the gender of the noun you pair them with. When two options are given, use the "-o" ending for masculine nouns and the "-a" ending for feminine ones. Inflamado/a - Swollen Sensible - Sensitive Dolorido/a - In pain or sore Irritado/a - Irritated Urgente - Urgent Here are some other common symptoms you might need to explain: La quemadura - Burn La fiebre - Fever La nariz tapada - Stuffy nose Dificultad para respirar - Shortness of breath La tos - Cough La presi?n alta - High blood pressure La presi?n baja - Low blood pressure El mareo - Dizziness El v?mito - Vomit El dolor - Pain La acidez - Heartburn La migra?a - Migraine El calambre - Cramp Las convulsiones - Seizure Finally, here are some common illnesses and conditions in Spanish and their English equivalents: La diabetes - Diabetes La alergia - Allergy La gripe - Flu El resfr?o - Cold La artritis - Arthritis La insolaci?n - Sunstroke La picadura de abeja/avispa - Bee/Wasp sting La fractura - Fracture La herida - Injury View & Download PDF If you find yourself having to visit a doctor's office or even the emergency room, you are going to want to understand what people around you are saying. The following words should help you with that. People El doctor/La doctora/El m?dico/La m?dica - The doctor El enfermero/La enfermera - The nurse El/La dentista - The dentist El cirujano/La cirujana - The surgeon El param?dico/La param?dica - The paramedic El oculista/La oculista - The eye doctor El otorrinolaring?logo/La otorrinolaring?loga - The ear, nose and throat doctor Places La sala de emergencias - The emergency room El hospital - The hospital La farmacia - The pharmacy El quir?fano - The operating room La ambulancia - The ambulance Treatments La inyecci?n - Injection La ciruj?a - Surgery El medicamento - Medicine El antibi?tico Antibiotic El antial?rgico - Anti-allergy medicine El analg?sico - Painkiller La crema - Cream La pastilla - Pill Las gotas - Drops Los primeros auxilios - First aid Los puntos - Stitches La venda - Bandage La receta - Prescription El diagn?stico - Diagnosis El tratamiento - Treatment Now that you've got the vocabulary down, let's finish by going over some common phrases you might hear or need to say when discussing health issues or in an emergency situation. Estoy enfermo/a - I am sick No me siento bien - I don't feel well Tuve un accidente - I had an accident Necesito ayuda - I need help ?D?nde est? el hospital? - Where is the hospital Necesito ver un m?dico - I need to see a doctor ?Llame a una ambulancia! - Call an ambulance! Me duele... (el est?mago/la garganta/etc.) - My (stomach/throat/etc.) hurts Me golpe?... (la cabeza/la espalda/etc.) - I hit my... (head/back/etc.) Tengo fiebre - I have a fever Cuarenta y ocho horas de reposo - Forty eight hours of rest Tome mucho l?quido - Drink lots of liquid Tome el antibi?tico cada ocho horas - Take the antibiotics every eight hours ?Tiene seguro m?dico? - Do you have health insurance? Spanish also has a similar saying to the one in English: es mejor prevenir que curar (it's better to prevent than to cure). Hopefully, this article has done its job, and you can prevent any health-related miscommunications before they happen. Your teen will encounter these ninth grade vocabulary words across subjects -- from history and English to physics and math -- which is why they're called academic vocabulary words. It's increasingly important for your child to know these words to better understand what they read and hear in class. When your ninth grader knows these words well enough to use them in writing and presentations, it will add precision, nuance, and eloquence to your teen's work. Share this list, courtesy of Hyde Park Central School District with your teen. Challenge yourself and your teen to use these words in everyday conversation. Not only will knowing these words help your child excel now, they're words that will pop up on the SAT and ACT, too, when it comes time for your child to apply to college. absolve escalate mediate alleviate evaluate mortify alternative exacerbate niche ambivalent excerpt obscure analyze exemplify obsolete animosity explicit pacify approximate exposition perception arbitrary falter perspective attribute feasible pertinent beneficial feign ponder comprehensive fluctuate prevalent connotation formulate proponent contrast generate punitive credible gist rapport cursory hypothetical rationale cynic impartial reconcile dearth implausible redundant deficient implication respective demonstrate imply retaliate depict incentive sabotage derive incoherent scrutiny detract indolent simulate devastate infamous squander digress infuriate succumb dilemma innovation tangible diligent intercede technique dissent interpret traumatic distort intimidate turmoil diversion isolate valid elation jeopardize verify elicit lucrative viable elude mandatory vulnerable See the academic vocabulary lists for 8th grade and 10th grade, too. Updated: October 29, 2020 Share / Tweet / Pin Me! Food is a necessity, and can also be a source of great pleasure. Being able to talk about Spanish food will come in handy while shopping, dining, traveling, and entertaining friends, so check out this vocab list for Spanish food, including the basic food groups and related verbs. ?Buen provecho! Fruit La fruta Vegetables La Verduras Dairy products Productos l?cteos Meat La carne Dessert El postre Et cetera Related lessons Chores Dishes Restaurant Shops and businesses Spanish lesson plans En fran?ais In italiano Share / Tweet / Pin Me! ?1995?2021 Montgomery County Public Schools, 850 Hungerford Drive, Rockville, Maryland 20850 Privacy | Terms of Use | Nondiscrimination | Accessibility | Ethics Loading... 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