La Salle University

La Salle University

MUS 150-A Art of Listening

Final Exam

Name ______________________________

I. Listening

Excerpt One: Santana: Love of My Life

Bonus - list specific timbre of work

1. Which of the following terms best defines the texture of this example (once the melody is heard)?

a. a. monophonic b. homophonic c. polyphonic d heterophonic e. no texture

2. The melody of three notes up, three notes down is an example of a:

a. a. song b. motive c. crescendo d. cadence e. concerto

3. This melody and harmonies were taken from which well-known composer?

a. A. Bach b. Beethoven c. Brahms d. Berlioz

4. Which of the following terms best defines the meter of this example?

a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d 5 e. no meter

Excerpt Two: Handel: Hallejujah Chorus from “Messiah”

Bonus - list specific timbre of work

5. As this excerpt begins, the voices and instruments are in:

a. a cappella b. chant c. unison d. harmony e. crescendo

6. Which of the following terms best defines the beat of this example?

a. medium fast b. moderately loud c. choir and orchestra d homophonic e. no pitches

7. Which of the following abbreviations would you expect to find regarding timbre of this selection?

a. AABA b. EBGDF c. SATB d. forte e. form

8. Which of the following terms best defines the texture of this example?

a. A. monophonic b. homophonic c. polyphonic d heterophonic e. the texture changes

9. This piece of music is a good example of music that is from the __________ Period:

a. A. Classical b. Common Practice c. Secondary d. Musical

Excerpt Three: Vivaldi Spring Concerto, first Movement

Bonus - list specific timbre of work

Bonus: describe the scenes that are being illustrated in the music

10. This work is classified as a(n)

A. opera B. symphony C. song D. concerto E. short story

11. The solo instrument is a

b. a. violin B. guitar C. percussion D. trumpet E. pianoforte

12. The person playing along with the soloist in the featured areas is the

b. a. conductor B. composer C. concertmaster D. soloist's assistant E. keyboard player

13. This complete work consists of _______ movement(s)

b. a. one B. two C. three D. four E. five

b. 14. This work is from the __________ period

a. a. Late Romantic B. Romantic C. Classical D. Baroque E. all of the above

Excerpt Four: J.S. Bach: Bourree

15. Which of the following terms best defines the texture of this example?

b. A. monophonic b. homophonic c. polyphonic d heterophonic e. no texture

16. Which of the following repeats throughout this example in a short short long pattern?

a. a rhythm b. a harmony c. the timbre d. the texture e. unison

17. Which of the following describes the meter of this example?

a. A. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. non-metric e. no meter

18. The solo instrument is a

c. A. violin B. guitar C. percussion D. trumpet E. pianoforte

19. This movement comes from a larger work called a:

a. concerto b. symphony c. suite d. concert e. cantata

20. What is the form of most movements in a larger work (from the previous question)


21. This larger work is referred to as a collection of:

A. stories b. keys c. instruments d. melodies e. dances

Excerpt Five: Vivaldi Spring Second Movement

22. Which of the following terms best defines the genre of this example?

a. song b. symphony c. opera d concerto e. sonata

23. This movement is most likely the ____________ ?

a. 1st of 4 b. 1st of 3 c. 2nd of 3 d. 3rd of 3 e. 4th of 4

24. Which of the following programmatic ideas is heard throughout this example?

a. the wind b. a thunderstorm c. a dog d. a river e. birds

25. Which of the following terms best defines the timbre of this example?

a. orchestra b. solo violin with orchestra c. string quartet d solo violin e. no timbre

II. Multiple Choice

26. Which of the following is a type of singer?

a. concerto b. cadenza c. libretto d. crescendo e. mezzo-soprano

27. Which of the following is the most common scenario for the elements in a piece of music?

a. meter in 4, homophonic texture, built around a central key

b. meter in 3, homophonic texture, not built around a central key

c. meter in 4, monophonic texture, built around a central key

d. meter in 3, monophonic texture, built around a central key

e. meter in 4, polyphonic texture, not built around a central key

28. What are the abbreviations for the four primary voice types?


29. In which of the following will you find a solo violinist and an orchestra?

a. concerto b. basso continuo c. libretto d. crescendo e. mezzo-soprano

30. The term "crescendo" means to gradually get:

a. louder b. faster c. higher in pitch d. softer e. slower

31. Which of the following is not specifically an element or property of music?

a. duration b. chorus c. pitch d. dynamics e. timbre

32. When listening to music, the “home sound” with a common center of stability is called the:

a. meter b. key c. measure d. tempo e. dynamic

33. What is the "crowning achievement" of Western music?

a. timbre b. polyphonic texture c. video production d. rhythm e. scales

34. The structure of a musical work is said to be its:

a. pianissimo b. dynamics c. form d. melody e. beat

35. Which of the following is not required to fit our definition of music?

a. time b. organization c. singing d. sound

36. Which of the following is NOT appropriate for the year 1600?

a. beginning of the Middle Ages

b. beginning of the Common Practice Period

c. beginning of the Baroque Period

d. beginning of opera

37. A ______ is a resting place in music, and may be either temporary (incomplete) or permanent (complete).

a. pitch b. cadence c. rhythm d. dynamic e. mezzo soprano

38. When the beat is not evident in a musical work, it is said to be:

a. nonmetric b. fast c. inconclusive d. cadence e. accented

39. A work from the Classical Period and beyond is likely to have the first movement in which form?

a. rondo b. binary c. ritornello d. sonata allegro e. none of the above

40. Which of the following is a multi-movement work for an orchestra?

a. symphony b. concerto c. opera d. string quartet e. sonata

41. Indeterminacy allows for opportunities of ___________ in the finished product.

a. rational control b. forms c. rules d. classical ideals e. chance

42. Program music is

a. music that is associated with an extra musical idea, person, concept.

b. music that is found in a recital program

c. music that is used to begin important events

d. music that is not meant to be performed live

43. “Classical” Music will often announce “this is the end” when approaching a:

a. concerto b. cadence c. concert d. crescendo e. contralto

44. Which of the following textures refers to "one melody with some type of accompaniment"?

a. monophonic b. heterophonic c. homophonic d. polyphonic e. hooked-on-phonic

45. What is the term used when a piece of music has an extra-musical idea like a story?

a. video b. secondary c. program d. entertainment e. notice

46. Music that does not have any association with extra musical ideas, people, or concepts is referred to as:

a. quality music b. good music c. pure music d. absolute music e. logical music

47. The "short short short long" phrase that unifies Beethoven's Fifth Symphony is called a:

a. cadenza b. cadence c. aria d. recitative e. motive

48 Who is responsible for keeping the bowing directions consistent in the orchestra?

a. each string player b. concertmaster c. guest soloist d. conductor

49. The Romantic period stretches from 1820 - 1900. This period falls within the __________ Period

a. Baroque b. Medieval c. Renaissance d. Common Practice

50. How many movements are in a typical concerto from the Baroque period onward?

a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5 e. 6

51. Which of the following accurately describes the speed plan of each of the movements of a “typical” cncerto from the Baroque period?

a. fast fast slow c. fast slow fast e. fast dancelike slow

b. dancelike fast fast d. fast slow dancelike

52. Which of the following twentieth century trends is a work never performed the same way twice?

a. Indeterminacy b. Neoclassical c. Common Practice d. Symphony e. Impressionism

53. In the twentieth century, what is the dramatic split that occurs in music for the first time?

a. loud music vs. soft music

b. sacred vs. secular music

c. commercial music vs. “art” music

d. John Lennon leaves the Beatles

54. Which of the following terms describes a timbre?

a. printed music b. fast tempo c. solo piano d soft volume e. thick texture

55. Which of the following refers to a short, instantly recognizable musical idea or fragment?

a. theme b. motive c. sequence d. ostinato e. drone

56. The steady underlying pulse that occurs in a piece of music is called the:

a. beat b. pitch c. timbre d. dynamic e. conjunct interval

57. Which of the following is a multi-movement work for solo instrument with orchestra?

a. symphony b. concerto c. opera d. string quartet e. sonata

58. Which of the following terms means the main melody in a Vivaldi concerto?

a. ritornello b. tune c. melody d. subject e. pianissimo

59. In any piece of music, the beat will always be played by the:

a. drums b. bass c. cymbals d. violins e. it might not be played at all

60. The words "long" and "short" refer to which of the following terms?

a. pitch b. rhythm c. dynamics d. timbre e. motive

61. The words "loud" and "soft" refer to which of the following terms?

a. pitch b. rhythm c. dynamics d. timbre e. motive

62. The words "high" and "low" refer to which of the following terms?

a. pitch b. rhythm c. dynamics d. timbre e. motive

63. What is another name for monophonic texture?

a. harmony b. chord c. unison d. contrast e. disjunct

64. Which of the following is NOT a responsibility of the Concertmaster?

a. tuning up the orchestra

b. deciding on the bowings for the violin section

c. playing any passages written for solo violin

d. assuming the responsibility of conducting the performance if the conductor is unable

e. changing the notes in the orchestra's parts to suit his or her taste

III. Matching

65. Common Practice A. To gradually get softer

66. Repetition B. Soloist’s passage when orchestra stops playing

67. Homophonic C. Work composed for an orchestra and features a soloist

68. Concerto D. Something heard different from the previous section

69. Variation E. Resting place; temporary or permanent

70. Decrescendo F. Self-contained part of a larger composition

71. Pipe Organ G. One melody with some sort of accompaniment

72. Contrast H. When something is heard again, slightly differently

73. Cadence I. The structure of a musical work

74. Monophonic J. Two or more simultaneous melodies

75. Movement K. Period when musical flowed around a central key

76. Key L. A collection of dances

77. Form M. "King of instruments"

78. Cadenza N. One unaccompanied melody / Unison

79. Suite O. Central or "home" sound

80. Polyphonic P. When something is heard again exactly the same

Answer Sheet and Part IV Name _____________________________

1. ________ 22. ________ 43. ________ 64. _________

2. ________ 23. ________ 44. ________ 65. _________

3. ________ 24. ________ 45. ________ 66. _________

4. ________ 25. ________ 46. ________ 67. _________

5. ________ 26. ________ 47. ________ 68. _________

6. ________ 27. ________ 48. ________ 69. _________

7. ________ 28. ________ 49. ________ 70. _________

8. ________ 29. ________ 50. ________ 71. _________

9. ________ 30. ________ 51. ________ 72. _________

10. ________ 31. ________ 52. ________ 73. _________

11. ________ 32. ________ 53. ________ 74. _________

12. ________ 33. ________ 54. ________ 75. _________

13. ________ 34. ________ 55. ________ 76. _________

14. ________ 35. ________ 56. ________ 77. _________

15. ________ 36. ________ 57. ________ 78. _________

16. ________ 37. ________ 58. ________ 79. _________

17. ________ 38. ________ 59. ________ 80. _________

18. ________ 39. ________ 60. ________

19. ________ 40. ________ 61. ________

20. ________ 41. ________ 62. ________

21. ________ 42. ________ 63. ________

IV. True or False. For each statement, indicate if it is true or false. *BONUS - change each false statement to make it read true.

81. The "Three B's of Music" are Bach, Beethoven and Brahms.

82. A work called a concerto is probably performed with singing.

83. A "classic" sensibility stresses an awareness of form and balance.

84. The texture of a musical work will always remain constant all the way through.

85. A cadenza is usually found in a concerto.

86. Polyphonic texture, by its definition, contains harmony (not necessarily accompaniment).

87. When you hear a piece of music, timbre might not necessarily be present.

88. An opera is a multi-movement work for orchestra with an instrumental soloist.

b. 89. _____ The term absolute music refers to a piece of music with a story.

c. 90. _____ A cadenza is a multi-movement work for orchestra with a solo instrument.

d. 91. _____ The term program music refers to a piece of music without a story.

92. It is customary and expected to applaud between movements of a recital.

93. The timbre of a work may be described as loud or soft, fast or slow.

94. "Art" music that centers around a key is said to be from the "Common Practice" period.

95. ______The most common meter you will encounter in music is four.

96. ______ The Common Practice Period was from 1700-1800.

97. Polyphonic texture contains harmony.

98. A "classic" sensibility stresses an awareness of form and balance.

99. All "twelve-tone "music is atonal.

100. All atonal music is "twelve-tone ".

Bonus: Explain how Vivaldi’s Spring is both program music as well as absolute music (music for its own sake)

What does the composition 4'33" mean to you?

Use “The Wizard Of Oz” to explain Sonata Allegro Form.

Please submit the last two pages (completed) to me by 5:00 pm on Friday, May 11. Be sure your name is on the first answer sheet!

You may email to or dreese161@. Please be sure that you receive a reply from me! If you wish, you may also fax the completed exam answers to me at 215-855-0182. Please write your email address on the faxed exam as well, so that I may send a receipt of your exam.

Thanks for a great semester! Best of luck for the remainder of your academic pursuits!!!


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