A chorus line monologue paul


A chorus line monologue paul

PAUL: Well, we were doing this oriental number and I looked like Cyd Charisse. Oh, oh, Anna May Wong, Anna May Wong. I had these two great big chrysanthemums on either side my head and a huge headdress with gold balls hanging all over it. I was going on for the finale and going down the stairs and who should I see standing by the stage door ... my parents. They got there too early. I freaked. I didn't know what to do. I thought to myself : "I know, I'll just walk quickly past them like all the others and they'll never recognize me." So I took a deep breath and started down the stairs and just as I passed my mother I heard her say : "Oh, my God." Well... I died. But what could I do? I had to go on for the finale so I just kept going. After the show I went back to my dressing room and after I'd finished dressing and taking my makeup off, I went back down stairs. And there they were, standing in the middle of all these ... And all they said to me was "Please write, make sure you eat and take care of yourself." And just before my parents left, my father turned to the producer and said, "Take care of my son." That was the first time he ever called me that... I... ah... I... ah.... (breaks down) Related Jessica Lee Goldyn, Paul McGill, Jason Tam and Natalie Cortez in A Chorus Line Paul Golnik Jason Tam, who originated the role of Paul in the Broadway revival of A Chorus Line, will again step into that part July 29-31 in the Hollywood Bowl's staging of the Tony-winning musical. Tam's emotional audition for the 2006 revival was part of the Chorus Line documentary Every Little Step. Watch the singing actor move Bob Avian and the creative team to tears with Paul's monologue. The Hollywood Bowl engagement will be directed and choreographed by Baayork Lee, who appeared as Connie Wong in the original Broadway production and choreographed the Broadway revival. Joining Tam will be Mario Lopez as Zach, Sarah Bowden as Cassie Ferguson, Krysta Rodriguez as Diana Morales, Courtney Lopez as Kristine Ulrich, Sabrina Bryan as Valerie Clark, Robert Fairchild as Mike Costa, Spencer Liff as Larry, Ross Lynch as Mark Anthony, Mara Davi as Maggie Winslow, Denis Lambert as Gregory Gardner, J. Elaine Marcos as Connie Wong and Leigh Zimmerman as Sheila Bryant. Several of the actors appeared in the Broadway revival of the international hit musical. A Chorus Line will be conducted by Patrick Vaccariello and have choreography adapted and re-staged by Lee, from the original by Michael Bennett. Avian, the co-choreographer of the original 1975 Broadway production and director of the 2006 Broadway revival, has joined the creative team as production supervisor. Conceived and originally directed and choreographed by Bennett, A Chorus Line has a book by James Kirkwood and Nicholas Dante, music by Marvin Hamlisch and lyrics by Edward Kleban. Click here for ticket information. Click Here to Shop for TheatreMerchandise in the Playbill Store Edit Comments Share Chorus Line Audition, Paul Jason Tam as Paul San Marco. Paul San Marco is one of the auditioners in A Chorus Line who makes it past the initial cut. Originally portrayed on Broadway by Sammy Williams. The life story of the character belongs to Nicholas Dante. Paul San Marco's Back-story[edit | edit source] Paul San Marco is born in Spanish Harlem to Puerto Rican parents. He is shown to be a friend of Diana Morales. Paul describes him self as "terribly effeminate" when he was a child and as being obsessed with movies and musical theatre, especially Cyd Charisse. He briefly describes being molested in a movie theater when he was a child, and then cannot continue with the question of why he did not think telling anyone about it would be "important." Paul then describes being bullied severely at his Catholic High School and subsequently dropping out at age 15. After dropping out, he tries to find the true definition of what it is to be a man and also starts working as a performer at the Jewel Box Revue, a famous drag show. Because of his size he can only get work as a "pony" (one of the boys dressed as a girl). He must hide this from his Catholic parents. While he does not enjoy the lack of dignity most of the performers seem to have, he does enjoy performing. Unbeknownst to Paul, his parents arrive early to drop off his luggage for his travels to Chicago with the Show (he had told them to come after the show was over) and see him in full drag. Despite initial shock and coldness, his family shows a modest acceptance for him and his father asks the producers to, "Take care of [his] son." Paul then breaks down and cries, ending the interview with Zach. Later Paul falls during the tap combination and hurts his knee. He can not continue with the audition, and his future as a performer is unclear. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. A Chorus Line changed musical theater forever when it premiered in 1975. It's a completely ensemble show with no large scenery, no costumes (except the final number), no intermission and no star. For an era that relied on showy elements, this was the anti-musical musical. But then, the show won the Pulitzer Prize, nine Tony Awards?, and a host of other accolades. How did this musical, called "the first reality show" by original cast member Baayork Lee, capture such an iconic role in American culture? The idea behind A Chorus Line began with two Broadway dancers, Michon Peacock and Tony Stevens. As musicals became more expensive to produce (and flops were abundant), Broadway began to struggle in the early 1970s which caused many dancers to be out of work. Peacock and Stevens thought of an idea to create a theater troupe of just Broadway dancers and approached their friend Michael Bennett with their idea. They knew they needed a name and Bennett was a well-known Tony Award?-winning director and choreographer who got his start as a chorus dancer. Coincidentally, Bennett had been thinking along the same lines ? although his idea was for a show, not a troupe. They decided to get together a group of dancers to share their stories and experiences. On a snowy Saturday evening in January 1974, they did just that. A Chorus Line Original Playbill Cover The interviews began in a circle with each dancer stating their name, where they were born and why they started dancing. As the evening continued, the stories grew and encompassed everything from childhood traumas, insecurities, sexuality and more. The event lasted twelve hours, but there was still more to tell and another evening was scheduled and recorded. Bennett knew he had something with the material and pitched his idea to Joseph Papp, the founder of the New York Shakespeare Festival (NYSF), who loved it. Papp allowed Bennett an unprecedented amount of workshop time for the project and planned to open it in his theater complex, The Public Theater. Bennett then invited the other collaborators to the project. Bennett drew from friends to help shape the piece. First was Nicholas Dante, one of the dancers at the interviews whose story turned into Paul's moving monologue, to develop the book from the recordings. Then Bennett approached longtime collaborator Bob Avian to assist with choreography. He asked Marvin Hamlisch, then a three-time Academy Award? winner and Hollywood's hottest composer, to write the score. Hamlisch had always wanted to write a Broadway musical and accepted. Edward Kleban would write the lyrics and later James Kirkwood came on as a co-bookwriter. However, Bennett was the one who drove the show. The first workshop was on August 4, 1974. A Chorus Line is unique in its development. There was no real script to start with and each role was created organically, individually crafted to suit the talents and personality of the person playing it. Several dancers played versions of themselves and others played characters created from combining several different dancers' stories. The cast members also contributed their own stories that enhanced the characters. Most fascinating was that all of the stories were true ? and the process was deeply emotional for the cast who were used to not being allowed a voice in the creative process. From these character developments and personalities, Hamlisch and Kleban fashioned songs ? for instance, they thought of the song that became "Sing!"during the actress's poor singing audition. But it wasn't until "At the Ballet" that they knew they had something special. Throughout the development process, the cast and creative team worried that the show might be too insular, too focused on the business. They needn't have worried. The show was a massive hit immediately after it premiered at The Public Theater. The glowing reviews poured in. Clive Barnes of The New York Times said, "the conservative word for A Chorus Line is tremendous, or perhaps terrific." A Chorus Line quickly transferred to Broadway and had its first performance on July 25, 1975. It is not an exaggeration to say that A Chorus Line saved Broadway. Broadway attendance was at a near all-time low of 6.6 million before the musical premiered. Afterwards, A Chorus Line shot the attendance up to 8.8 million, became the centerpiece for New York City tourist promotion and led to the revitalization of Times Square. In 1983, on its 3,389 performance, A Chorus Line became the longest running musical in Broadway history, a title it would hold until 1997. One of the reasons A Chorus Line achieved such a blockbuster success was that its stories resonated with everyone ? not just those who dance. While the stories came specifically from dancers, the experiences they described of childhood memories, adolescent awkwardness, loss and hope were universal. It was a show created specifically from the experiences of baby boomers, and strongly appealed to them. Even now, more than forty years later, the themes still resonate and A Chorus Line remains the one singular sensation.

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