Marketing Journals - St. John's University

Marketing Journals

Academics @ AMA

Academy of Marketing Science Review

Advances in Consumer Research

Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics

Asian Journal of Marketing

Australasian Marketing Journal

Consumption, Markets and Cullture

Corporate Reputation Review

Direct Marketing: An International Journal

European Journal of Marketing

Health Marketing Quarterly

Industrial Marketing Management

International Journal of Advertising

International Journal of Bank Marketing

International Journal of Consumer Studies

International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing

International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising

International Journal of Market Research

International Journal of Media Management

International Journal of Mobile Marketing

International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing

International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management

International Journal of Research in Marketing

International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing

International Journal of Sport Marketing & Sponsorship

International Journal of Technology Marketing

International Journal of Wine Marketing

International Marketing Review

International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research

International Review on Public and Non Profit Marketing

Journal of Advertising

Journal of Advertising Research

Journal of Applied Marketing Theory

Journal of Brand Management

Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing

Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing

Journal of Consumer Behaviour

Journal of Consumer Culture

Journal of Consumer Marketing

Journal of Consumer Psychology

Journal of Consumer Research

Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior

Journal of Customer Behaviour

Journal of Database Marketing and Customer Strategy Management

Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practice

Journal of Empirical Generalisations in Marketing Science

Journal of Euromarketing

Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management

Journal of Financial Services Marketing

Journal of Food Distribution Research

Journal of Food Products Marketing

Journal of Global Academy of Marketing Science

Journal of Global Marketing

Journal of Historical Research in Marketing

Journal of Hospital Marketing & Public Relations

Journal of Hospitality and Leisure Marketing

Journal of Interactive Advertising

Journal of Interactive Marketing

Journal of International Consumer Marketing

Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing

Journal of International Marketing

Journal of Internet Marketing

Journal of Macromarketing

Journal of Market-Focused Management

Journal of Marketing

Journal of Marketing Channels

Journal of Marketing Communications

Journal of Marketing Education

Journal of Marketing for Higher Education

Journal of Marketing Management

Journal of Marketing Research

Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice

Journal of Medical Marketing

Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing

Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management

Journal of Pharmaceutical Marketing & Management

Journal of Political Marketing

Journal of Product & Brand Management

Journal of Product Innovation Management

Journal of Promotion Management

Journal of Public Policy & Marketing

Journal of Relationship Marketing

Journal of Research for Consumers

Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship

Journal of Restaurant and Foodservice Marketing

Journal of Retailing

Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services

Journal of Segmentation in Marketing

Journal of Service Research

Journal of Services Marketing

Journal of Strategic Marketing

Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science

Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing

Journal of Vacation Marketing

Managing Service Quality


Marketing Bulletin

Marketing Education Review

Marketing Intelligence & Planning

Marketing Letters

Marketing Review

Marketing Science

Marketing Theory

Marketing Zeitschrift fuer Forschung und Praxis (German)

Der Markt (in German)

Psychology and Marketing

Public Relations Review

Qualitative Market Research

Quantitative Marketing and Economics

Recherche et Applications en Marketing (in French)

Review of Marketing Research

Review of Marketing Science

Revue Française du Marketing

Services Marketing Quarterly

Social Marketing Quarterly

Sport Marketing Quarterly

Young Consumers

Other Journals

Academy of Management Journal

Academy of Management Review

Administrative Science Quarterly

American Economic Review

Annual Review of Anthropology

Annual Review of Psychology

Annual Review of Sociology

Applied Economics Research Bulletin

Business Horizons

California Management Review

Cornell Hospitality Quarterly

Decision Analysis

Decision Sciences


Electronic Commerce Research and Applications

Electronic Markets

Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice

E-Service Journal

EuroMed Journal of Business

Experimental Economics

e-Review of Tourism Research

European Journal of Innovation Management

European Management Journal

Games and Economic Behavior

Harvard Business Review

Information Technology and Tourism

International Business Review

International Journal of Arts Management

International Journal of e-Business Research

International Journal of Electronic Commerce

International Journal of Forecasting

International Journal of Hospitality Management

International Journal of Innovation Management

International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management

International Journal of Logistics

International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

International Journal of Product Development

International Journal of Services and Operations Management

International Journal of Tourism Research

International Journal of Value Chain Management

International Journal on Media Management

International Small Business Journal

Internet Research

Journal of Applied Psychology

Journal of Behavioral Decision Making

Journal of Business & Economic Statistics

Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship

Journal of Business and Psychology

Journal of Business Ethics

Journal of Business Research

Journal of Business Venturing

Journal of Classification

Journal of Consumer Policy

Journal of Consumer Affairs

Journal of Econometrics

Journal of Economic Psychology

Journal of Electronic Commerce Research

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition

Journal of International Business Studies

Journal of International Management

Journal of Internet Commerce

Journal of Management

Journal of Management Studies

Journal of Operations Management

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

Journal of Political Economy

Journal of Public Affairs

Journal of Public Relations Research

Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management

Journal of Research for Consumers

Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management

Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurial Development

Journal of Sport Management

Journal of Supply Chain Management

Journal of Teaching in International Business

Judgment and Decision Making

Long Range Planning

Management Decision

Management Science

Manufacturing and Service Operations Management

MIS Quarterly

Multivariate Behavioral Research 


Organization Science

Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

Organizational Research Methods

Psychological Bulletin

Psychological Review


Public Opinion Quarterly

Research Policy

Seoul Journal of Business

Service Business

Service Industries Journal

Service Science

Sloan Management Review

Strategic Management Journal

Strategy & Leadership

Structural Equation Modeling

Supply Chain Management

Technological Forecasting and Social Change


Tourism and Hospitality Research

Tourism Analysis

Tourism Management

Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review

Academics @ AMA

Academy of Marketing Science Review

Advances in Consumer Research

Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics

Asian Journal of Marketing

Australasian Marketing Journal

Consumption, Markets and Cullture

Corporate Reputation Review

Direct Marketing: An International Journal

European Journal of Marketing

Health Marketing Quarterly

Industrial Marketing Management

International Journal of Advertising

International Journal of Bank Marketing

International Journal of Consumer Studies

International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing

International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising

International Journal of Market Research

International Journal of Media Management

International Journal of Mobile Marketing

International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing

International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management

International Journal of Research in Marketing

International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing

International Journal of Sport Marketing & Sponsorship

International Journal of Technology Marketing

International Journal of Wine Marketing

International Marketing Review

International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research

International Review on Public and Non Profit Marketing

Journal of Advertising

Journal of Advertising Research

Journal of Applied Marketing Theory

Journal of Brand Management

Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing

Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing

Journal of Consumer Behaviour

Journal of Consumer Culture

Journal of Consumer Marketing

Journal of Consumer Psychology

Journal of Consumer Research

Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior

Journal of Customer Behaviour

Journal of Database Marketing and Customer Strategy Management

Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practice

Journal of Empirical Generalisations in Marketing Science

Journal of Euromarketing

Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management

Journal of Financial Services Marketing

Journal of Food Distribution Research

Journal of Food Products Marketing

Journal of Global Marketing

Journal of Historical Research in Marketing

Journal of Hospital Marketing & Public Relations

Journal of Hospitality and Leisure Marketing

Journal of Interactive Advertising

Journal of Interactive Marketing

Journal of International Consumer Marketing

Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing

Journal of International Marketing

Journal of Internet Marketing

Journal of Global Academy of Marketing Science

Journal of Macromarketing

Journal of Market-Focused Management

Journal of Marketing

Journal of Marketing Channels

Journal of Marketing Communications

Journal of Marketing Education

Journal of Marketing for Higher Education

Journal of Marketing Management

Journal of Marketing Research

Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice

Journal of Medical Marketing

Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing

Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management

Journal of Pharmaceutical Marketing & Management

Journal of Political Marketing

Journal of Product & Brand Management

Journal of Product Innovation Management

Journal of Promotion Management

Journal of Public Policy & Marketing

Journal of Relationship Marketing

Journal of Research for Consumers

Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship

Journal of Restaurant and Foodservice Marketing

Journal of Retailing

Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services

Journal of Segmentation in Marketing

Journal of Service Research

Journal of Services Marketing

Journal of Strategic Marketing

Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science

Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing

Journal of Vacation Marketing

Journal of Website Promotion

Managing Service Quality


Marketing Bulletin

Marketing Education Review

Marketing Intelligence & Planning

Marketing Letters

Marketing Review

Marketing Science

Marketing Theory

Marketing Zeitschrift fuer Forschung und Praxis (German)

Der Markt (in German)

Psychology and Marketing

Public Relations Review

Qualitative Market Research

Quantitative Marketing and Economics

Recherche et Applications en Marketing (in French)

Review of Marketing Research

Review of Marketing Science

Revue Française du Marketing

Services Marketing Quarterly

Social Marketing Quarterly

Sport Marketing Quarterly

Young Consumers

Other Journals

Academy of Management Journal

Academy of Management Review

Administrative Science Quarterly

American Economic Review

Annual Review of Anthropology

Annual Review of Psychology

Annual Review of Sociology

Applied Economics Research Bulletin

Business Horizons

California Management Review

Cornell Hospitality Quarterly

Decision Analysis

Decision Sciences


Electronic Commerce Research and Applications

Electronic Markets

Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice

E-Service Journal

EuroMed Journal of Business

Experimental Economics

e-Review of Tourism Research

European Journal of Innovation Management

European Management Journal

Games and Economic Behavior

Harvard Business Review

Information Technology and Tourism

International Business Review

International Journal of Arts Management

International Journal of e-Business Research

International Journal of Electronic Commerce

International Journal of Forecasting

International Journal of Hospitality Management

International Journal of Innovation Management

International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management

International Journal of Logistics

International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

International Journal of Product Development

International Journal of Services and Operations Management

International Journal of Tourism Research

International Journal of Value Chain Management

International Journal on Media Management

International Small Business Journal

Internet Research

Journal of Applied Psychology

Journal of Behavioral Decision Making

Journal of Business & Economic Statistics

Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship

Journal of Business and Psychology

Journal of Business Ethics

Journal of Business Research

Journal of Business Venturing

Journal of Classification

Journal of Consumer Policy

Journal of Consumer Affairs

Journal of Econometrics

Journal of Economic Psychology

Journal of Electronic Commerce Research

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition

Journal of International Business Studies

Journal of International Management

Journal of Internet Commerce

Journal of Management

Journal of Management Studies

Journal of Operations Management

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

Journal of Political Economy

Journal of Public Affairs

Journal of Public Relations Research

Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management

Journal of Research for Consumers

Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management

Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurial Development

Journal of Sport Management

Journal of Supply Chain Management

Journal of Teaching in International Business

Judgment and Decision Making

Long Range Planning

Management Decision

Management Science

Manufacturing and Service Operations Management

MIS Quarterly

Multivariate Behavioral Research 


Organization Science

Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

Organizational Research Methods

Psychological Bulletin

Psychological Review


Public Opinion Quarterly

Research Policy

Seoul Journal of Business

Service Business

Service Industries Journal

Service Science

Sloan Management Review

Strategic Management Journal

Strategy & Leadership

Structural Equation Modeling

Supply Chain Management

Technological Forecasting and Social Change


Tourism and Hospitality Research

Tourism Analysis

Tourism Management

Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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