Law Journals on the Internet

Law Journals on the Internet


[A-D]  [E-H]  [I-M] [N-R]  [S-Z]

This page lists law journals on the internet which have some substantive full text content.

Journals on the internet are free from many traditional publishing constraints, such as the need to recoup their costs, or to produce a new edition at regular intervals in approximately the same size and format. Roughly speaking, the journals here are of three types:

• Full text electronic journals, which publish at regular intervals, but keep all issues available for downloading;

• WWW sites, which make information available as and when they please;

• Text journals, which make some or all of their offerings available electronically as well as on paper.

Many text journals have internet sites which do not contain any article text, but rather abstracts, lists of contents, or advertisements for the paper journal; or they may be subscription-only services. (In most cases the full text is available on LexisNexis Butterworths or Westlaw UK.)

There is a full list of UK Law Journals (paper and electronic) at Warwick.

To search text of law journals on the internet, go to the University Law Review Project.

This list does not cover electronic subscription services.


• ABA Journal

• AEDON (Revista di arti e diritto on line)

• Akron Law Review

• Akron Tax Journal (link currently broken)

• Alaska Law Review

• Alternative Law Journal

• American Jurist Student magazine

• American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law

• American University Law Review

• Amicus Curiae

• Antitrust Policy

• Appellate Counsellor

• Asian-Pacific Law & Policy Journal

• Bankruptcy Developments Journal

• Berkeley Technology Law Journal (formerly High Technology Law Journal)

• Bond Law Review

• Boston College Law Review

• Boston University School of Law Journal of Science and Technology Law

• Canadian Bioethics Report

• Canadian Journal of Family Law

• Cardozo Arts and Entertainment Law Journal

• Cardozo Electronic Law Bulletin

• CEPMLP On-Line Journal

• Columbia Law Review

• Communications Law in Transition Newsletter

• Compleat Lawyer American Bar Association

• Computer Law Review and Technology Journal Texas State Bar

• Consilio (Semple Piggot Rochez)

• Cork Online Law Review

• Crouch & Crouch Family Law Virginia Family Law

• DAJV-Newsletter English and German

• Duke Journal of Gender Law and Policy

• Duke Law

• Duke Law Journal


[A-D] [E-H] [I-M] [N-R]  [S-Z]

• East European Constitutional Review

• Electronic Construction Law Journal

• Electronic Journal of Comparative Law

• Electronic Legal Journal

• Emory International Law Review

• Emory Law Journal

• European Integration on-line papers

• European Journal of International Law

• Faultlines (South Asia Terrorism Portal)

• Federal Communications Law Journal

• Federal Courts Law Review

• Florida State University Law Review

• Forensic Science Communications


• Georgian Law Review

• Gonzaga Journal of International Law

• Government Contracts Law Report Newsletter from Kilcullen Wilson and Kilcullen (Washington)

• Government Information in Canada/Information Gouvernementale au Canada Quarterly electronic journal for discussion and study of Canadian federal, provincial/territorial, and local government information

• Harvard Journal of Law & Technology

• Hastings Women's Law Journal Contents, subscription information and the occasional electronic issue

• High Court Review

• Houston Law Review

• Human Rights Brief


[A-D] [E-H] [I-M] [N-R] [S-Z]

• Indiana Law Journal

• International Journal of Communications Law and Policy

• International Review of the Red Cross

• Internet Law Journal

• Internet Lawyer

• Irish Student Law Review

• Journal of Constitutional Law

• Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture

• Journal of Health Law

• Journal of Information, Law and Technology (JILT)

• Journal of Intellectual Property Law

• Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy

• Journal of Land Use and Environmental law

• Journal of Law & Public Policy

• Journal of Law and Religion

• Journal of Online Law

• Journal of South Pacific Law

• Journal of Transnational Law and Policy


• Kansas Journal of Law and Public Policy

• Law and Contemporary Problems

• Law and Politics Book Review

• Law Letter

• Law Library Resource Xchange

• Law, Social Justice & Global Development

• Law Society Gazette

• Law Talk (NZ Law Society)

• The Lawyer UK professional magazine

• Lawyers Weekly US legal professional magazine

• Legal Survival

• L'Internet Juridique

• Maori Law Review

• McGill Law Journal

• Melbourne Journal of International Law

• Melbourne University Law Review

• Mercer Law Review

• Michigan Telecommunications and Technology Law Review

• Mountbatten Journal of Legal Studies

• Murdoch University Electronic Journal of Law


[A-D]  [E-H]  [I-M] [N-R]  [S-Z]

• National Journal of Sexual Orientation Law

• New England Law Review

• New York Law Journal

• New York University Law Review

• Picturing Justice

• Public Law Research Institute Reports

• Richmond Journal of Law & Technology

• Richmond Journal of Law and the Public Interest


[A-D]  [E-H]  [I-M] [N-R]  [S-Z]

• Scientific Testimony

• SCOLAG (Scottish Legal Action Group) Legal Journal

• Seton Hall Law Review

• Social Science Newsletter Japan

• Southern Illinois University Law Journal

• Stanford Technology Law Review

• Stollfuss Verlag Bonn Fachverlag fuer Steuern Recht Wirtschaft

• Sydney Law Review - before the High Court

• Technology Update--Column from the ABA's Law Practice Management

• Third Branch -- newsletter of the US Federal Courts

• Touro International Law Review

• Touro Law Review

• Trusts and Trustees

• University of Richmond Law Review

• UWLA Law Review

• Verlag Recht und Praxis "Die erste Multimedia- Zeitschrift für die anwaltliche und steuerberatende Praxis"

• Virginia Journal of Law and Technology

• Washburn Law Journal

• Washington University Law Quarterly

• Web Journal of Current Legal Issues

• West Virginia Journal of Law & Technology

• www thelawjournal co uk

• Yale Human Rights and Development Law Journal


© Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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