Evaluation Rubric for PowerPoint Presentation

Evaluation Rubric for PowerPoint Presentation

|Overall Aesthetics (This refers to the look of the slides, not the information presented.) |

|Overall visual Appeal |1 point |2 points |3points |Score |

| |Background makes the pres. hard to read. |There are too few graphic elements. |Appealing graphic elements are included |  |

| |Graphics are confusing and not related to |Appropriate background. Some slides hard to |appropriately. Slides are easy to read and | |

| |words. Too much movement in the slides. Many |read. |movement and sounds are used effectively. | |

| |slides hard to read. | | | |

|Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling |

|Readability of the Slides |1 point |2 points |3 points |Score |

| |There are many errors in spelling, grammar and |There are some errors in spelling, grammar |There are no errors in spelling, grammar and | |

| |punctuation. Bullet format is not consistent or|and punctuation. Bullet format is not |punctuation. Bullets are consistent and clear. | |

| |clear. Too much information on many slides. |consistent on a few slides. Too much |Information is clear and concise on each slide. | |

| | |information on two or more slides. | | |

|Flow of Presentation |

|Organization |1 point |2 points |3 points |Score |

| |Presentation is unorganized and difficult to |Organization could improve. Most of the |Presentation is well organized and sequential. | |

| |follow. |presentation is sequential but there are a | | |

| | |few areas of disorganization. | | |

|Presentation |1 point |2 points |3 points |Score |

|Skills |The presenter(s )didn't know the information |Diction and voice level made listening |Presenter(s) knew the information and progressed | |

| |and got lost often. Diction and voice level |difficult from for the audience. Relied too |smoothly through the presentation. Diction and | |

| |made listening difficult. Read from notes |heavily on notes |voice level engaged the audience in the | |

| | | |presentation. Used notes only as a reference | |

|Meeting Information |1 point |2 points |3 points |Score |

|Objectives |Information did not meet the objective. |Information missing but adequate |Provided information that met the objective | |

| | | |requirements. | |

|Miscellaneous |

|Preparation |1 point |2 points |3 points |Score |

| |Student is unprepared. Student does not have |Student is somewhat prepared. He/she has the |Student is prepared. He/she has the rubric, print| |

| |their rubric and has either neither or one of |print out and the bibliography but does not |out and the bibliography. | |

| |the following at the time of presentation: |have the rubric. | | |

| |print out and/or bibliography | | | |

|Bibliography |1 point |2 points |3 points |Score |

| |Less than the minimum amount of sources is |The minimum amount of sources is used. |The minimum amount of sources is used. Each is | |

| |used. And/or not all sources are relevant to |However, not all sources are relevant to the |relevant to the topic and is accurately | |

| |the topic and/or are accurately documented. |topic and/or are accurately documented. |documented. | |

|Total Points |  |


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