A [Track 03] Listen to two conversations. Circle the ...

majazionline.ir - Edditor:MR mohammad khaleghi

Total Score _______ / 50 points


[Track 03] Listen to two conversations. Circle the correct word to

complete each sentence.

Conversation 1

1. They're talking about Jack's brother / teacher / classmate.

2. The person is talkative / serious / shy.

Conversation 2

3. They're talking about Roger's friend / teacher / classmate.

4. The person is blond / middle-aged / tall.

B Match the sentences with similar meanings.

A _______ / 8 points (2 points each)

1. They're 80 and 85 years old. ____

a. They're medium height.

2. They're not tall, and they're not short. ____

b. They're serious.

3. They aren't funny. ____

c. They're generous.

4. They buy nice gifts for their friends. ____

d. They're hardworking.

5. They're at the office from morning to night. ____ e. They're elderly.

C Read the sentences. Look at the first letter of the missing word.

Write the missing letters to complete each word.

B _______ / 5 points (1 point each)

1. Jane doesn't have short hair. Her hair is l______________.

2. Dan doesn't have straight hair. His hair is w______________.

3. My father has a mustache and a b______________.

4. Pat isn't middle-aged. She's y______________.

5. My uncle doesn't have any hair. He's b______________.

C _______ / 5 points (1 point each)

D Complete the conversation with the correct words and phrases from the box.

curly does he look like friendly is he like medium height red

A: Tell me about your brother. What ____________________________?


B: He's really nice. He's ____________________________. Oh, and he's talkative, too.


A: And what ____________________________? Is he tall?


B: No, he's ____________________________, and he has ____________________________



____________________________ hair. 6

D _______ / 12 points (2 points each)

? Cambridge University Press photocopiable

Four Corners 2 Unit 2 Quiz


majazionline.ir - Edditor:MR mohammad khaleghi

E Read each sentence. Is it grammatically correct? Write C (correct)

or NC (not correct). 1. Jim is short and overweight. ____ 3. They're serious but friendly. ____

2. Tanya is generous girl. ____

4. She has blue new glasses.____

F Complete the conversation with the correct sentences from the box.

E _______ / 4 points (1 point each)

I'm not sure. I don't think so. I think so.

A: Is Bruno from Italy?

B: Yes, ____________________________. He speaks Italian, and his parents live 1 in Rome.

A: Does he like sports?

B: ____________________________. He doesn't play tennis or soccer, and he 2 doesn't watch sports on TV.

A: Is he interested in art?

B: Well, ____________________________. He doesn't like art museums, but he can 3 paint and draw.

G Read the online chat. Write T (true) or F (false).

F _______ / 6 points (2 points each)

1. Sandra knows Kathy's new roommate. ____ 2. Danielle is short and has blond hair. ____ 3. Kathy is talkative. ____

4. Lauren is friendly and confident. ____ 5. Sandra and Kathy are hardworking. ____

G _______ / 10 points (2 points each)

? Cambridge University Press photocopiable

Four Corners 2 Unit 2 Quiz



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