Units 11–12 QUIZ - زبان امید

[Pages:2]Units 11?12 QUIZ

Name: _________________________ Date: _________________________

Score: _________________________

A Listen to the conversations. Check () the correct answers. (4 POINTS)

1. The Great Wall of China

is made completely of dirt and stones. was built by wheelbarrows. is too long to walk in one day.

2. Great Zimbabwe is

on the border of Zimbabwe and Zambia. the largest monument in southern Africa. a modern city with 20,000 people.

3. Easter Island

is close to Chile and Tahiti. has some large statues. has an unusual sculpture museum.

4. The city where the woman lived

is located in the mountains. is known in English as the Sun City. is over 6,000 years old.

B Rewrite the sentences as passive sentences with by. (4 POINTS)

Example: Taylor Swift recorded the song "You Belong With Me." _T_h_e__s_o_n_g_"_Y_o_u__B_e_lo_n_g__W_i_th__M_e_"_w__a_s_r_e_co_r_d_e_d__b_y_T_a_y_lo_r_S__w_if_t.______________________

1. Michael Bay directed the Transformers movies. __________________________________________ 2. Jack Dorsey developed Twitter. _______________________________________________________ 3. Suzanne Collins wrote The Hunger Games novels. ________________________________________ 4. Gustave Eiffel designed the Eiffel Tower in Paris. _________________________________________

C Complete the sentences. Use the passive form of the verbs. (3 POINTS)

1. English _____________ (speak) in Australia and New Zealand. 2. Japanese and Korean _____________ (teach) at this school. 3. Cattle _____________ (raised) in many South American countries.

D Circle the correct word. (4 POINTS)

1. One of the crops grown in China is (cattle / wheat / shrimp). 2. (Goats / Microchips / Oysters) are manufactured in California. 3. I thought I had lost my cell phone, but, (coincidentally / sadly / fortunately), I found it in

my coat pocket. 4. I was looking for a job when, (miraculously / unfortunately / strangely), I won the lottery and went on

vacation instead.

Interchange Assessment Material 2 ? Cambridge University Press 2013 Photocopiable

Units 11?12 Quiz 1

E Complete the sentences. Use the simple past or past continuous of the verbs. (3 POINTS)

1. I _____________ (buy) my favorite jacket while I _____________ (travel) in France. 2. We _____________ (sleep), but the storm _____________ (wake) us up. 3. Ken _____________ (eat) dinner when his boss _____________ (call).

F Complete the conversation. Use the present perfect continuous of the verbs. (4 POINTS)

A: Hi, Jenny! I haven't seen you since last summer. _____________ you _____________ (work) long hours? B: Yes, I have. I _____________ (go) to my job every day, and sometimes on weekends, too. A: And at night? B: Oh, my new dog _____________ (keep) me awake all night!

G Read the article. Then check () the correct answers. (4 POINTS)

1. Renzo Piano studied architecture in

Osaka, Japan. Paris, France. Milan, Italy.

2. In 1969, Renzo Piano

graduated from Milan Polytechnic

Architecture School.

designed an airport. designed a pavilion.

3. Renzo Piano was asked to design a building by

an English teacher. an American art collector. a Japanese pilot.

4. Renzo Piano's largest building is

a large museum. a French building. an airport.

Interchange Assessment Material 2 ? Cambridge University Press 2013 Photocopiable

Units 11?12 Quiz 2


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