Anatomy & Physiology Semester 2 Final Exam Review

1. What is the process by which larger molecules or structures are built up from smaller ones?

2. What is the unit for measuring the energy value of foods?

3. What substance aids in the digestion of fats?

4. Where does most absorption within the gastrointestinal tract take place?

5. Where does mechanical digestion begin?

6. What are three things that the lining of the digestive tract defends surrounding tissues against?

7. What are the three divisions of the small intestine?

8. Where does the chemical digestion of starch begin?

9. What is the main purpose of villi in the small intestine?

10. What side of the heart serves as the pulmonary circuit? What side of the heart serves as the systemic circuit?

11. What heart valves prevent backflow of blood to the ventricles? What heart valves prevent backflow of blood to the atria?

12. What type of blood is known as the universal donor? The universal recipient?

13. What is the proper sequence of hemostasis?

14. When deoxygenated blood leaves the right ventricle of the heart, what blood vessel does it enter?

15. What is the correct sequential path of a normal action potential in the heart?

16. What are the only blood vessels whose walls permit exchange between the blood and the surrounding interstitial fluids?

17. What chambers of the heart receive blood from the lungs and the rest of the body?

18. When does the QRS complex of the ECG appear?

19. What is the purpose of white blood cells and antibodies that are found in the blood?

20. Which blood cell is responsible for the transport of respiratory gases?

21. When would the number of eosinophils increase dramatically?

22. What type of white blood cell contains histamine and exaggerates the inflammation response at the injury site?

23. What are the conducting passageways of the respiratory system?

24. What three things do the conducting passageways perform?

25. What is the gas exchange between the blood and tissue cells?

26. What is the dome shaped muscle below the chest cavity that aids in breathing?

27. What two sets of muscles relax during expiration?

28. Oxygen leaving the alveoli and entering the blood, oxygen binding to hemoglobin in RBCs, and RBCs giving up oxygen to cells of body tissues are all examples of what?

29. What is the term for the rushing of air into the lungs from the environment to equalize air pressure?

30. What is the pathway of urine from the kidneys to the exterior of the body?

31. What are the four organs/structures that belong to the urinary system?

32. What is the basic functional unit of the kidneys?

33. What are the three processes involved in urine formation, in sequential order?

34. Starting from the glomerular capsule, what is the correct order of the renal tubule regions?

35. What are the tubes that extend from the ovaries to each side of the uterus and provide a passageway for the egg to travel?

36. What is the one way that mature human sperm and eggs are similar?

37. What are female gametes called?

38. What is the male gamete called that produces sperm and male hormones and is suspended in the scrotum?

39. What is the muscular structure in which the fetus develops?

40. Where are female eggs produced?

41. Where does fertilization take place?

42. What is the basic difference between spermatogenesis and oogenesis?

43. What are long-lived B cell clone members that do not become plasma cells but are capable of an immune response against the same antigen at a later time?

44. What is the protein secreted by tissues invaded by viruses to protect nearby cells and hinder further multiplication of the viruses?

45. What are the four cardinal signs of the inflammatory response?

46. What are three nonspecific body defenses?

47. Tonsils, Peyer’s patches, and the thymus are all what type of organ (what system do they belong to)?

48. Where are maturing sperm located when they gain their ability to swim?

49. What is the process when the endometrial layer of the uterus is sloughed off?

50. What is the main hormone that acts on the kidneys to regulate sodium ion concentration of the extracellular fluid?

Essay Questions: Be able to answer two of the following questions on the final exam.

1. Imagine you are a drop of blood. Describe the following:

a. The pathway you would take starting and ending at the right atrium, including valves and major vessels.

b. A description of which type of blood (oxygenated/deoxygenated) is found in each of the above mentioned areas.

2. Describe the specific and non-specific defense mechanisms, being sure to include where first, second and third lines of defense fall.

3. The respiratory system involved four processes. Describe the four processes and the parts of the body involved.

4. The digestive system allows for the body to break down materials and utilize them in other ways. Describe the trip/path a meal would take through the digestive system and the processes that would occur.

5. Describe the three processes of urine formation (filtration, absorption, secretion). Complete the following:

a. Where each process is occurring within a nephron.

b. What substances are entering/leaving in each portion of the tubule.

6. Define ejaculation and ovulation. How are they similar and how do they differ? Explain your answer using anatomical references only.


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