Mr Sacht's Classroom

Social Studies 9 Course OutlineMr. Spencer 882-5004Classroom Website: “The Truth About Stories Is That’s All We Are”-Thomas KingIntroductionWelcome to Social Studies 9! We are going to be exploring the “Big Ideas” behind citizenship and ideology in this course. Together I hope to combine aspects of philosophy into our everyday lessons to help foster critical analysis. As much as possible I will also attempt to bring in current events to make the history we are living more relevant to our learning.Course Focus:The Prescribed learning outcomes can be found on ()We will attempt to explore them through the following themes:Political and social revolutions.Ideology, politics, and citizenship.What it means to be a Canadian.Critical assessment of media and contemporary events.Assessment:20% Assignments10% Classroom Participation15%Question of the Day Journal25%Classroom Projects30%“Sum of Us” Final ProjectClassroom Participation: (10%)Students will be expected to actively participate in group activities, classroom discussion, and presentations. Please see me if any of these are cause for concern.Question of the Day Journal: (15%)Students will be maintaining a journal in response to various debate questions throughout the term. These are to be handed in for feedback and kept to the end of the term.“Sum of Us” Final Project: (30%)The year-end project will culminate in both a “project fair” and an exit interview. This will all be in response to the question “What does it mean to be Canadian”?“Open Door” PolicyIf you are having trouble with assignments, projects, or presentations, please do not hesitate to contact me for help. I am more than happy to provide assistance and/or grant extensions provided there are reasons given in advance. ................

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