Shakespeare’s Sonnets – Extra-Credit PowerPoint Project

Shakespeare’s Sonnets – Extra-Credit PowerPoint Project

For extra-credit, you may complete a PowerPoint that demonstrates awareness and understanding of one of Shakespeare’s sonnets. You may use sonnets from your sonnet packet or you can research one of Shakespeare’s other sonnets. You can see an example of sonnet 73 (the one seen in class) on my website. DUE MONDAY.

Requirements - Your PowerPoint should:

1. Create a title slide that includes your sonnet number and your name.

2. In a textbox write lines from the sonnet, exactly as they appear in the original.

- Use either sets of 2 lines, or quatrains (4 lines) and the final couplet.

3. Add relevant images on each slide to add meaning to the sonnet’s text.

- You can set images as the background to slides by saving an image to your network space, right—clicking on a slide, selecting background, going to colors, and then importing the picture.

4. Be emailed as an attachment to Mr. Lorentzen at: You should write “Shakespeare Sonnet PowerPoint” as the subject line.

Additional ideas for creativity and better products on the back.

Shakespeare’s Sonnets – Extra-Credit PowerPoint Project

For extra-credit, you may complete a PowerPoint that demonstrates awareness and understanding of one of Shakespeare’s sonnets. You may use sonnets from your sonnet packet or you can research one of Shakespeare’s other sonnets. You can see an example of sonnet 73 (the one seen in class) on my website. DUE MONDAY.

Requirements - Your PowerPoint should:

5. Create a title slide that includes your sonnet number and your name.

6. In a textbox write lines from the sonnet, exactly as they appear in the original.

- Use either sets of 2 lines, or quatrains (4 lines) and the final couplet.

7. Add relevant images on each slide to add meaning to the sonnet’s text.

- You can set images as the background to slides by saving an image to your network space, right—clicking on a slide, selecting background, going to colors, and then importing the picture.

8. Be emailed as an attachment to Mr. Lorentzen at: You should write “Shakespeare Sonnet PowerPoint” as the subject line.

Additional ideas for creativity and better products on the back.

Ideas for Better PowerPoints!

For a better product, try adding:

movement of text with custom animation.

coloring important words to highlight their meaning (a red rose might be written in red)

music that contributes to the mood of your sonnet and your PowerPoint.

NOTE: Any music with inappropriate lyrics will result in an automatic “F” for the project and disciplinary action. Obviously, use your head and ask if you don’t know if your music is appropriate.

Ideas for Better PowerPoints!

For a better product, try adding:

movement of text with custom animation.

coloring important words to highlight their meaning (a red rose might be written in red)

music that contributes to the mood of your sonnet and your PowerPoint.

NOTE: Any music with inappropriate lyrics will result in an automatic “F” for the project and disciplinary action. Obviously, use your head and ask if you don’t know if your music is appropriate.


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