A free monthly electronic newsletter for the VAN BIBBER, VANBIBER,



Vol. 7 No. 1 - November 2003


Welcome to another edition of the Van Bibber family newsletter. November is a unique month as we celebrate both Veterans Day and Thanksgiving. On Veterans Day we honor those men and women who have served our country in the United States military. On Thanksgiving we give thanks for all our blessings. I hope everyone enjoyed these two holidays.

I thought what better time than this month to recognize our Veterans. As you know I sent out a message asking if you had any Veterans of the family you would like mentioned in the newsletter. I was very pleased at the responses I received. Included in the "Military" section of this newsletter are those Veterans you wanted to recognize for their service and sacrifices they have made for their country. A hearty salute and a big thanks goes out to all of them.

I have always enjoyed publishing the newsletter but this one was extremely pleasing because of all the responses and inputs. Keep up the contributions and we will continue to have an interesting and informative family newsletter. I will be calling for your inputs to December's newsletter in a week or two.

I hope you enjoy your November's issue.

Your Editor,

Gary R. Hawpe



1. New Subscribers -- Address Changes -- Invalid Addresses -- Corrections

2. Judge Rodney J. Hudson

3. California Firefighter Receives Benjamin Franklin Award

4. Research on Lazarus Van Bebber in the State of Oregon

5. Motorcycle Rider Killed Three Injured

6. California Death Records (5) 1940 - 1997

7. Obituaries

8. Recent Deaths

9. Recent Births

10. Marriages

11. Reunions

12. Military News

13. Bits and Pieces

14. Sound Off



This month we have four new subscribers to the newsletter. We lost three others do to invalid addresses. Deanna is back with us after a few months absence. We now have 617 subscribers to the newsletter.

1. Anita Williams -- Awpaxwv@ -- George Dixon and Sophronia Van Bibber

2. Corine Freethy -- -- Boone family connections

3. Mary Rodgers -- mergrossman@ -- Isaac Van Bebber and Mary Martin

4. Valetta Redman -- Valetta14@ -- George Dixon and Sophronia Van Bibber


1. Deanna Archibald -- DeeKayArchi@

2. Janey Conley -- jacystarr2000@


1. Dan and Gwen Romine -- romine@ -- User unknown

2. Hildia Gibeson -- hkgibeson@ -- User unknown

3. Jinny Sparks-Hertenstein -- Enforcer@ -- No such address


In October's newsletter under "Discussions," the birth date of Isaac Van Bibber was erroneously listed as 1775. It should have read 1725. This was brought to my attention by various subscribers. What Bruce did is go back and change it to the correct date on the website. If you printed the newsletter with the error, my recommendation is to reprint page #22 with the correct date.


John VanBibber and Chloe Staniford

Chloe VanBibber and Jesse Bryan Boone

Panthea Grant Boone and Lilburn William Boggs

Albert Gallatin Boggs and Lucy H. Evans

Panthea Boone Boggs and Rodney J. Hudson


HUDSON, JUDGE RODNEY J. Whose portrait it affords us pleasure to present in the body of this work, was born at St. Helena, Napa County, February 20, 1850, and is the son of David and Frances Hudson. Judge Hudson springs from a fine family, his father being a scion of the well-known and highly esteemed Catron family of Tennessee, one of whom, for a period of thirty years, was a highly distinguished Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. His mother was a native of North Carolina, and is allied by blood to one of its best families. Young Hudson grew up at his birthplace, and made the best of the imperfect advantages for obtaining a primary education, which the then inefficient conditions of the schools offered. At the age of fifteen he entered an academy at Sonoma, which was conducted under the auspices of the Presbyterians, where Latin and the higher mathematics were taken up. At the end of the term he wrote and delivered his maiden oration, which was highly complimented by the Professors of the Academy, and served to show clearly the bent of the boy's mind, the latent powers that lay within him awaiting proper development. He then returned to his father's farm, but books had a much greater attraction for him than the humdrum, prosaical avocation of tramping up and down a furrow behind a plow, and a book was generally carried to the field, which received much more attention than the work in hand. He then spent three years in attendance at the St. Helena public schools, which were then of high grade, and here he learned to read Latin fluently and made considerable progress in the high mathematics. During his attendance at this school, and while yet only eighteen years of age, he made his debut into the political arena. In 1868, during the campaign of Seymour and Blair on the one side and Grant and Wilson on the other, a political meeting was held in St. Helena. The late Hon. W. W. Pendegast was the speaker of the evening, and among those present were young Hudson and his father and mother. At the close of Mr. Pendegast's speech the audience began to call loudly for Rodney Hudson, whose abilities as an orator were even then well known among his friend and acquaintances, and by them fully recognized. When the calls for the young man became so persistent that it became evident that the crowd would not hear a refusal, his father departed, either thinking that his presence would embarrass the boy, or not desiring to be present to witness what he considered inevitable failure. His mother, too, felt that a crisis in the boy's life was just at hand, and with her womanly sensitiveness shrank instinctively from witnessing it. But the father's flight and the mother's fears were unnecessary, for the youthful orator was equal to the occasion, and for the space of half an hour he held the audience with his fluent and graceful oratory, and surprised even his best friends by his knowledge of the political issues of the day. Owing to his youth, the effort was regarded with a great deal of favor by all who heard it, and created quite a sensation, and from that time on he has always sustained a high reputation as a public speaker. His next move was to take charge of the St. Helena public schools, having a scholarship of about two hundred, and two assistant teachers. In 1869 he entered the University of Michigan. In a short time his health failed, and he was forced to quit school and return to California. He then entered the law office of Thomas P. Stoney, then County Judge of Napa County, as a student, where he remained for one year. On the occasion of the Fourth of July celebration at St. Helena in 1872, young Hudson, then only twenty-two years of age, was called upon to deliver the oration for the occasion. An extract from the Nap Register, then edited by G.W. Henning, will give an idea of the merits of the effort produced by Mr. Hudson on the occasion: "The oration was by Rodney J. Hudson, whom St. Helena may be flattered to call her 'boy.' Rodney---he will excuse the familiarity---looks the orator. He has a talent which, if cultivated, will place him in the very front rank of public speakers. His personelle and the fact that he was their own, created an interest in him which was not diminished in the least by his finely turned and patriotic periods. * * * We hope he will not go into politics. There is a crown awaiting him in his legitimate professional career which will set more lightly and gracefully upon his head than ever politician's will." In the fall of 1872 he entered the Law School at Lebanon, Tennessee, then presided over by the venerable Judge Carothers. While there he delivered an oration on Washington, which was complimented very highly by the Nashville Union, an extract from which we include in this connection: "His audience was thrilled with delight, excited alike by the spirit and eloquence of his words. The Golden State may well be proud of her representative in the Law School of the University." He graduated at this school and returned to California in 1873. In 1874 he formed a law partnership with the leading practioner in the southern part of the State. After having been there for four or five months he was called upon to make a Fourth of July address, of which the Los Angeles Star says: "The oration was the most superb effort of the kind ever made in Los Angeles. It was beautiful in all its points, and may be considered an oratorical gem of the first water. We have heard the oration spoken of everywhere as excellent, but not more so than its delivery, which was very fine." In 1875 he was nominated and elected by the Democratic party to the position of District Attorney of Los Angeles County. His first case was for murder, and the man was defended by Col. J. G. Howard, confessedly the ablest criminal lawyer in Southern California. The accused was convicted, and when the District Judge came down from the bench he said: "Mr. Hudson, you have conducted this case as well as any lawyer." He retained the office for two years, when, on account of failing health, he came to Lake County and opened a law office. Here he began at once to build up and maintain a good practice, rarely losing a case before a jury. Mr. Hudson sprang boldly and nobly into the great fight made for the new Constitution, urging its adoption by the people with the greatest vigor and eloquence. He took the field and made several brilliant and telling speeches, and was called the captain of the new Constitution forces in Lake County. In 1878 he was put in nomination for the position of Superior Judge of Lake County. It was a matter of serious doubt with his best friends whether or not he could win in the contest, his youth and limited acquaintance militating much against his chances of success. As for himself, he saw that only energy and determination could make success possible, and he mad a thorough and personal canvass of the county, and then just upon the eve of the election addressed the people of the county in almost every voting precinct, which was evidently the great element of his success, as he was able to bring out the merits of his own case with a master hand. He was elected by a large plurality, showing that good work had been accomplished. Once elected, the problem of convincing the people of his judicial fairness and integrity confronted him. Upon taking the bench he announced to the bar that he would endeavor to be impartial and upright, and that he know that he would be endeavor to be impartial and upright, and that he knew that he would endeavor to be impartial and upright, and that he knew that he would be independent, as he did not owe his election to any corporation or powerful influence, but to the people. That he has kept his promise is attested by all the bar of Lake County. He has the reputation of observing a uniform courtesy to the bar while presiding, of being positive in his rulings, and swift to retreat when shown to be in error. Of Judge Hudson the Bulletin of Lake County says: "His rulings exhibit fine legal acumen, and he is one of the best judges in California, and after a while Lake County will be proud to help place him in Congress, where his singular abilities as an orator may have a fitting field in which to display their powers." Rodney J. Hudson is the youngest, but one, of the Superior Judges in this State; and who can read this sketch and see how he has climbed up the ladder, round by round, until he reached that high position when only twenty-nine years of age, without feeling proud of our grand American principles of liberty which give to worth, merit, and real labor, their just meed of reward. He was united in marriage in April 1881, to Miss Panthea Boggs, daughter of A. G. Boggs, of Napa City.

History of Napa and Lake Counties, California -- San Francisco, Cal., Slocum, Bowen & Co., Publishers. 1881. -- Separate reprinting of the History of Lake County with Addendum and Index -- Valley Publishers - 1974 - Fresno, California -- Pages 242 - 244.

Submitted by Gary R. Hawpe -- GRH9999@


Isaac VanBibber and Sarah Davis

Peter VanBebber and Ellinor VanBibber

Jacob VanBebber and Catherine Ann Guthrie

Vardaman VanBebber and Ellen Francis Dodson

Emily Ann VanBebber and David Crockett Pierce

Gertrude Irene Pierce and Charles G. Lanam

George McClain Lanam and Alma Uretta Wahle

Patricia Irene Lanam and Roy Spencer Christensen

Linda Louise Christensen and William Terrence Brown

Jasen Christensen Brown


Pater VanBibber, Jr. and Marguery Bounds

Ellinor VanBibber and Peter VanBebber

Jacob VanBebber and Catherine Ann Guthrie

Vardaman VanBebber and Ellen Francis Dodson

Emily Ann VanBebber and David Crockett Pierce

Gertrude Irene Pierce and Charles G. Lanam

George McClain Lanam and Alma Uretta Wahle

Patricia Irene Lanam and Roy Spencer Christensen

Linda Louise Christensen and William Terrence Brown

Jasen Christensen Brown




Firefighter/Paramedic Jasen Brown of the City of Alhambra, Calif. Fire Department has been selected as this year's winner of the International Benjamin Franklin Fire Service Award for Valor.

This award, co-sponsored by the International Association of Fire Chiefs and Motorola, Inc., will be presented at Fire-Rescue International, one of the largest annual fire and emergency services conferences and expositions in the world. It will be held August 22-25, 2003, at the Dallas Convention Center in Dallas, Texas.

Brown was selected for an act of bravery and heroism at the scene of a major traffic collision in the city of Ventura, Calif. On Feb. 4, 2003, Brown, who was off duty at the time, came upon the scene of a two-vehicle collision and observed a woman who appeared to be in critical condition. Upon further assessment of the situation, Brown observed a 6-month-old infant and a 2-year-old toddler, both in full arrest, in the back seat of the vehicle.

Brown quickly removed the infant from the car and immediately began performing CPR. When he realized that the car was on fire, he freed the 2-year-old, handed the toddler to an off-duty police officer and instructed him to start CPR. After both children were freed, Brown struggled to free the woman in the front of the car. Despite the intensifying fire, Brown, with assistance from civilian bystanders, pulled the trapped woman from the car. Once she was extricated, Brown performed patient assessments on the two injured patients from the second car and provided patient care to all injured individuals until Ventura City Fire arrived.

Because of Brown's quick action and skill levels, he is responsible for saving the life of the woman trapped in the burning car. Unfortunately, both children died from their injuries. However the three adults survived the collision because of the life-saving actions and medical treatment initially provided by Brown.

For his valiant and selfless act above and beyond the call of duty, Firefighter/Paramedic Jasen Brown has been awarded the International Benjamin Franklin Fire Service Award for Valor. This award is the highest honor bestowed by the International Association of Fire Chiefs. On behalf of the entire Alhambra Fire Department, Chief Vincent L. Kemp will accept the International Benjamin Franklin Departmental Leadership Award in recognition of the department's professionalism, service to the public and contribution to the fire service.

This year marks the 34th anniversary of the valor award, which is customarily presented to an individual firefighter for life-saving efforts above and beyond the call of duty. The award is named for Benjamin Franklin, who was one of the first fire chiefs in the United States.

International Association of Fire Chiefs -- August 11, 2003.

Submitted by Sue Bowman --




Supreme Court of the State of Oregon

March Term, 1894

L. Vanbebber, Appellant

Suit for $300 about payment for a fence. Vanbebber lost.

Oregon 1860 Benton County Census -- Prepared by Harley Haskins

487 Vanbibber, Lazarus 55 Farmer & Stock R. Tenn

Martha 55 Tenn

Phillips, Thomas J. 33 Farm Laborer Ky

Vincent, Nimrod P. 26 Farm Laborer Tenn

Lichinthaler, Fergus 23 Farm Laborer Penna

Enumeration of the Inhabitants of Benton County, Oregon Territory

As Taken by Charles Wells, Assessor for the year 1854

Lazarus Vanbebber

1 Legal Voter

1 males of 21 & Upward

0 Males under 21 & over 10 years

1 Males under 10 years of age

1 Females over 18 & upward

1 Females under 18 & over 10 years

0 Females under 10 years

Oregon – Benton County Cemeteries

By Barbara Hanshew & Ethel Shipman

Kings Valley Cemetery

Internments: 500 – 2,000

Acres: 10

Condition: Moderately tended

Year: 1850

Township: 10 s

Range: 6 w

Section: 28

Directions: 1 mile south of Kings Valley on Hwy 223. Cemetery

Association – Bill Eddy, 2620 SW 53rd Corvallis


Martha d. Nov. 3, 1883; 76 yrs. 8 mo.

Lazaris Feb. 27, 1807 – Feb. ??????

Cemetery Records, Benton County, Oregon, Published By

The Genealogical Forum Of Portland, Oregon

With Permission Of The Oregon State Society Of The National Society

Daughters Of The American Revolution Collected And Contributed By

Winema Chapter, Corvallis, Oregon -- Page 10

Benton County, Kings Valley Cemetery

VANBIBER, Martha, wife of L. Vanbiber, d Nov 3, 1883; 26 yrs 8 mo.

VANBEBBER, Lazarus, Feb 27, 1802

History of Benton County, Oregon -- Published by David D. Fagan, A. G. Walling Printer - 1885 -- Page #528.

LAZARUS VANBEBER — Among the many pioneers of Benton County, there are none more highly respected than this early argonaut of King’s Valley, having arrived in that beautiful place where the whole valley lay in its virginity and the feet of white man had hardly tread upon it —— his was among the first to press it. Mr. Vanbeber was born in Clayton county, Tennessee, February 27, 1807. At the age of twenty-one years he emigrated to Illinois, where he followed farming until the spring of 1846, when, with his family and mule teams, he crossed the plains to Oregon, and to Benton County, taking up his donation claim in King’s Valley, where Morris Allen, now lives. He now owns a farm of three hundred and fifty acres in the south end of the valley where he now resides.

Submitted by Dick Walker -- chloride@


Peter VanBibber, Jr. and Marguery Bounds

Jacob VanBibber and Sarah Miller

Ezekial VanBibber and Susan Rice

Rebecca VanBibber and Benjamin Preston Smith

Maggie Helen Smith and Samuel Thomas Bailey

Agnes Bailey and Allen W. Adams

Samuel David Adams


Samuel Adams, 28, Baker

Dies of Fractured Neck as Cycle Hits Tree


Fatality is Eighth in County This Year;

Taxi Passengers Hurt

A young man lost his life and three persons were injured Thursday night in motor vehicle accidents in Portsmouth.

Samuel David Adams, 28, son of Allen W. Adams, 1011 Offner Street, was injured fatally and his uncle, William Hoobler, 48, was hurt at 6:25 p.m. when a motorcycle left the highway and crashed into a tree at North Moreland.

Mr. Adams died in Mercy hospital at 7:40 p.m. of a broken neck. He also suffered a skull fracture on the right side of his head, cuts on the left shoulder and left elbow, cuts on the face and broken left wrist.

Coroner J. D. Rose examined the body at the hospital and found death was caused by the broken neck. The death is the eighth motor vehicle fatality in Scioto county this year.

Mr. Hoobler received face and head injuries.

He told police that he was riding tandem on the motorcycle and that his nephew lost control of the machine in swerving to one side to miss a child on the paved highway.

Curve Accident Scene

The accident was on slight curve in Harrisonville avenue, north of North Moreland school. Mr. Adams was driving north and the machine was driven to the left side of the road. It went into a drainage ditch, crashed through a wooden fence and stopped against a tree. Mr. Adams was hurled against the tree and fell among the wreckage of the motorcycle. Mr. Hoobler was thrown about 12 feet into a hedge in the yard of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dunfee, 1807 Harrisonville avenue.

Grant Dunn, 1807 Harrisonville avenue took Mr. Hoobler in his car to New Boston to get aid and notify relatives.

Mr. Adams was born in New Boston, Aug. 8, 1909. He attended New Boston grade schools and later Portsmouth grade school and high school. He had been making his home with an uncle and aunt, Mrs. and Mrs. Estil Pierce on Seventh avenue in Huntington while employed in the Hopstetter bakery. He had not been working for several weeks and returned here a week ago to visit with relatives. His motorcycle had burned out a bearing and he obtained the cycle from a repair shop about an hour before the accident. He was testing the new part when killed.

Surviving are the father and stepmother and six brothers and sisters, George of Sixth street, Allen Jr., John, Joseph, Martha and Ruth at home.

The body will remain at the Emrick parlors where funeral services will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. Burial will be at Greenup.

Portsmouth Times -- Portsmouth, Scioto County, Ohio -- May 13, 1938 -- Friday -- Page #1.

Submitted by Bruce Logan -- blogan@



The following are five deaths from the California Death Records, between the years of 1940 and 1997, who have a Van Bibber connection.

Isaac VanBibber and Sarah Davis

Martha VanBebber and George Yoakum, Sr.

Isaac Yoakum and Mary Davis

Aaron Alvice Yoakum and Lucinda Elizabeth Duke

Euin Yoakum and Emily Jane Thomas

Jesse Harvey Yoakum and Blanche Job Goe

Last Name: Yoakum

First Name: Blanche

Middle: Job

Birth Date: March 31, 1896

Mother Maiden: Wilson

Father Last: Goe

Sex: F

Birth Place: Missouri

Death Place: Napa County

Death Date: May 15, 1986

Age: 90 years


Isaac VanBibber and Sarah Davis

John VanBebber and Margaret Chrisman

Isaac VanBebber and Mary Martin

John M. VanBebber and Nancy Elizabeth Beeler

Esther Belle VanBebber and Joseph Hunter Yaden

Rufus Madison Yaden and Ada Pearl Jones

Earl N. Yaden

Last Name: Yaden

First Name: Earl

Middle: N.

Birth Date: June 30, 1918

Mother Maiden:

Father Last:

Sex: M

Birth Place: Kentucky

Death Place: Santa Clara County

Death Date: October 12, 1976

Age: 58 years


Isaac VanBibber and Sarah Davis

Martha VanBebber and George Yoakum, Sr.

Jesse Yoakum, Sr. and Martha Berry

William Yoakum and Sarah W. Stone

John E. Yoakum and Jennie S. Reeves

Jennie Yoakum and Charles Dickinson

Last Name: Dickinson

First Name: Jennie

Middle: Y.

Birth Date: July 22, 1881

Mother Maiden: Reeve

Father Last:

Sex: F

Birth Place: California

Death Place: Contra Costa County

Death Date: February 14, 1969

Age: 87 years


Isaac VanBibber and Maria Walraven

Loyal VanBibber and Sarah Elizabeth Robinson

Albert VanBibber and Phebe Eakins

John Howard VanBibber and Della Marie Todd

Lela Ethel VanBibber and Harold Cunningham

Last Name: Cunningham

First Name: Lela

Middle: Ethel

Birth Date: April 20 1916

Mother Maiden: Todd

Father Last: VanBibber

Sex: F

Birth Place: Kansas

Death Place: Tehama County

Death Date: December 30, 1988

Age: 72 years


Isaac VanBibber and Sarah Davis

Martha VanBebber and George Yoakum, Sr.

Jesse Yoakum, Sr. and Martha Berry

William Yoakum and Sarah W. Stone

John E. Yoakum and Alma R. Cody

Queen Linville Yoakum and Sidney Graves

Last Name: Graves

First Name: Queen

Middle: Linville

Birth Date: February 19, 1884

Mother Maiden: Cody

Father Last: Yoakum

Sex: F

Birth Place: California

Death Place: Los Angeles County

Death Date: July 5, 1943

Age: 59 years



James VanBibber and Sarah Margaret Bradburn

Charles Wesley VanBibber and Emma Lee Lowder

Morton Appendix VanBibber and Avis Mariah English

Claude Charles VanBibber and Lovella Arthur


Reverend Claude C. VanBibber, 71, of Portsmouth, went to be with his heavenly father, Tuesday, March 6, 2001. Born Oct. 2, 1929, he is survived by his wife of 46 years, Lovell (Arthur) VanBibber; two sons and daughters-in-law, David and Tammi VanBibber and Dwight and Christine VanBibber of Florida; and one daughter and son-in-law, Ruthie and Steve Haffner of Portsmouth. He is preceded in death by his parents, Reverend Morton and Avis (English) VanBibber; three brothers, Earl, Paul and Dale VanBibber; one sister, Ruth Eleanor VanBibber; and a sister-in-law, Mary Jo French. He is survived by one grandson, Craig Miller of Portsmouth and four granddaughters, Heather Haffner of Portsmouth and Stephanie, Elizabeth and Melissa VanBibber, all of Florida. Surviving are two sisters and brothers-in-law, Hazel and Neville Trimble of South Portsmouth, Ky., and Avis and Homer Tolliver of Michigan; three brothers and sisters-in-law, Morton and Betty Van Bibber of Dayton, Ray and Janet VanBibber of South Portsmouth and Harold and Sharon VanBibber of Florida; sisters-in-law, Charlotte and Janie VanBibber of South Portsmouth and Juanita Van Bibber of North Carolina; and one brother and sister-in-law, David and Sharon Arthur of Mansfield. He is also survived by many nieces, nephews and cousins.

Reverend VanBibber was Pastor of Mt. Tabor United Methodist Church in Ewing, Ky., and a local businessman. He was owner of VanBibber Realty, retried from Cyclops Steel Corporation and served in the Korean conflict as a Corporal in the U.S. Army. He received his Bachelor of Theology Degree from International Seminary and attended Berea Bible College, Ohio University and Shawnee State University. He also served as Lay Minister in various churches in the tri-state area and also enjoyed a music ministry. A 1948 graduate of South Portsmouth High School, he held a great love and devotion for his family and was very much loved and respected. He was a loving husband, father and grandfather and will be remembered for his gentle nature and kindness to all who knew him. The family's favorite charities are the Diabetes Foundation and the American Cancer Society.

Visitation will be at Roberson Funeral Home in South Shore, Ky., from 6 to 9 p.m. Wednesday and from 9 a.m. until the funeral hour Thursday. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday at the funeral home, with Rev. James Loy officiating. Burial will be at Collier Memorial Gardens, with Military graveside services by the James L. Flannery American Legion Post 276.

Portsmouth Daily Times -- Portsmouth, Scioto County, Ohio -- March 7, 2001 -- Wednesday.

Submitted by Bruce Logan -- blogan@


Peter VanBibber, Jr. and Marguery Bounds

Jacob VanBibber and Sarah Miller

Ezekial VanBibber and Susan Rice

Sarah VanBibber and John Morrison

Mary Elizabeth Morrison and Alfred Marcus Deross Cook

Laura Etta Cook and Henry Dennis Gollihue


Funeral services are to be held at 2 p.m. Saturday at Hitchens (Ky.) Community Church for Mrs. Laura Etta Gollihue, 86, of Franklin Furnace, who died Wednesday at Fountainhead Nursing Home.

A native of Willard, Ky., she was of the Baptist faith and was preceded in death by her husband, Henry Dennis Gollihue.

Survivors include four sons, Ray of Ashland, Ky., Manuel of Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., Alfred of Grayson, Ky., and Edgel of Rockwood, Mich.; four daughters, Mrs. Ollie Horner of St. Petersburg, Fla., Mrs. Opal Naiper of Monaville, W. Va., Mrs. Beulah Miller of Franklin Furnace and Lillian Gollihue of Ft. Lauderdale; 41 grandchildren, 87 great-grandchildren and three great-great-grandchildren.

Rev. Clemon Adkins is to officiate at the service with interment to be in Wilson Cemetery near Hitchens.

Friends may call at the home of Mrs. Miller on Holland Ave. in Franklin Furnace after 1 p.m. Friday.

Portsmouth Daily Times -- Portsmouth, Scioto County, Ohio -- July 8, 1971 -- Tuesday.

Submitted by Bruce Logan -- blogan@


James VanBibber and Sarah Margaret Bradburn

Charles Wesley VanBibber and Emma Lee Lowder

Harrison Wesley VanBibber and Nettie Josephine Williams


Mrs. Nettie J. Van Bibber, 83, of Cincinnati, formerly of New Boston, died Thursday at a Cincinnati hospital after a long illness.

A native of Greenup County, Ky., and preceded in death by her husband, Harrison W. in 1967, she was a member of Portsmouth Baptist Church.

Surviving are a son Harrison W. Jr. of Cincinnati; seven grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.

Services are planned at 1 p.m. Monday at Roberson Funeral Home in South Shore, Ky., with Pastor Oscar L. Perry officiating, and interment in Memorial Burial Park.

Friends my call at the funeral home from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday and from 9 a.m. until the time of services Monday.

Portsmouth Daily Times -- Portsmouth, Scioto County, Ohio -- September 13, 1980 -- Saturday.

Submitted by Bruce Logan -- blogan@


John VanBibber and Chloe Staniford

Andrew Donnally, Jr. and Margery VanBibber

VanBibber Donnally and Mary Boyd Waggoner

Andrew VanBibber Donnally and Augusta Hannah English

Mary E. Donnally and Thomas A. Draper


Mr. Draper, 73-year-old retired Chesapeake and Ohio Railway company telegrapher, died Thursday night at his home at 1569 Jackson street after an illness of six months. The body was removed to the Barlow mortuary.

Mr. Draper was a member of the First Presbyterian church and of the Order of Railroad Telegrapher for the railway company for 40 years and was retried in March of this year.

Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Mary Donnally Draper; three sisters, Mrs. Robert Coleman of Charleston, Mrs. Maxine Beheler and Mrs. William Burton, both of Hutington, and three brothers; Pete of Huntington, Joe of Scott and Charles Draper of Bassetts, Va.

The Charleston Daily Mail -- Charleston, Kanawha County, West Virginia -- September 29, 1939 -- Friday.

Submitted by Gary R. Hawpe -- GRH9999@



Isaac VanBibber and Sarah Davis

Peter VanBebber and Ellinor VanBibber

Peter VanBebber, Jr. and Catherine Ridenour

Olive VanBibber and Thomas Ives Fulfer

John Suttle Fulfer and Sarah Ann Davis

James Preston Fulfer and Fannie Ray Bently

Brady Lee Fulfer


Peter VanBibber, Jr. and Marguery Bounds

Ellinor VanBibber and Peter VanBebber

Peter VanBebber, Jr. and Catherine Ridenour

Olive VanBibber and Thomas Ives Fulfer

John Suttle Fulfer and Sarah Ann Davis

James Preston Fulfer and Fannie Ray Bently

Brady Lee Fulfer


Brady Lee Fulfer, 84, of Bentonville died Wednesday, Nov. 5, 2003, in Bentonville.

He was born March 15, 1919, in Floydada, Texas, to James Preston and Fannie Bentley Fulfer.

He attended the Freewill Baptist Church and the Assembly of God Church in Bentonville. He was a farmer and served in the Army during World War II. He received a Purple Heart medal and a medal for the D-Day invasion.

He is preceded in death by his first wife, Jessie Fulfer; two brothers, Jimmy Fulfer Sr. and Jack Fulfer; and two sisters, Annamae Newberry and Virgie Quante.

He is survived by his wife, Opal Dail Fulfer; four sons, Paul Fulfer of Salem, Tommy Fulfer of Bella Vista, Bill Elderton of Laurel, Miss., and Jerry Booth of Centerton; four daughters, Sue Carr of Westmoreland, Tenn., Joyce Wood of Lincoln, Judy Faulkenbury of Rogers and Dianna Musteen of Bella Vista; a brother, Jay Fulfer of Springdale; two sisters, Ethel Draper and Fannie Evert, both of Rogers; six grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

Funeral services will be 10 a.m. Monday in the First Assembly of God Church in Springdale. The Rev. Lonnie Nelson and David Fulfer will officiate.

Burial will be in the Friendship Cemetery.

Arrangements are under the direction of the Memorial Funeral Home in Springdale.

Northwest Arkansas Times -- November 7, 2003 -- Friday.

Submitted by Vanessa Deshazer -- Sanna1998@


Peter VanBibber and Marguery Bounds

Matthias VanBibber and Margaret Robinson

Olive Boone VanBibber and Robert Keenan

William Van Keenan and Electra Caroline Grose

Reuhama Ann Keenan and Charles Wesley Preast

James Alonzo Preast and Virginia Francis Brown

Elzie Otis Preast


Elzie Otis "E.O." Preast, 85, of Gauley Bridge, died Nov. 6, 2003, in Montgomery General Hospital, Montgomery, following an extended illness.

He was preceded in death by his parents, James Alonzo and Virginia Brown Preast; daughters, Delina Richardson and Dollie J. Workman; and son, Nathan Wayne Preast.

Mr. Preast was the owner of the former Preast Transfer Co. of Gauley Bridge and a Pentecostal Holiness minister for 68 years.

Surviving: wife, Julia G. Preast of Bushnell, Fla.; daughters, Verna Stringer of Medina, Ohio, Betty Elkins, Dorthy Pritt and husband, Ted, and Brenda Lanham and husband, Michael, all of Gauley Bridge, Levana Dhaoui and husband, Kais, of Lakeland, Fla., Iris Mendez and husband, Jose, of Tampa, Fla., Helen Salinas and husband, Juan, Cheryl Lennox and husband, Robbie, and Melissa Mendez and husband, Carlos, all of Bushnell, Rebecca Reed and husband, Michael, of Georgia; sons, Stanley Preast and wife, Nadine, of Locust, N.C., Clifford Preast of Gauley Bridge, Carroll Preast and wife, Judy, of Swiss, Elzie O. Preast and wife, Helen, and Robert Preast and wife, Rebecca, all of Lakeland, William Crouse and wife, Regina, and Raymond Crouse, all of Chester, Pa., and Glen Workman of Cocoa Beach, Fla.; sisters, Ethel Humphrey of Alta, Lena Marie Anders and husband, Andy of Portsmouth, Ohio, Mazie Mullins of Clendenin, and Frances Clapp and husband, Chris, of Danville, Ill.; brothers, Elbert Preast and wife, Bernice, of Chimney Corner, and Donald Preast and wife, Betty, of Ansted; 39 grandchildren; 42 great-grandchildren; three great-great-grandchildren.

Service, with arrangements by Pennington Funeral Home, Gauley Bridge, was Nov. 9 at Lanham Trailer Court, Scrabble Creek, Gauley Bridge, with the Rev. Michael Lanham, the Rev. Bob Elkins and the Rev. Lenny Stringer officiating. Burial was in Montgomery Memorial Park, London.

The Register-Herald -- Beckley, Raleigh County, West Virginia -- November 12, 2003 -- Wednesday.

Submitted by Gary R. Hawpe -- GRH9999@


Mr. Van Bibber and Ann ________ (Interned as Ann Van Bibber Little)

Henry Van Tromp Van Bibber and Nancy E. Leak

Thomas H. Van Bibber and Sarah J. Leak

Nancy Jessie Van Bibber and James Knox Polk Thrower

Gladys Densel Thrower and David Homer Starr, Sr.

David Homer Starr, Jr. and Margaret Mary Bussey Starr


David Homer Starr, Jr. Age 84, of St. Simons Island, died on November 18, 2003.

A native Atlantan, Homer was the husband of Margaret Mary (Peggy) Bussey, Starr and the father of 7 sons and 1 daughter. Mr. Starr, the eldest child of David Homer Starr, Sr. and Gladys Densel Thrower, grew up on Virginia Avenue in Atlanta and was graduated from Samuel Inman Elementary School and Boys High School. He attended Emory University and was an officer of Chi Phi fraternity. As an airplane owner-pilot he patrolled the Georgia coast during World War II as a First Lieutenant in the Civil Air Patrol.

Mr. Starr was president of J.W. Starr Lumber Company, a family firm founded in Georgia in the late 1800's. After it closed in 1957, he went on to a varied business career in the timber industry and as a real estate developer in Georgia and Florida. He was the founder and the first president of Air South, a commuter air line, a senior executive in several auto leasing companies and a property developer in New York City and Princeton, New Jersey. In retirement, Mr. Starr founded and developed Five Starr Plantation, a 4,500-acre hunting preserve in Kellyton, Alabama. He was a life member and Paul Harris Fellow in the Rotary Club of St. Simons Island.

An early and lonely member of Georgia's fledgling Republican party, Mr. Starr served as Treasurer of Citizens for Eisenhower and attended the newly-elected President's 1952 Inauguration. He wrote his friend, Charlie West, after the 1990's Republican takeover of the House that "the day we all worked for has finally arrived."

Mr. Starr is survived by his wife of 59 years, Peggy, St. Simons Island and their children and spouses David H. Starr, III, Los Angeles; Bryan and Sally, Atlanta; John and Elizabeth, Fairfield, CT; Peggy and Michael Lambert, Hamden, CT; Chris and Kathy, Decatur, GA; Dean and Amy, Hudson, Ohio; Peter, Atlanta; Philip and Pam, Seabrook, TX and 20 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren.

Homer's sisters also survive him, Mrs. William (Charlotte) Bates, Atlanta; Mrs. Hal (Virginia) Dobbs, Owensboro, Kentucky; Mrs. McCready (Nancy) Johnston, St. Simons Island and Mrs. William (Elizabeth) Towles. A brother, James Thrower Starr, predeceased him.

A scripture service will be held at 7:00 P.M., Friday, November 21 at Edo Miller and Sons Funeral Home in Brunswick, GA. Fr. Cletus Pifher will officiate. A Memorial Mass will be held at 2:00 P.M., Saturday, November 22, at St. William's Catholic Church on St. Simons Island, with Fr. William Kenneally celebrating. The family will have a private interment of the urn at Christ Church Cemetery Columbarium on St. Simons Island. In lieu of flowers, contributions can be sent to Hospice of the Golden Isles, 1692 Glynco Parkway, Brunswick, GA 31525. Edo Miller & Sons Funeral Home, Brunswick, GA.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution -- Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia -- November 21, 2003 -- Friday.

Submitted by Dean Starr -- deanstarr@


Peter VanBibber and Marguery Bounds

Matthias VanBibber and Margaret Robinson

Olive Boone VanBibber and Robert Keenan

William Van Keenan and Electra Caroline Grose

Reuhama Ann Keenan and Charles Wesley Preast

James Alonzo Preast and Virginia Francis Brown

Elzie Otis Preast and Loretta F. Mullens

Nathan Wayne Preast


Nathan Wayne Preast, 35, of Marquand, Mo., former resident of Lakeland, Fla., and Gauley Bridge, passed away May 31, 2003, at Madison Medical Center, Fredericktown, Mo.

Born Aug. 2, 1967, at Gauley Bridge, he was the son of Elzie O. Preast of Lakeland, and the late Loretta Faye Mullins Preast. Besides his mother, he was preceded in death by a sister, Delena Preast of Richardson.

Mr. Preast was a cross country truck driver.

Survivors include daughters, Delina Marie Preast of Mulberry, Fla., Tabitha Christine Preast of Polk City, Fla., and Jasmine Preast of Lakeland; father and stepmother, Elzie O. and Julia G. Preast of Lakeland; sisters, Verna Stringer of Medina, Ohio, Betty Elkins of Gauley Bridge, Dorthy Pritt and husband, Ted, of Gauley Bridge, Brenda Lanham and husband, Michael, of Gauley Bridge, and Levana Dhaoui and husband, Kais, of Lakeland; brothers, Stanley Preast and wife, Nadine, of Locust, N.C., Clifford Preast of Gauley Bridge, Carroll Preast and wife, Judy, of Swiss, E.O. "Otis" Preast and wife, Helen, of Lakeland, and Robert Preast and wife, Becky, of Lakeland; special companion, Patty Trymire of Missouri and her son, Cody R. Cox, and her parents; and numerous aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and trucker friends.

Service was June 5 at Pennington Funeral Home Chapel, Gauley Bridge, with Rev. Michael Lanham officiating. Entombment was at Montgomery Memorial Park, London.

The Register-Herald -- Beckley, Raleigh County, West Virginia -- June 11, 2003 -- Wednesday.

Submitted by Gary R. Hawpe -- GRH9999@


Peter VanBibber, Jr. and Marguery Bounds

Matthias VanBibber and Margaret Robinson

Felicity Brown VanBibber and Moses Mann Hill

William Spencer Hill and Mary Jane Martin

Margaret Felicita Hill and Erastus Campbell Beckett

Effie Beckett and Landon Lee Branham

Betty Jean Branham and Rexford Marlin Hammonds


CUYAHOGA FALLS -- Rexford M. Hammonds, 79, died June 11, 2003.

Mr. Hammonds was born in Ward, W. Va., and was a longtime Cuyahoga Falls resident. He had worked as a machinist for Automatic Sprinkler, was a past member of the Northwest Avenue Church of Christ, and was a veteran of World War II, having served with the U.S. Army.

He was preceded in death by his son, Rexford M. Hammonds Jr., and daughter, Peggy Miller, and is survived by his wife of 55 years, Betty; sons and daughter-in-law, Thomas and Cathy Hammonds of Stow, and Michael and Michaelann Hammonds of Cuyahoga Falls; daughter and son-in-law, Olivia and Anthony Rubino of Doylestown; son-in-law, Timothy Miller of Texas; daughter-in-law, Jean Nichols of Randolph; 19 grandchildren, 30 great grandchildren, one great-great-granddaughter; sister and brother-in-law, Delores and Robert Workman of Crosslanes, W. Va.; and numerous nieces, nephews, and friends.

Memory of a Good

Husband and Father

The things we feel so deeply,

Will be the hardest things to say.

God saw you were

getting weaker,

And carried you away.

The family chain is broken,

And our hearts are too,

But when we meet over yonder,

There will be lots to do.

We'll have a joyous reunion,

And mend the link that's broken.

Until that day comes,

we all know you're

in the arms of Jesus.

Friends may call form 6 to 8 TONIGHT at the Clifford-Shoemaker Funeral Home, 1930 Front St., Cuyahoga Falls, where a funeral service will be conducted at 1 p.m. Friday, grandson Joseph Rubino officiating. Friends may call for one hour prior to services on Friday. Interment at Western Reserve National Cemetery.

Akron Beacon Journal -- Akron, Summit County, Ohio -- June 12, 2003 -- Thursday -- Page B8.

Submitted by Thomas Hammonds -- hammondst@


Peter VanBibber, Jr. and Marguery Bounds

Jacob VanBibber and Sarah Miller

Nancy VanBibber and Moses Haney

David Haney and Martha Ann Henry

Adoniram Judson Haney and Mary Louise Clarke

Roy Wilbur Haney, Sr. and Marie A. Simmons

Roy Wilbur Haney, Jr. and Ruth E. Cannon


June 22, 1920 - June 23, 2003

SYLVANIA - Roy W. Haney Jr., 83, of Sylvania, died Monday at The Toledo Hospital.

The Ironton native was born June 22, 1920, the son of the late Roy W. and Marie Simmons Haney.

He was the husband of Ruth Cannon Haney, who survives.

He was a 1938 graduate of Ironton High School and a veteran of the Army Air Corp, where he served in the Pacific Theatre during World War II. He began his cemetery career at Woodland Cemetery in Ironton taking over for his parents as grounds superintendent. He then served in similar capacities at Union Cemetery in Columbus, White Chapel in Troy, MI, Toledo Memorial Park in Sylvania and finished his 45-year career at Historic Woodlawn Cemetery in Toledo as Executive Director, retiring in 1985. His memberships included Toledo Rotary Club, VFW Post 3310 and served as Past President of Ohio Turf Grass Council and The Ohio Association of Cemetery Superintendent and Officials, and he was a charter member of Spectrum Friends of Fine Art, a Certified Master Gardener and was a member of the Ottawa-Jermain Park Board.

He also was preceded in death by a brother Jack; sisters, Nancy Gallagher McKee, Virginia Krell, Barbara "Polly" Haney; a daughter Mary Christina Haney; and great-grandson, Ashton Haney.

Survivors, in addition to his wife, include two sons and daughters-in-law, Pat and Luana Haney, Tim and Joyce Haney, two daughters and sons-in-law, Cindy and Mark Gillis, Karen and Robert Haney-Thomas; and seven grandchildren.

Funeral will be 10 a.m. Friday at Walker Funeral Home, 5155 W. Sylvania Ave., Toledo, Ohio, just west of Corey Road. Burial will be in Historic Woodlawn Cemetery. Visitation will be 3-9 p.m. today at the funeral home.

The Ironton Tribune -- Ironton, Lawrence County, Ohio -- June 26, 2003 -- Thursday.

Submitted by Gary R. Hawpe -- GRH9999@


Isaac VanBibber and Sarah Davis

John VanBebber and Margaret Chrisman

Isaac VanBebber and Mary Martin

John M. VanBebber and Nancy Elizabeth Beeler

David Isaac VanBebber and Martha Emmaline Blackburn

Cora Ann VanBebber and William Greenberry Smith

Lonnie Haze Smith and Ruby Dean Hopper


SPEEDWELL, Tenn. - Ruby Dean Hopper Smith, 68, passed away at her home in Speedwell, on Sunday, November 23, 2003. She was born January 20, 1935, in Speedwell, Tenn., the daughter of Laudie Ulis Hopper and Thelma May Gent Hopper. She was married to the late Lonnie Haze Smith on January 19, 1952, and they raised a family of eight children. They were life-long residents of Claiborne County, Tenn.. She was baptized on August 26, 1956, into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and was an active member and worker in the church. She will be greatly missed by all family and friends.

In addition to her parents and husband, she was preceded in death by brothers, Earnest Junior Hopper, Dorsey Tilman Hopper, and Charles Arthur Hopper; and granddaughters, Dawn Francis Marie Smith and Roxanne Smith. Survivors include her children and their spouses, Deborah Kaye Sutton and Roger, Arthur, Tenn., Joan Brewer and Ricky, Speedwell, Gary Steven Smith and Barbara, Harrogate, Tenn., Billy Haze Smith and Katja, Navarre, Fla., Anita C. Smith, Speedwell, Lonnie Dean Smith and Rebecca, Morristown, Tenn.; step-children, Ronald Willard Smith and Barbara, LaSalle, Mich., Janis Faye Ratliffe and Fred, Sandy, Utah, Ann Gent, Speedwell; brother, Ralph Hopper, Shawanee, Tenn.; sisters, Cozette Evans, and Tina Morgan, and spouse, Virgil, all of Speedwell; 22 grandchildren, and 10 great-grandchildren.

Visitation will be Wednesday, November 26, from 6-8 at Reece Funeral Home in Harrogate, Tenn., with the funeral service immediately afterward at 8 p.m. Bishop Steve Jepson, Brother Robert Cobb, and Brother Gary Williams will officiate. Burial will be at 10 a.m. Thursday, November 27 at the Smith Family Cemetery on Smith Ridge in Speedwell. Arrangements by Reece Funeral Home and Valley Chapel, 869-3651 or 626-4248.

Middlesboro Daily News -- Middlesboro, Bell County, Kentucky -- November 25, 2003 -- Tuesday.

Submitted by Gary R. Hawpe -- GRH9999@


Peter VanBibber, Jr. and Marguery Bounds

Jacob VanBibber and Sarah Miller

Nancy VanBibber and Moses Haney

David Haney and Martha Ann Henry

Adoniram Judson Haney and Mary Louise Clarke

Roy Wilbur Haney, Sr. and Marie A. Simmons

Roy Wilbur Haney, Jr. and Ruth E. Cannon


Sept. 21, 1919 - July 6, 2003

TOLEDO - Ruth E. Haney, 83, passed away Sunday at Arbors of Waterville.

The Ironton native was born Sept. 21, 1919, the daughter of the late Augusta Geswein and Albert J. Cannon.

She was a 1938 graduate of St. Joseph High School and an avid reader and enjoyed roses and flowers . She worked as a bookkeeper for the Dayton Malleable and Woodland Cemetery in Ironton and the Historic Woodlawn Cemetery in Toledo. She was a member of Flower Hospital Auxiliary.

Ruth was preceded in death by her husband of 56 years, Roy W. Haney Jr., on June 23, 2003. She also was preceded in death by a daughter Mary Christina; a great-grandson, Ashton; a sister, Kathleen Cannon and brothers, Tom Cannon, Bert Cannon and Jack Cannon.

Survivors include two sons and daughters-in-law, Pat and Luana Haney and Tim and Joyce Haney; two daughters, Cindy and Mark Gillis and Karen and Robert Haney-Thomas; grandchildren, Jason, Tim, Marc, Kathleen, Anna, Brad and Jenny; two brothers, Gene Cannon and Bill Cannon; and sisters, Rita Marting-Crabtree and Margaret Ann Henneman.

Funeral will be 9:30 a.m. Thursday at Walker Funeral Home, followed by a procession to St. Agnes Catholic Church for a Mass of the Resurrection at 10 a.m. Interment will be at Historic Woodlawn Cemetery. Visitation will be 3-9 p.m. Wednesday at the funeral home, 5155 W. Sylvania Ave., West of Corey Road, with the Rosary at 7:30 p.m.

Memorials may be made to Flower Hospital Auxiliary.

The Ironton Tribune -- Ironton, Lawrence County, Ohio -- July 8, 2003 -- Tuesday.

Submitted by Gary R. Hawpe -- GRH9999@



Isaac VanBibber and Sarah Davis

Isaac VanBibber, Jr. and Elizabeth Hays

Matilda VanBibber and James Estill

William Kavanaugh Estill and Margaret Ellen Larch

George Jones Estill and Mary Emma Arnett

Olive Winifred Estill and William Paul Corbaley

Paul Estill Corbaley and Ruby Muriel Carter

Ruby Darlene Corbaley and Lawrence Scott Mann

Lawrence Clare Mann and Shelly Horne

Cory Paul Mann and Rebecca Sue Baker

Taylon Christopher Mann

To Cory and Becky Mann, a son, Taylon Christopher, was born November 23, 2003 in Idaho Falls, Bonneville County, Idaho. Little Taylon was born at 10:30 p.m. weighing 6 lbs., 3 oz. at a length of 20 1/2 inches long. Mother and son are doing fine. Taylon is the 7th great grandson of Isaac Van Bibber, Jr. and Elizabeth Hays, and the 9th great grandson of Daniel Boone and Rebecca Bryan. This is the first great grandchild for Darlene and Scott Mann, and we are all very excited.

Submitted by -- Darlene Mann -- SMann20926@


John VanBibber and Martha ________

Absalom VanBaber and Francis A. Dickson

John Green VanBibber and Mary C. Collier

William Noah VanBibber and Alpha Jane Forrester

Lewis Arvil VanBibber and Hazel Hulsey

Lewis Marvin VanBibber and Linda Ellinor Koerner

Luther Daniel VanBibber and Marian Therese Jones

Conor Nickolas Lewis VanBibber

I would like to announce the birth of my grandson Conor Nickolas Lewis Van Bibber. He was born on July 9, 2003 at 8:17 a.m. in Washington Hospital, Fremont, Alameda County, California. Conor weighed 7 lbs., 10 oz. and was 18 3/4 inches in length. Mother and son are doing fine. Conor is the 3rd great grandson of John Green Van Bibber and Mary C. Collier.

Submitted by Lewis Van Bibber -- lmvanbibber@


Isaac VanBibber and Sarah Davis

James VanBebber and Hannah Hoover

Isaac VanBebber and Hannah Long

George VanBeber and Mary Elizabeth Tinsley

George VanBevers and Elizabeth Jones

Charley VanBevers and Etta Jones

Louie B. VanBevers and Freda Jo Dickson

Susan Jean VanBevers and Douglas John Robertson

Steven Douglas Robertson and Wendy Lynn Wilber

Elena Kimbre' Susan Robertson and Grant William Putnam

Ethan Douglas Putnam

I would like to introduce to everyone my first great grandchild Ethan Douglas Putnam. He was born on October 27, 2003 in the McKenzie Willamette Hospital in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. Ethan was born at 8:49 p.m., weighed 8 lbs., 10 oz. at a length of 22 inches. Mother, father and little Ethan are all doing fine. Ethan is the 7th great grandson of James Van Bebber and Hannah Hoover.

Submitted by Susan VanBevers -- vanbwill@email.

Peter VanBibber, Jr. and Marguery Bounds

Jacob VanBibber and Sarah Miller

Nancy VanBibber and Moses Haney

Aaron Haney and Melissa Jane Claypool

Olive Vie Haney and Albert W. McGaffey

David Aaron McGaffey and Lucy May Kimmel

John Albert McGaffey and Frances Ernestine Sojika

Valorie Jean McGaffey and Bruce Duane Burnham

Wesley Bruce Burnham and Darlene LaNell Lammers

Alexander Wesley Burnahm

I would like to announce the birth of my new grandson, Alexander Wesley Burnham, born on November 5, 2003 at 5:02 p.m. at the hospital aboard the base at Fort Hood, Texas. He weighed 6 lbs., 12 oz. and was 18 1/2 inches. He was welcomed home by his four year old brother, Blake Austin, and his parents SPC Wesley B. and Darlene Lammers Burnham of Fort Hood. Mother and son are doing fine. Alexander is the 5th great grandson of Moses Haney and Nancy Van Bibber.

Submitted by Valorie Richards -- kaptkirk@


Isaac VanBibber and Sarah Davis

Isaac VanBibber, Jr. and Elizabeth Hays

Matilda VanBibber and James Estill

William Kavanaugh Estill and Margaret Ellen Larch

George Jones Estill and Mary Emma Arnett

Olive Winifred Estill and William Paul Corbaley

Paul Estill Corbaley and Ruby Muriel Carter

Ruby Darlene Corbaley and Lawrence Scott Mann

Julie Kay Mann and Jeffrey Alan Tobin

Molly Elizabeth Tobin

Jeff and Julie Tobin are the proud parents of a new baby girl. Molly Elizabeth Tobin was born at 7:56 a.m. on November 15, 2003 at the Valley Medical Center in Renton, King County, Washington. She was 7 lbs., 5 oz. and 19 inches long. Mother and daughter are doing fine. Molly is the 6th great granddaughter of Isaac Van Bibber, Jr. and Elizabeth Hays, and the 8th great granddaughter of Daniel Boone and Rebecca Bryan.

Submitted by -- Darlene Mann -- SMann20926@



John VanBibber and Martha ________

Absalom VanBaber and Francis A. Dickson

John Green VanBibber and Mary C. Collier

Sherman VanBibber and Nora A. Parker

Almus Jewell VanBibber and Bessie Young




County of Stoddard

THIS LICENSE authorizes any Judge of a Court of Record or any Justice of the Peace, or any licensed or ordained Preacher of the Gospel, who is a Citizen of the United States, or who is a resident of and a Pastor of any Church in this State to solemnize Marriage between Jewel Vanbiber of Dexter in the County of Stoddard and State of Missouri who is over the age of twenty-one years, and Bessie Young of Dexter in the County of Stoddard and State of Missouri who is over the age of twenty-one years,

WITNESS MY HAND, as Recorder of Deeds with the Seal of Office hereto affixed at my Office in Bloomfield this 6th day of May 1930.

By R. O. Hunt, Recorder of Deeds.

STATE OF MISSOURI, County of Stoddard

This is to certify, That the undersigned, Justice of the Peace did, at Bloomfield in said County, on the 6th day of May A.D. 1930 unite in Marriage the above named persons, and I further certify that I am legally qualified under the Laws of the State of Missouri to solemnize Marriages.

J. B. Cooper, Justice of the Peace

The foregoing Certificate of Marriage was filed for Record in my office on the 7th day of May A.D. 1930.

R. O. Hunt, Recorder of Deeds

Stoddard County, Missouri Marriage Book #16, Page #125.

Submitted by Gary R. Hawpe -- GRH9999@




June 9-13

In 2004 it will be "Meet Me In St. Louie" as we return to the St. Louis area for our "homecoming," which will center on the (Nathan) Boone Home in Defiance and Boonesfield Village, both of which are properties of Lindenwood University. Charter members of the Boone Society who attended the first Reunion in 1996 will be honored. All Boone descendants, families, friends, genealogists,

and historians are welcome to attend.

For more additional information on the reunion and the Boone Society go to the following website: or contact Society President Rochelle Evans Cochran, Rochelle@ or Reunion Chairman Connie Holmes Larson, connielarson@.

Submitted by the Boone Society




Peter VanBibber, Jr. and Marguery Bounds

John Jesse VanBibber and Elizabeth Greenlee

Elizabeth VanBibber and Richard Tillis

Clark Tillis and Eleanor Pontsler

Samuel Pontsler Tillis and Laura Edith Kelly

Arnold Kelly Tillis and Elsie Olo Arnold

Arnold Kelly Tillis, Jr.


"And they who for their country die

Shall fill an honored grave,

For glory lights the soldier's tomb,

And beauty weeps the brave."

-Joseph Rodman Drake

Dear Mr. Tillis and family,

Both the Navy Department's telegram and the Commanding Officer's have reached you by this time and you know that your son Arnold, Jr. died of injuries sustained in action.

It was my privilege to minister to him during the last week of his life and I learned in that brief time to admire his courage and unselfishness. His refusal to leave his post of duty contributed to his death. He was closely watched in sick bay, and the corpsman gave him the most constant and careful attention. I visited him frequently, but he was too weak to talk much. Death when was very sudden. I passed through the ward early in the morning and found him sleeping. Half an hour later I was shocked to hear of his death.

You will be gratified to know that Arnold received a Christian burial ashore. I am glad that we were not obliged to hold the funeral at sea.

The Chaplain of a shore station placed his Chapel at my disposal. A detachment of Arnold's shipmates went ashore with me and we held a very simple and dignified service in the Chapel and then marched to the cemetary, where after a few prayers were read, a firing squad fired the volleys over the grave and the bugler sounded taps. You will be told in due time where your son lies, and if you wish to remove his body to the United States after the war, you will probably be permitted to do so.

If you feel after the war, that a detailed account of the last few days of Arnold's life would console you, you will be able to reach me at 202 South 18th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. The censorship imposes certain restrictions on us now but when the war is over I shall be free to give you particulars that cannot be disclosed at present.

The Navy Relief Society will send a representative to offer you help. The Red Cross will be glad to guide you in obtaining the benefits to which you son's death entitles you.

We were at fond of Arnold and he leaves behind many sorrowing shipmates. The men have asked me to assure you of their deepest sympathy. I will remember you in my prayers, and I hope eventually you will find divine comfort in your grief.

Sincerely yours,

W.C. Klein USNR

of the U.S.S. Alpine

Submitted by Elaine Trotter -- etrotter@




The courage and patriotism of all men and women who have served in the armed services of the United States are honored on Veterans Day.

Observances are held throughout the country on this federal holiday in the form of prayer services, rallies, assembly programs, parades, patriotic speeches, and grave-side flag displays.

We would like to observe our subscribers of the Van Bibber Pioneers family newsletter and fellow family members in our own special way. Below is a list of those Veterans whose names were submitted by our subscribers.



Baker, Elizabeth M. -- Untied States Army Nurse Corps, 1942-1945, 1st Lieutenant, WWII

Baker, Walter L. -- United States Army, 1940-1943, Private, WWII

Berry, Bryan A. -- United States Army, 1970-1972, SPC4, Vietnam

Brown, James -- United States Army, 1986-1992, Corporal

Brown, Joseph -- United States Army, 1979-1989, Corporal

Burnham, Wesley B. -- United States Army, 2001-Present, SPC

Cragg, Rexford B. -- United States Army, 1918-1919, Sergeant

Freriks, Stanley R. -- United States Army, 1942-1946, TEC4, WWII

Gilbert, Leonard A. -- United States Army, 1970-1978, Staff Sergeant

Hammonds, Bobby J. -- United States Army, Korean War

Hammonds, Rexford M. Sr., -- United States Army, 1943-1946, Corporal, WWII

Hawkins, Charles T. -- United States Army, 1953-1955, Private First Class, Korean War

Hawkins, James -- United States Army, 2002-Present, Private First Class, Iraq War

Harvey, Earl K. -- United States Army, 1956-1962, SPC5

Harvey, Richard A. -- United States Army, 1982-1985, SPC4

Hase, Bob -- United States Army, 1962-1965, Sergeant

Hawpe, Dwayne A. -- United States Army, 1969-1971, SPC5, Vietnam

Ross, Benjamin R. -- United States Army, WWI

Ross, Doctor J. -- United States Army, WWI

Ross, William M. -- United States Army, WWI

Kahler, Bill H. -- United States Army, 1945-1947, Private First Class, WWII

Kuldas, Louise J. -- United States Army, Sergeant, 1951-1954, Sergeant

Kuldas, Rob -- United States Army, 1963-1992 Sergeant Major, Vietnam/Gulf War

Logan, Bruce E. Jr. -- United States Army, 1963-1966, Sergeant

Louwaert, Jacob M. -- United States Army, 2000-Present, Corporal

Mann, David James -- United States Army, 2001-Present, SPC4

Mann, Lawrence C. -- United States Army, 1980-2000, Sergeant First Class

McClevinus, Paul C. -- United States Army, 1952-1953, Private First Class, Korean War

McMurray, Daniel R. -- United States Army, 1967-1969, 1980-1998, Sergeant First Class, Vietnam

Molencupp, Joe R. -- United States Army, 1959-1962, SPC4

Payne, Stanley W. -- United States Army, 1949-1952/1958-1974, CWO4, Korea/Vietnam

Price, Thomas W. -- United States Army, 1945-1947, Sergeant, WWII

Putney, Thomas S.B. Jr., -- United States Army, 1967-1970, Sergeant, Vietnam

Shoemaker, Duane -- United States Army, 1986-1989, Ohio Army National Guard, 1989 - Present, Major

Stewart, Mark E. -- United State Army, SPC4

Troyer, Joan -- United States Army, 1974-2000, Sergeant

Tunnell, John -- United States Army, 1968-1971, SPC5

Van Bebber, Calvin -- United States Army -- 1846-1847/1862-1865, Private, Mexican/Civil War

Van Bebber, Charles W. -- United States Army, 1983-Present, Lt. Colonel

Van Bebber, Ronnie -- United States Army, 1964-1966, Sergeant, Vietnam

Van Bebber, Theodore J. -- United States Army, 1952-1954, Sergeant, Korean War

Van Bebber, Thomas J. -- United States Army, 1918-?, Private, WWI

Van Bebber, William H. -- United States Army, 1917-1919, Corporal, WWI

VanBever, Frank T. -- United States Army, Private, WWII

Van Bibber, Lewis -- United States Air Force/Army National Guard/United States Army, 1952-1976, Major, Vietnam

Van Bibber, Lester D. -- United States Army, Sergeant, 1969-1972

VanBibber, Orville W. -- United States Army, 1942-1945/1950-1951 Staff Sergeant, WWII

Walker, Dick -- United States Army, 1948-1952, Corporal, Korean War

Wilcox, Harold R. -- United States Army, 1952-1954, Corporal

Williams, Jerry A. -- United States Army, 1967-1970, SPC4



Engler, Jeffrey -- United States Navy, 1960-1964, Petty Officer 2nd Class

Hartmeyer, Philip L. -- United States Navy, 1949-1953, Boilertech, Korean War

Harvey, Charles K. -- United States Navy, 1985-2000, Commander, Gulf War

Haywood, James E. -- United States Navy, 1941-1961, Chief, WWII/Korean War

Herron, Lewis L. -- United States Navy, 1942-1945, Petty Officer 2nd Class, WWII

Louwaert, Peter M. -- United States Navy, 1960-1964, Petty Officer 2nd Class

Parker, Donald M. -- United States Navy, 1982-1986, Petty Officer 3rd Class

Schafer, Charles R., Jr. -- United States Navy, 1964-1988, Senior Chief Petty Officer, Vietnam

Schafer, Gregory A. -- United States Navy, 1967-1969, Petty Officer 2nd Class, Vietnam

Schafer, Nicky C. -- United States Navy, 1969-1972, Petty Officer 2nd Class, Vietnam

Simmons, Kyle -- United States Navy, 1967-1968, Petty Officer 3rd Class

Snyder, Evelyn -- United States Navy, Petty Officer 3rd Class

Starr, Bryan -- United States Navy, 1969-1977, Petty Officer 3rd Class

Starr, Dean -- United States Navy, 1975-1980, Petty Officer 2nd Class

Straight, David D. -- United States Navy, 1961-1965, Petty Officer 2nd Class

Taylor, Earl -- United States Navy, 1937-1945, Chief Petty Officer, WWII

Taylor, James E. -- United States Navy, 1962-1992, Captain, Vietnam/Gulf War

VanBibber, Louis E. United States Navy, 1942-1946, WWII

Walker, Clyde A. -- United States Navy, 1917-1924, Petty Officer 1st Class, WWI

Williams, Terry -- United States Navy, 1960-1963, Petty Officer 2nd Class



Essary, Terry -- United States Marine Corps, 1989-1993, Lance Corporal, Gulf War

Green, Thomas -- United States Marine Corps, 1998-2002, Sergeant

Hawkins, Randall T. -- United States Marine Corps, 1974-1977, Sergeant

Hawpe, David M. -- United States Marine Corps, 1979-1983, Corporal

Hawpe, Gary R. -- United States Marine Corps, 1973-2003, Sergeant Major

Lane, Dale -- United States Marine Corps, 1957-1974, Gunnery Sergeant

Louwaert, Charles W. -- United States Marine Corps, 1956-1962, Private First Class

Martinsen, Scott -- United States Marine Corps, 1986-1992, Corporal, Gulf War

Van Bibber, Charles R. -- United States Marine Corps, 1970-1980, Staff Sergeant, Vietnam


Semper Fidelas



Bays, Lendville -- United States Air Force, 1973-1981, Staff Sergeant, Vietnam

Boeve-Swain, Jennifer M. -- United States Air Force, 2002-Present, Airman First Class

Brown, Henry W. -- United States Air Force, 1951-1955, A2C, Korea

Conner, Noble F., Jr. -- United States Army Air Forces, 1943-1945 Tech Sgt. Third Class, WWII

Fetsch, Stanley Jr., United States Army Air Forces, 1942-1945, Staff Sergeant, WWII

Fulfer, Luther D. -- United States Air Force, 1954-1982, Senior Master Sergeant, Vietnam

Fulfer, Terry -- United States Air Force, 1987-1997, Sergeant, Gulf War

Hawpe, George M. -- United States Air Force, 2000-Present, Senior Airman

Herron, Forrest, Jr. -- United States Navy, 1942-1946, United States Air Force, 1950-1973, Senior Master Sergeant, WWII/Korea/Vietnam

Herron, Lawrence A. -- United States Air Force, 1950-1952, Sergeant,

Herron, Marcus J. -- United States Air Force, 1950-1952, Staff Sergeant,

Holstein, Charles E. -- United States Air Force, 1961-1982, Master Sergeant

Howton, Robert -- United States Air Force, 1966-1972, Staff Sergeant, Vietnam

Jones, Jimmy L. -- United States Air Force, 1954-1977, Colonel, Vietnam

Kuldas, Lee -- United States Air Force, 1981-2003, Master Sergeant, Gulf War

Lynn, Bob -- United States Air Force, 1951-1976, Major, Vietnam

McMurray, Steven R. -- United States Air Force, 1991-1995, Senior Airman

Olson, Alan E. -- United States Air Force, 1959-1970, Lt. Colonel, Vietnam

Roguski, Treva -- United States Air Force, 1969-1991, Captain, Vietnam

Ruiz, Beverly L. -- United States Air Force, 1990-1993, Airman First Class

Serls, Dennis -- United States Air Force, 1997-2003, Sergeant

Stewart, Edsel D. -- United States Air Force, Tech Sergeant -- Korea

Warner, Earle H., Jr. -- United States Air Force/Army National Guard, 1950-1955, Airman/Private



Snyder, Julian -- United States Coast Guard, Petty Officer 3rd Class


Serls, Randy L. -- Missouri National Guard, 1986-1992, SPC4, Gulf War


Hi Gary,

I don't have all the details about my family as veterans, however I think it would be nice to list some of them.

Isaac Van Bibber, War of 1812.

Robinson Van Bibber, 92nd OVI, killed Battle of Missionary Ridge, Civil War.

My Grandparents had five sons, four of which were in World War II.

Dale Van Bibber - Army - Pacific

Robert Van Bibber - Army - Europe

Harold Van Bibber - Navy - Submariner

Paul Van Bibber - Navy - Surface Ships

All came home safe and all died within about one and a half years of each other, and all are buried in Mifflin Cemetery in Gahanna, Ohio. My other uncle, Donald Van Bibber, served in the Army during the Korean War and was in a Tank Division. He is buried in Maplewood Cemetery in New Albany, Ohio. My son David served in the Army as well as my son-in-law Larry King. They both served in the Gulf War. I wish I had more information.

Jim Van Bibber -- judyandjim@

Columbus, Ohio


Hi Gary,

Good idea of yours to honor those who have served for us all.

These are the children of Gracie VanBever McCreary, daughter of John and Mariah VanBever:

1. John McCreary was a Sergeant in the United States Army Air Corps during World War II and died in a training accident in Wichita, Kansas in May 1945.

2. Frederick McCreary, enlisted during WWII, served in a bomber squadron off of the USS Intrepid. He was captured by the Japanese in the Pacific when his plane was hit and he bailed out. He died in June 1945 when the Japanese set fire to the entrance of the cave they were kept in. They either burned to death, or ran and were shot...ashes came home.

3. Helen McCreary, enlisted during WWII in Women's Army Corps. She married the man who brought her brother's ashes home.

4. George McCreary 1950-195? (not sure, only one tour) - United States Marine Corps - Korean War.

Ann Brown -- abrown4431@



Some of you wrote me and said you would like to recognize your Veterans but you were not sure when they served and what ranks they were. Located below is the location where you can order military records and find out additional information on those who have served in the United States military.

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is the official repository for records of military personnel who have been discharged from the U.S. Air Force, Army, Marine Corps, Navy and Coast Guard.

The two main repositories for records relating to military service are:

The National Archives Building in Washington, D.C.


▪ Volunteers Military service performed by persons serving during an emergency and whose service was considered to be in the Federal interest, 1775 - 1902

▪ Regular Army Enlisted personnel, 1789 - October 31, 1912

▪ Officers, 1789 - June 30, 1917

▪ Navy Enlisted personnel, 1798 - 1885

▪ Officers, 1798 - 1902

▪ Marine Corps Enlisted personnel, 1789 - 1904

▪ Some officers, 1789 - 1895

▪ Coast Guard Persons who served in predecessor agencies to the U.S. Coast Guard: the Revenue Cutter Service (Revenue Marine), the Life-Saving Service, and the Lighthouse Service, 1791 - 1919

▪ Confederate States Persons who rendered military service for the Confederate States government in its armed forces, 1861 - 1865

▪ Veterans Records Claims files for pensions based on Federal military service, 1775 - 1916 and

▪ Bounty land warrant application files relating to claims based on wartime service, 1775 - 1855

The National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) in St. Louis, Missouri.


▪ U.S. Army Officers separated after June 29, 1917

▪ Enlisted personnel separated after October 31, 1912

▪ Note: Many records were destroyed by fire in the St. Louis Center in 1973.

▪ US Air Force Officers and enlisted personnel separated after September 24, 1947

▪ Note: Many records were destroyed by fire in the St. Louis Center in 1973.

▪ US Navy Officers separated after 1901

▪ Enlisted personnel separated after 1884

▪ US Marine Corps Officers separated after 1904

▪ Enlisted personnel separated after 1905

▪ US Coast Guard Officers separated after 1897

▪ Enlisted personnel separated after 1905

▪ U.S. Coast Guard predecessor agencies Civilian employees of agencies such as Revenue Cutter Service, Lifesaving Service, and Lighthouse Service, retired after 1919.

To order records from these two locations go to the Research Room of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) website.





John VanBibber and Chloe Staniford

James VanBibber and Lois Reynolds

Hannah VanBibber and Joshua Rawlings

Lois Rawlings and Nicholas Fisher Thom

Edward Thom

Name: Thom, Edward

Age: 4

Sex: M

Single/Married: S

Death Date: 1 Oct 1852

Cause: Dropsey

Place of Birth: Greenup Co., KY

Place of Death: Greenup Co., KY

Parents: Nick Thoms

Submitted by Gary R. Hawpe -- GRH9999@



From: LBDrew@ (Barbara Drew)

To: GRH9999@ (Gary Hawpe)

Dear Gary,

What a colorful and interesting October edition of the e-newsletter! Great job and I do hope you can find the time to continue.

Thank you.

Best wishes,

Barbara Drew

From: lmvanbibber@ (Lewis Van Bibber)

To: GRH9999@ (Gary Hawpe)

Hi Gary,

Thanks for a great newsletter.

Lewis "Van" M. Van Bibber

From: jark1111111@ (Janet Ackley)

To: GRH9999@ (Gary Hawpe)

Thanks for the marvelous newsletter! It was packed full of useful info.

Thanks - Janet

From: lipenco@ (Linda Lipe)

To: GRH9999@ (Gary Hawpe


I want to thank you so much for recognizing people in our clan who have served, or are serving, in the military. What a great idea to honor them in our newsletter.

Linda Gail Lipe

From: bever@ (Bev Tout)

To: GRH9999@ (Gary Hawpe)


Thank you for the recognition you are giving to our deserving service men and women. I also want to say how much I appreciate all of the hard work you are doing in giving all of us the Van Bibber monthly newsletter.

Thank you, Bev Tout

From: lena_george@ (Lena George)

To: GRH9999@ (Gary Hawpe)


Again, thank you for all your had work on the newsletter. You are a real angel! What would we do without you?

Lena (VanBibber) George

Seattle, WA

From: ehinton@ (Elaine Hinton)

To: GRH9999@ (Gary Hawpe)

Thank you and Bruce for your tireless efforts in getting the newsletters to us. I really enjoy reading them.

Sincerely......Elaine Hinton


Van Bibber Website:

The editor reserves the right to edit contributions to the newsletter.

Editor of the Van Bibber Pioneers Electronic Newsletter:

Gary R. Hawpe -- GRH9999@

Owner of the Van Bibber FTM database -- 49,818 names


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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