Zoom Online Meeting Script - Lombard Virtual Meetings

Zoom Online Meeting ScriptAgenda TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 08:00 Greeting PAGEREF _Toc35895820 \h 1Preamble / How it works PAGEREF _Toc35895821 \h 1Newcomers and visitors PAGEREF _Toc35895822 \h 1A few housekeeping notes: PAGEREF _Toc35895823 \h 2Format PAGEREF _Toc35895824 \h 2Introduce Chair PAGEREF _Toc35895825 \h 207:45 – 07:50 Tradition 7 & AA Announcements PAGEREF _Toc35895826 \h 2Timekeeper PAGEREF _Toc35895827 \h 208:15 New-comers, shy sharers and telephone only PAGEREF _Toc35895828 \h 208:25 Some Thanks: PAGEREF _Toc35895829 \h 2Yellow Card PAGEREF _Toc35895830 \h 3Serenity Prayer PAGEREF _Toc35895831 \h 308:00 Greeting/// Zoom Host to mute all attendeesHello and welcome to the ?????? meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous. My name is ?????? and I’m an alcoholic.As this is an online meeting can we all please keep our microphones muted in order not to disturb the meeting while other people are speaking. This is to reduce background noise and you are free to unmute your microphone whenever you wish to speak. Can we please start with a few moments silence to remember why we are here and the still suffering alcoholic both inside and outside these rooms…… Thank You./// Zoom Host to mute all attendeesPreamble / How it worksI’ve asked ?????? to read the preamble … And I’ve asked ?????? to read How it Works … Thank You.Newcomers and visitorsIf there are any newcomers, visitors or people at this meeting for the first time who would like to introduce themselves, please indicate with a thumbs up and add say hello via chat? This is not to embarrass you but merely to give you the same warm welcome that we received when we first came to this room.A few housekeeping notes:Everybody is very welcome, but we ask that you do not speak during the meeting if you’ve had a drink or been using street drugs today. If you would like to talk to anyone about your drinking in confidence, please enter a message into the chat board.If you do disrupt the meeting, we may mute you or ask you to leave in accordance with AA’s First Tradition that our common welfare should come first.We encourage you to switch your video on, while these meetings are no replacement to a physical meeting, a face to face meeting is encouraged.FormatThe format of this meeting is that it is a 1-hour meeting. The chair, who today is ??????, will speak for 10-15 minutes. We’ll then have any AA announcements. This is followed by raised-hand sharing, speaker’s choice. You will find the Raise Hand button under the Participants menu at the bottom of your screen. Please use the same button to lower your hand after you have spoken. The last fifteen minutes of the sharing time will be slowed down for Newcomers, Shy Sharers and anyone dialling in who doesn’t have access to the raised hand buttonIntroduce ChairIt now gives me great pleasure to hand the meeting over to ?????? who has come along today to share his/her experience, strength and hope.07:45 – 07:50 Tradition 7 & AA AnnouncementsThere are many ways you can practice Tradition 7. There are no dues or fees for AA membership. We are self-supporting through our own contributions. On our website you will find a link to AA UK donations page and we urge you to support our central office. Are there any AA announcements?TimekeeperThank you xxxx for your chair [brief share back]. This is a large meeting and in order to give as many people as possible a chance to share we limit our sharing time to 2 minutes and a time keeper will say TIME to indicate that it is time to start wrapping up. Would someone please volunteer to take on this role today? Thank You. When sharing we ask that you please remember Tradition 1 that our common welfare should come first and Tradition 5 that our primary purpose is to carry the message to the alcoholic who still suffers. The meeting is now open for raised-hand sharing, you can see all those with their Gajda raised in the participants list, speaker’s choice./// Zoom Host to use the Lower Hand function of the sharer after each one has started speaking. 08:15 New-comers, shy sharers and people who have dialled inIt’s now time to slow the meeting down for newcomers and shy-sharers or people who have dialled in that would like to share?/// Zoom Host to clear all raised hands using the CLEAR ALL RESONSES functions under participants.08:25 Some Thanks:I’m afraid that’s all the time we have for sharing this morning, but it’s not quite the end of the meeting.Thank you to xxxx and xxxx for the readings. Thank you to xxxx for hosting, xxxx our GSR, xxxx our treasurer, xxxx for literature and to Paul for email service with new-comers. You may have heard talk of sponsorship today. If you are interested in sponsorship, please speak to any of the people with their hands raised now. This group recommends that anyone offering to sponsor another alcoholic should themselves have worked through the 12 Steps of AA with a sponsor. The Zoom Meeting room will be left open for 10 mins after the meeting for people to exchange numbers and have a chat.Yellow Card Please remember the principles of our Yellow Card: Who you see here; What you hear here; When you leave here please let it stay here. Let’s keep AA a safe place.Serenity PrayerFinally, a big thank you to ?????? for coming to share with us this morning – would you please lead us out with the serenity prayer. /// Zoom Host to un-mute all attendeesDocument ControlDateDetailsFellow23-03-2020Initial draft for consideration, based on the Lombard street Monday Morning ScriptRyan 25-03-2020Added ///zoom host actions for muting, clearing all responses and lowering handsRyan29-03-2020Reduce share to two minsEncouraged to switch video onNew comers thumbs up and chatRyan06-05-2020Added the email service to the thank you list at the endRyan ................

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