AAA (Z) Bail Bonds Instructions & Fax Cover Page1011 W. Court St.Seguin, Texas 78155Ph: 830-379-4445Fax: 830-379-4442 From: ________________________ Date_____/_____/_____ Your Fax # _____-_____-_____ For Defendant _______________________# of pages ______Please read these instructions. Paperwork errors could delay the posting the bond.Fill out the entire GUARANTORS DATA SHEET. If there is some info that you do not know at this time, it MUST be provided to us within 24 hours.Read, initial, date & sign the GUARANTOR BOND CONDITIONS.Read the GUARANTY INSTRUCTIONS and then fill out the GUARANTY, make sure to Date, and sign at the bottom of the GUARANTY.If you are paying by credit card, complete, date & sign the CHARGE AUTHORIZATION.Fax all paperwork back to the appropriate fax # listed above. Call us to make sure that we did receive your fax and that there are no problems with your paperwork.We will then sign the contract and write the court date info at the bottom of the guaranty. The guaranty will then be faxed back to you at the number you provided above.Please send a copy of your DL for our records.Thank you so much for your business! Please call our office with any questions that you may have. The bond will be processed as soon as we receive your paperwork back.GUARANTORS DATA SHEET * AGENT USE ONLY Name ____________________________________ Age _______ * SIGNER FOR CLIENT _____________________Present Address _______________________________Apt #_______ * RELATION TO CLIENT ____________________City _______________________ State _____ Zip ________ * Notes ____________________________How long at this address? ______ years______ months CIRCLE ONE: Renting How long in this county? ______years______ months Buying Own Home * * * * * * * * * *CONTACT INFO Home Phone (________) ______________________ Work Phone (________) ______________________Pager (________) ___________________ Cell (________) _____________________Other (________) ___________________E- Mail Address _______________________________________________________PERSONAL INFO Date of Birth _______/_______/_______ Birth Place _____________________________________Social Security # ________-_________-_________ Driver’s License # ________________________________ State _________Required in case collections if neededEthnicity _________________ Gender_______ Height ____’____” Weight _________ Hair Color ________ Eye Color _________Required for ID purposes onlyPERMANENT ADDRESS OR P.O. BOX (IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE) Address ______________________________________City _______________________________ State _________ Zip _______________ Phone (________) ___________________YOUR EMPLOYER _____________________________ How long? ______years _______mths Position_____________Phone (_______)________________________ Address ________________________________ City ____________________State _____ Zip ___________ Supervisor ___________________________ Supervisor’s Phone(______)__________________MARITAL STATUS OR GIRL/BOYFRIEND CIRCLE ONE: G/B FRIEND SINGLE MARRIED COMMON LAW DIVORCED WIDOWED SEPARATEDName ______________________________________________ Address __________________________________________City ______________________________________ State ________ Zip ________ Phone (_______) _____________________LIST 4 PEOPLE WHO WILL ALWAYS KNOW HOW TO REACH YOU. THEY CANNOT LIVE WITH YOU OR WITH EACH OTHER. DO NOT LIST ANY PEOPLE THAT THE DEFENDANT WILL NEED TO LIST. THE FIRST ONE MUST BE A RELATIVE; THE OTHERS CAN BE FRIENDS, FAMILY, NEIGHBORS, ETC.YOU MAY CALL IN ANY MISSING INFO WITHIN 24 HOURS.NEAREST RELATIVE (NOT LIVING WITH YOU)Name __________________________________________________Address __________________________________________________City ________________________ State _______ Zip ________ Phone (_______) _____________________ Relation___________________3 ADDITIONAL REFERENCES (DO NOT LIST ABOVE RELATIVE, CAN BE FAMILY, FRIENDS, NEIGHBORS, CO- WORKERS)Name __________________________________________________Address _________________________________________________City ________________________ State _______ Zip ________ Phone (_______) _____________________ Relation___________________Name __________________________________________________Address __________________________________________________City ________________________ State _______ Zip ________ Phone (_______) _____________________ Relation___________________Name __________________________________________________Address __________________________________________________City ________________________ State _______ Zip ________ Phone (_______) _____________________ Relation___________________VEHICLE INFO CIRCLE: OWN /FINANCED LEASE CIRCLE: CAR VAN TRUCK SUV MOTORCYCLE CIRCLE: 2 DOOR 4 DOOR Make ___________________ Model ___________________ Year ______ License Plate # ______________ ST______ Color _____________I (PRINT NAME), ________________________________________ DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE AFORE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT. SIGNATURE X___________________________________________________AGENT _________ Date _______/_______/_______ Entered By___________ DockIt # _____________________ NOTES: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Guarantor Bond ConditionsInitial the spaces next to the conditions and then date & sign at the bottom._______ I am of sound mind and I understand that I am signing a legal and binding contract guaranteeing all of the defendant’s court appearances. I understand that signing this contract means that I will be held financially liable for the face amount of the bond(s) plus court costs and any fees incurred in the re- arrest in the event of a failure to appear. I also understand that I cannot be released from liability until the defendant I signed for has completed his/her cases(s) and provided the bonding company with proof of the completion on all cases._______You must notify AAA (Z) Bail Bonds if the defendant gets re-arrested, flees the area or you feel that the defendant will not appear in court for any reason. Notify us as soon as you become aware of the situation, do not wait until a few days before the defendant’s court date. You should always keep in contact with the defendant while the bond is active. If you haven’t been in contact with the defendant in a while and/or are unable to establish contact, notify the bonding immediately._______ You must notify AAA (Z) Bail Bonds of any address, phone number or employment changes that you may have while the bond is active._______ I am aware that the defendant I am posting bond for must appear in the office of AAA (Z) Bail Bonds immediately after their release from jail. Failure to do so will result in a warrant for the defendant’s arrest. If the office is closed when the defendant is released, the defendant is required to appear in the office within 24 hours after posting bond. Note for web & fax users: If you are not present to bring the defendant to the office at the time of the bond, we will instruct the defendant to appear in the office. Please follow up with the defendant to make sure they did appear and complete paperwork with us after their release.______/______/______ ______________________________Date Signature Guaranty Instructions VERY IMPORTANT!The GUARANTY that follows is a legal and binding contract. It must be filled out properly in order to secure a bond. If there are any errors, you will have to correct and re- send. Please follow the below instructions exactly.Write out the datePRINT out your full legal namePRINT out the defendant’s full legal nameWrite out the charge(s) you are posting the bond(s) for. The charge cannot be abbreviated. Example: Do not write DWI, you must write Driving While Intoxicated.Write the TOTAL BOND AMOUNT in the NEXT TWO SPACES. These spaces have nothing to do with the fee you are paying, these spaces only relate to the BOND AMOUNTS.Date the contract near the bottom.Sign the contract near the bottom. Note: Your signature does not need to be notarized unless the bond agent has informed you to sign in front of a notary.An agent will then sign and fill out the court date info and fax a copy back to you for your records. GUARANTY Guaranty made __________________, 20____, by (Print Your Name) ________________________________________(referred to as Guarantor) and AAA (Z) Bail Bonds (referred to as Bondsman).Bondsman is prepared to execute the necessary instruments to provide for the release from jail on bond of Defendant, (Print Defendant Name) ______________________________, who is charged with (List all charges, do not abbreviate. Call your agent if you need assistance, this information has to be accurate.)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ and has bond set at (Total bond amount) $ . Dollars.For and in consideration of securing said release, Guarantor hereby guarantees that Defendant shall make all personal appearances before any Court to which the above-described criminal proceedings may be brought aswell as all subsequent proceedings that may be had relative to said charge in a Court of Criminal action based on said charge, and to remain there as required and answer said accusations against him/her until discharged by due course of law.Guarantor guarantees Defendant’s appearance in Court as hereinabove stated. If Defendant fails to appearto any Court proceeding for any reason and Defendant’s bond is revoked by the Court, Guarantor shall pay toBondsman the sum of (Total bond amount)$ . Dollars, said sum being the amount of the bond, plus all court costs and expenses incurred in the Judgment NISI as well as fees and expenses incurred by peace officer’s/private investigator’s in re-arresting the aforementioned. The aforementioned amounts due Bondsman shall bear interest from the date notice of default is furnished to Guarantor under this agreement at 10 % per annum until such amounts are paid. If any action is needed to collect this debt, up to 50% will be added to the balance. Bondsman shall also be entitled to recover any attorney’s fees paid in any legal action necessary to recover payment under this agreement. This Guaranty shall continue in force regarding or relative to the heretofore stated criminal charge until such charge has been discharged by due course of law and a copy of dispositions on all cases has been presented to the bonding company for release of the bonds/charges.The Guarantors shall be jointly and separately liable for all obligations under this Guarantee. This Guaranteemay be enforced against either Guarantor separately or against both Guarantors jointly. Bondsman shall provide notice to Guarantor upon failure of defendant to appear at a Court proceeding, however, failure to provide such notice shall not effect the Guarantors obligation under this agreement. Furthermore, this agreement has no timelimit on payment to Bondsman, the Courts can sue Bondsman at any time on a Judgment NISI proceeding. Payment shall be due to Bondsman by Guarantor upon revocation of bond by the Court. The Guarantors will receive a bill for these expenses.This Guarantee shall be binding on Guarantors and their legal representatives.AAA (Z) Bail Bonds 1011 W. Court St.Dated ____________________, 2015 Seguin, Texas 78155 Guarantor X_______________________________ Guarantor X_______________________________ Bondsman ________________________________ COURT DATE INFO: An agent will sign thiscontract, complete this court date info & fax back to you. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN BEFORE ME THIS__________DAY OF ______________________, 20____. _______________________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC AND OR WITNESS SIGNATUREAAA (Z) Bail Bonds1011 W. Court St.Seguin, Texas 78155Ph: 830-379-4445Fax: 830-379-4442____________________________________________________________ Charge AuthorizationI, _____________________________, authorize AAA (Z) Bail Bonds to charge$_____________ on my ___________________, _____________________________, (Type of Card) (Credit Card Number)____/_____ regarding bond for __________________________________.(Exp. Date)SECURITY CODEThe last three digits on the back of my card are _____ _____ _____.If using AMEX, the four small print digits on front of card are _____ _____ _____ _____.The signature below may be used for verification of my identity. ______/______/_______ The fee for our service is non-refundable Date once the bond is accepted by the jail. X___________________________________SignatureI understand the fee of $_________ is payable in full, ____________________________________as agreed, regardless of the length of time the Addressdefendant is on bond or the outcome of the case. ____________________________________City, State, ZipI understand that the above fee is non-refundable NO MATTER WHAT THE OUTCOME OF THE (_______) ____________- _______________ CASE OR JAIL RELEASE TIME AND DATE. Phone #GUARANTOR______________________________________________________________________SIGN PRINT DATE ................

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