Extended Abstract Template

| |DDI2020 – LYON |

| |France, 12-14 Oct, 2020 |

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Template for Extended Abstracts for the International Conference on Driver Distraction and Inattention – 2020

First A. Author*1, Second B. Author2 and Third C. Author3

1, 2 Authors’ Department, Institute, COUNTRY.

(E-mail: firstauthorsname@aaaa.bbb, secondauthorsname@aaaa.bbb)

3 Author’s Department, Institute, COUNTRY.

(E-mail: thirdauthorsname@aaaa.bbb)

Keywords: Abstract, Template, up to 6 words arranged in alphabetical order.


This document presents the instructions needed to prepare the extended abstract to be included in the proceedings of the DDI2020. All abstracts should be written in English. In order to achieve graphical consistency, the extended abstract should be preferably written using Microsoft Word. It should start with the paper’s title, authors, authors’ affiliation, address and e-mail, followed by the Abstract's text and the keywords (up to six). Please, indicate the author making the presentation with an asterisk.

The abstract should be written in MS Word format in single-spaced in 12 point Times New Roman. Do not indent the text paragraphs. Please, briefly explain the aim and scope of your study, your materials and methods, and the main conclusions of the study. Max 2 figures/photographs can be placed in the abstract. Authors are requested to submit Abstracts (max 3 pages in the length) in electronic form (MS-Word) via email to the website conference portal. The incorrect formats may result in your abstract being returned to you by e-mail. The scientific committee will select the contributions for oral or poster presentations.

A digital version of the DDI2020 Proceedings [1] will be published in the conference website and USB key covering the extended abstracts and the full text papers that will be accepted. You will have to submit your extended abstract via the DDI website. You will have to choose between an oral OR a poster presentation [2]. If the DDI2020 scientific committee accepts your extended abstract as an oral presentation, you will have the possibilities to submit a paper for the DDI2020 proceedings.

A digital version of the DDI2020 Proceedings [1] will be published in the conference website and USB key covering the extended abstracts and the full text papers that will be accepted. You will have to submit your extended abstract via the DDI website. You will have to choose between an oral OR a poster presentation [2]. If the DDI2020 scientific committee accepts your extended abstract as an oral presentation, you will have the possibilities to submit a paper for the DDI 2020 proceedings.

A digital version of the DDI2020 Proceedings [1] will be published in the conference website and USB key covering the extended abstracts and the full text papers that will be accepted. You will have to submit your extended abstract via the DDI website. You will have to choose between an oral OR a poster presentation [2]. If the DDI2020 scientific committee accepts your extended abstract as an oral presentation, you will have the possibilities to submit a paper for the DDI2020 proceedings.


Table 1. Example table for the extended abstract.

A digital version of the DDI2020 Proceedings [1] will be published in the conference website and USB key covering the extended abstracts and the full text papers that will be accepted. You will have to submit your extended abstract via the DDI website. You will have to choose between an oral OR a poster presentation [2]. If the DDI2020 scientific committee accepts your extended abstract as an oral presentation, you will have the possibilities to submit a paper for the DDI2020 proceedings.

Figure 1. Example graph for the extended abstract.

A digital version of the DDI2020 Proceedings [1] will be published in the conference website and USB key covering the extended abstracts and the full text papers that will be accepted. You will have to submit your extended abstract via the DDI website. You will have to choose between an oral OR a poster presentation [2]. If the DDI2020 scientific committee accepts your extended abstract as an oral presentation, you will have the possibilities to submit a paper for the DDI2020 proceedings.

A digital version of the DDI2020 Proceedings [1] will be published in the conference website and USB key covering the extended abstracts and the full text papers that will be accepted. You will have to submit your extended abstract via the DDI website. You will have to choose between an oral OR a poster presentation [2]. If the DDI2020 scientific committee accepts your extended abstract as an oral presentation, you will have the possibilities to submit a paper for the DDI2020 proceedings.

Acknowledgment: The authors would like to express appreciation for the support of the sponsors [Project Number = XXXXXXX].


[1] Smith, T., Jones, M.: 'The title of the paper', Hum. Fact., 2017, 1, (8), pp. 1–7

[2] Smith, T., Jones, M.: 'The title of the paper', IET Syst. Biol., 2007, 1, (2), pp. 1–7

[3] Borwn, L., Thomas, H., James, C., et al.:'The title of the paper, IET Communications, 2012, 6, (5), pp 125-138

[4] Hodges, A., Smith, N.: 'The title of the book chapter', in Brown, S. (Ed.): 'Handbook of Systems Biology' (IEE Press, 2004, 1st edn.), pp. 1–7


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