Board Members Present (in alphabetical order): Laura Guest ...

Call to Order

Vice president Brenda South called the meeting to order at 1:15 p.m.

Board Members Present (in alphabetical order): Mary Alsobrooks, , Patt Hopkins, Robin Smiley, and Brenda South

Board Members Absent (in alphabetical order): Betty Comoford

County Commissioner: none

Staff Members Present: Lori Haas —Director,

Others present: none

Approval of Agenda

Mary Alsobrooks made the motion to approve the agenda as presented, Brenda South seconded. All in favor, motion carried.

Public Comment


Minutes to Meeting

There were 2 changes to the minutes, "Gale" was spelled wrong and change the wording to an "employees unemployment" will be paid.

Patt Hopkins made the motion to accepted the minutes as amended. Mary Alsobrooks seconded. All in favor, motion carried.

Approval of Bills

Robin Smiley made a motion to approve the bills as written, Patt Hopkins seconded. All in favor, motion carried.

New Business

Employee raises were discussed, the board had several questions on new laws concerning payroll taxes, this was tabled until next month when Lori can find the answers to the questions.

Employee health care was also discussed, and the Board decided to continue paying a stipend to employees and they get their own policy with a contribution to a health saving account.

Mary Alsobrooks made the motion to continue to pay a stipend to the employees for health care premiums and $4,000 annually toward health saving account. Robin Smiley seconded, all in favor, motion carried.

Old Business

Albert Township lease was discussed, the changes the board requested were made and the corrected lease presented.

Mary Alsobrooks made the motion to present the Library lease agreement to Albert Township, Patt Hopkins seconded. All in favor, motion carried.

Directors Report

Hillman Building Fundraiser is coming along, " A Taste of Michigan" tickets are available at all 3 branches of the Library and the Brush Creek Mill. Patt has sent the information to The Alpena News, WATC, The Tribune, and other libraries in northern Michigan. The Hillman Lyons Club has applied for the raffle license.

The AARP volunteers who do the free taxes in Hillman have a new rule, there must be two people present at all times. This makes things a little harder to work out. This is a valuable service they provide.

Andrea is back to work, after breaking her wrist, she was missed. She can't lift much, but is being helped along until life gets back to normal.

Mary Lou in Lewiston has been busy. Her job will be posted in next week's paper, it will take a while to sort through the resumes, Lori would like to have a decision made by the end of February so that person has a month to work with Mary Lou before she retires. This will be a part time position of 30 hours a week.

The Hillman Library parking lot was used over the holidays by people parking their vehicles and snowmobile trailers while the Library was open. There is a staging area in Hillman provided by the village. The village will post a sign with an arrow on the industrial park sign and the Library will have a sign made says Library Patrons only.

Next Meeting Scheduled

The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 12, 2013, at Atlanta Headquarters at 1p.m. Followed by policy book workshop.


Motion made by Mary Alsobrooks, to adjourn at 2:45 p.m., Patt Hopkins seconded by. All in favor, motion carried.

Respectfully submitted

Robin Smiley

accepted 2-10-2013


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