
Fruit of the Spirit

‪Galatians 5:22-23‬

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Download Links: (Click on the icon on the top right of the video to enlarge to full screen.)

Download Quick Sticks pdf file by clicking on the icon [pic] in the bottom right side of the Accompanying Materials section of Video 1 below.)

Cycle 1: Warmup demo layers 1,2,3

Cycle 2: Standing Technique

Cycle 3: Balance Technique

Cycle 4: Matwork Videos below:

Inchworm and Shoot-Throughs

Crowns and Thrones

Shield Sequence

Boat, Cleft of the Rock, Rod and Staff

Supine Shield (note: incorrectly labeled "prone shield" on video)

Angel Wing

The following videos are taken from a Galatians Class led by Crystal Peterson and Joan Cobb during a Gold Retreat in The Woodlands, Texas during a hurricane:

Pre-class exercise led by Crystal

Warm-up lead by Crystal

Standing & Balance led by Joan

Matwork—Inchworm, Crowns & Thrones led by Joan

Matwork—Kneeling Weapon, Shield, and Cleft of the Rock led by Crystal

Final Stretches and Restoration led by Crystal

See Galatians videos on website recorded from live online Continuing Education class taught by Laura Monica in fall of 2012:

Password: notbymight

Input from teachers:

Self control:

23. I do all things for the sake of the gospel, so that I may become a fellow partaker of it.

24. Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win.

25. Everyone who competes in the games exercises self-control in all things They then do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable.

26. Therefore I run in such a way, as not without aim; I box in such a way, as not beating the air;

27. but I discipline my body and make it my slave, so that, after I have preached to others, I myself will not be dis- qualified.


A good passage that goes with the fruit of the spirit is John Chapter 15:1-17.

A branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine. If we want to bear fruit, we have to abide in Christ. And every vine that doesn't bear fruit is pruned so that it can bring forth more fruit. I experienced that with my fruit trees this year. It was amazing. I had one tree that never bore any fruit. I pruned it and got lots of fruit this year.

So we let his words abide in us.

He spoke those words so that our JOY might be full. You'll remember it when you read it. You just have to read it to get the full message. I can't do it justice.

- Marie

Galatians 5:22-23

Warm-up Overview

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, against such things there is no law.

1. Stability

Love Joy Peace Patience Kindness Goodness Faithfulness Gentleness Self Con-

2. Strength

3. Flexibility

Copyright @Laura Monica, WholyFit 8-9-08

Galatians 5:22-23

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, against such things there is no law.

Context: After the key verse:

5:24-26 Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk be the Spirit.

Before the key verse:

5:1 It was for freedom that Christ set us free: therefore keep standing firm and do not be sub- ject again to a yoke of slavery.

5:5-7 For we through the Spirit, by faith, are waiting for the hop of righteousness. For in Christ Jesus, neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything, but faith working through love. You were running well; who hindered you from obeying the truth.


For you were called to freedom, brethren; only do not turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. For the whole Law is fulfilled in one word, in the statement, “YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.” But if you bite and devour one another, take care lest you be consumed by one another.

But I way, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh.

For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please. Now if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law.

5:19-21 Now the deed of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmi- ties, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissen- sion, factions, envying…...I forewarn you ….those who practice such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.


Living the Word

What it’s saying in general: Salvation is first, but then comes a choice for living daily in the


What it’s saying to me: Have I made the discovery of the Spirit filled life?

I will apply it: Ask the Lord daily to be filled and led, empowered by His Holy Spirit.

How? On what basis? On the basis of THE PROMISE: THE PROMISE:

Acts 1:8

But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My wit- nesses both in Jerusalem, and in also Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth? - Jesus


Acts 2:17-18

‘And it shall be in the last days,’ god says, That I will pour forth of My Spirit upon all man- kind; And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, And your young men shall see visions, And your old men shall dream dreams; Even upon My bond slaves, both men and women, I

will in those days pour forth of My Spirit And they shall prophesy


Matthew 7:7

Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it shall be opened. Or what man is there among you, when his son shall ask him for a loaf, will give him a stone? Or if he shall ask for a fish, he will not give him a snake, will he? If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to our children, how much more shall your Father who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask Him?

Meditation Notes:

Orientation regarding the following pages:

Description: special notes, transitions and distinctions only. Does not include cueing. Get cueing terminology from seminar or DVD. Write your own cues in the lines provided to the right of each pose.

Purpose: what this exercise is intended to accomplish, the benefit Use this to determine modifications above level 3 or below level 1 that are safe and effective according to pur- pose.

Major muscle /groups: The muscles we will concentrate on most in teaching. They will usually be the one(s) associated with muscular strengthening not flexibility. Strengthening will either be accomplished concentrically or eccentrically. The muscle focus may NOT necessarily be on the prime mover because prime movers are most useful for conventional exercise and are usually only assigned to the concentric contraction.

A word about eccentric contractions: In WholyFit the eccentric contraction is that which is doing the most work. You are trained to go beyond the eccentric contraction: in other words, use muscular energy to elongate the body. Stretching into a pose takes considerable strength when “going beyond the eccentric”. For example “growing out the top of the head” in Prayer level 3 requires strong conscious muscular lengthening of the spinae erec- tors to cause a traction effect of the spine that elongates the trunk. In wide angle, extension through the legs causes a traction effect of the leg through the use of strong muscular con- traction of the quadriceps.

Description: Anatomical description of the position that key joints are in. Does NOT re- fer to the muscular force applied to the joint unless stated. It refers to the positions of the bones because of the bend or lack of bend in the joint in the STATIC position. Does NOT refer to the transition in or out of the position.

A word about anatomical descriptions using terms like “flexed/ extended”: body action ter- minology can refer to the position of a joint or the muscular ACTION going on in the mus- cles that control the position of the joint. This can be very confusing in anatomy text books because in one section the book may refer to what a muscle is responsible for (like the brachialis flexes the elbow) but it does not take into account gravity or force. For example, does the brachialis still need to work if you are laying over a bench and allow the hand to flop down toward the ground? No. In another example, if you stand with heels slightly elevated the ankle joint is in a flexed position and the foot is dorsi-flexed, but the muscles affecting the joint are actually plantar flexing. The following refers ONLY TO THE POSI- TION OF THE BONES/JOINT AND DOES NOT TELL MUSCULAR ACTION


A word about exercise analysis: Complete exercise analysis is not given because of its ex- tremely detailed nature. For example, when the hip is flexed, it depends on what position

the body is in space to determine which muscle groups are causing the action. It also should be noted that the eccentric action may be the most powerful effort in some body positions. Though the prime mover may be concentric, the eccentric work may actually be more intense.


1. Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

2. Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

3. Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

4. Bend knees deeper for more work.

5. Level 1 Level 2

Level 3

1. Love

Arched Belt of Truth. Transition: Bend knees 1st, “Tai

Chi” into position. Arched back

Purpose:Chest opening, develop arch, thigh strength

Major muscle /groups: Erector spinae, esp. thoracic back muscles, lats pull shoulders down, gluteus maximus, quads

Description: shoulders flexed, back superextended, hips flexed, knees flexed

2. Joy

Peace Shoes with spine straight as always. Transition: Swan dive

Purpose:Chest opening, thigh strength

Major muscle /groups: Hamstrings in eccentric contraction, transverse abdominus, quads, hip flexors

Description: spine extended, hips flexed

3. Peace

Peace shoes arched back.

Major muscle /groups: same as above plus erector spinae and shoulder depressors to arch back and open chest.

Purpose:develop arch

4. Patience

Belt of Truth Pelvis under.

Purpose:thigh strength, abdominal strength for pelvic tilt

Major muscle /groups: Glutes & quads, glutes & rectus ab- dominus pull pelvis under

Description: Pelvis in posterior rotation (tucked under), shoulders flexed, knees flexed, hips flexed

5. Kindness

Same as Breastplate of Righteousness

Purpose: Chest opening, develop arch, learn to posteriorly rotate pelvis for core support in back bends

Major muscle /groups: Same as for “love” Description: Spinal super-extension, shldrs flexed

Copyright @Laura Monica, WholyFit 8-9-08

1. Love


2. Joy

3. Peace

4. Patience

5. Kindness






Level 1 Level 2

Level 3

Level 1 Level 2

Level 3

Level 1 Level 2

Level 3

Level 1 Level 2

Level 3


6. Goodness

Same as “Prayer”

Purpose: ham string flexibility in forward leg

Major muscle /groups: Core, hip flexors

Description: hips flexed, shoulders super-extended in level 3

7. “Faithfulness”

NEW POSE: “Faithfulness”. Hips are diagonal.

Purpose: develop awareness of line of power

Major muscle /groups: same as “Love”, Plus upper back muscles, glute of back leg, quad and gastrocnemius in fwd leg

Description: fwd ankle is flexed but muscular action working toward plantar flexion, spine is super-extended, shldrs outwardly rotated, scapula adducted, Back leg hip extension, front leg hip flexion

8. Gentleness

NEW POSE: “Prayer Runner”: Deep lunge, back heel up

Purpose: stretch hip flexor of back leg, chest opening, core support in back bends, stretch shoulders in level 3, strength of front quadriceps.

Major muscle /groups: quads, same muscles as “love”, ham of fwd leg

Description: back leg super-extended, spine super- extended, front hip and knee flexed, shoulders super- extended in Level 3

9. Self Control

Lev 1 & 2 Same as “Cross Balance”.

NEW POSE: “Self control” added in level 3. Hips are square in “Cross Balance” and open in “Self Control”.

Purpose: balance, proprioception, lines of power, pelvis placement, flexibility of forward hamstring

Major muscle /groups: Core, shoulder strength in level 2, outward rotators of back leg in level 3

Description: total body extension except for hip flexion of forward leg and shoulder flexion in Levels 2,3

After Cross Balance rewind from end of posture #9 and cantilever DIRECTLY back into posture #1 smoothly and slowly without stopping.

6. Goodness


7. Faithfulness

8. Gentleness

9. Self Control

10. Return to Beginning

Standing & Balance

1. Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

2. Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

3. Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

4. Balance

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

1. Overcomer

Same as Ephesians routine

Purpose: Strength of outward rotators of back leg (gluteus maximus and medius), quads, open chest and shoulders, stretch hip flexors of back leg, leg extension of back leg, keeping knees in line with toes, lifting the chest

Major muscle /groups: Core, hip flexors, quads, glutes, spinae erectors, lats

Description: Level 3: front hip and knee flexed, back leg and hip super-extended, spine super- extended, shoulders super-flexion

2. Prayer

Same as Warm-up but deeper and held longer now that you are warm

Purpose: same as those stated in warmup

3. Kneeling Weapon/

“Double Kneeling Weapon in level 3”

Purpose: stretch quads & hip flexors by pressing hips forward, learn to arch with support by tilting pelvis under, chest opening, outward rotation of shoulders, developing suppleness of spine, lines of power. This posture is the next layer of the standing “Rainbow”from Ephesians

Major muscle /groups: same muscles as “love” except even more power, plus more gluteals, abdominals in eccentric contraction

Description: spine in super-extension, shoulders in super-extension, neck extended, fwd knee and hip flexed in lev 1, 2. Hips super-extended in lev.

3. Both knees flexed in level 3. Ankles flexed or extended.

4. Balance

Same as warmup, be deeper and help longer not that ou are warmed up

Purpose: same as those stated in warmup but when held longer, you will be able to concentrate more on correct form. KEEP HIPS SQUARE IN LEVEL 1. KEEP HIPS SQUARE GOING INTO LEVEL 3. Hips come open only as your fingers touch the ground. Be conscious of line of power.


1. Overcomer

2. Prayer

3. Kneeling Weapon/ Double Weapon

4. Balance


1. Transition: Inchworm

Repeat 1-5 X. Advanced people can practice jump backs and jump ups.

Purpose: flexibility of Hamstrings and calve muscles. Learning to jump up and back for transitions. Arm and shoulders strengthening.

Muscles: core, deltoids, lats

Description: Moving posture.



3. 2. Throne

3. Crowns

Cast our Crowns before the Throne of


More advanced people get a bigger arch

2. Throne

Purpose: Pelvis placement, developing spinal sup-

pleness, counter the focus of posterior rotation during arches with the anterior rotation (tailbone up)

Muscles: Abdominal muscles working eccen- trically, spinal erectors working concentrically, upper back muscles working concentrically

Description: scapula adducted, pelvis in anterior rotation, spine strongly super-extended equally from cervical down through thoracic and lumbar regions, hip flexion, plantar flexion

3. Crowns

Purpose: Pelvis placement (tailbone between legs), developing spinal suppleness, lower back relief to counter the focused chest opening focused on in this routine.

Muscles: Abdominal muscles working concentrically, spinal erectors lengthening, upper back muscles working lengthening

Description: scapula abducted, pelvis in posterior rotation (tilted under tailbone between legs), strong spinal flexion


1. Inchworm

2. Crowns

3. Thrones

4. Kneeling Weapon

“Shield & Weapon Level 4”

Purpose: Strengthen spinal muscles to develop arch, strengthen gluteals, spinal suppleness, learn to open chest by creating foundation that protects lower back (pressing foot into hand), shoulder outward rotation stretch in hand grabbing ankle. Arm and core strength in level 3.

Muscles: spinal erectors, gluteals, hamstrings. Arms including Pectorals, lats, deltoids and shoulder muscles in level 3.

Description: Level 3: super extended spine and hip of raised leg.

Demonstrate setup.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

5. Shield Flow

Repeat 5 times or more. Flow as one movement. Use the “and take the Shield of Faith” meditation from Ephesians. Full Shield sequence done in a flow is optional, very intense. If body is on the floor, arms are BENT.

Purpose: Arm and core strength, stamina, learn to flow and “dance” in worship

Muscles: Triceps in “Shield” and “Fire Extinguisher”, spinal erectors, rhom- boids, traps, lats in “Helmet”, counter all in “Selah”

Description: Shoulder, hip and knee in static flexion in “Shield”. Move shoul- ders into extension in “fire extinguisher”. Move into spinal super extension and move into hip & knee extension in “Helmet”, flex hips, knees and spine in “Selah”. Flex shoulders in “Selah”.


4. Kneeling Weapon

5. Shield Flow

6. 6. Side Shield

Repeat 5 times

TRANSITION: To transition to other side go to level 1 setup position and swing legs to the other side.

Purpose: Waist toning on floor side of body, shoulder/arm strength, lines of power

Muscles: Arms and shoulders (lats, traps, biceps in eccentric, rotator cuff), core and spine muscles

Description: legs and hips flexed in lower levels, extended in higher levels. Arms abducted in Level 3

Level 1 Forearm variation

Level 1

Level 2 Level 3

Level 4 Level 5

Taught at Gatekeepers and

Workups Workshops


Side Shield

7. 7. Boat Flow

Repeat 3 or more times

Caution: A Yoga Full Plough is dangerous in a group situation. We do not teach this in Wholy-

Fit. We teach “Cleft of the Rock”. Also, this continu-

ously moving flow does Not allow enough time to take a true “Plough” position. Feet should never touch the floor, even for ad- vanced people. There is not time to adjust the shoulders together by interlacing the fingers because focus is on the flow not the pose.

Purpose: Learning to flow, Balance, abdominal and hip flexor strengthening, pel- vis placement, seated forward bend counters all and therefore provides a rest.

Muscles: Rectus Femoris, Illiopsoas (hip flexors), quads when legs extended. All core muscles front, side, back.

Description: Spinal extension throughout except for seated forward bend counter which can be flexed or extended and spinal rolls which are done in strong spinal flexion. Hips are flexed throughout except for supine lying stretch in center. Pel- vic posterior rotation (tucked under) when lying down. Neck/head flexion in rolls/ mini-plough.

Boat Lower legs Reverse Sit-up Full Sit Up Supine Cleft of the Rock

1. Stability– AFAA Green code= GO, appropriate for most people

2. Strength– AFAA Yellow code= CAUTION, appropriate for fit/healthy people

3. Flexibility– AFAA Red Code= STOP, appropriate ONLY for very fit people with no special issues

STOP! This pose contraindi- cated for some individu- als: for example, those

with osteoporo- sis, for- ward head

& neck posture, short neck or neck issues!


7. Boat Flow

Copyright @Laura Monica, WholyFit 8-9-08


8. Rod and Staff

Transition from Boat by extending legs with feel flexed, lower legs slowly without allowing the heels to touch the floor. In final pose, bring chin to chest, keep feet flexed. Eyes of arms forward. Adjust hand position fwd or back so that elbows straighten and palms press into ground.. Repeat 1-3X

Purpose: Spinal traction, Leg & arm extension, outward rotation of shoulders, con- scious neuromuscular access of upper back muscles, chest opening, stretch traps, hams, radial nerve

Muscles: Quads, tibialis anterior, rotators, rhomboids, spinae erectors for spinal tractioning

Description: Knees strongly in extension, feet dorsiflexed, spine extended, head/

neck flexed

9. Supine Shield

Repeat 4X. Show forearm version the first time, then level 2 2nd repetition, then level

3, 3rd repetition, then let them pick for the 4th repetition.

9. Forearm version Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

10. Prone Breastplate

To transition from 9 to 10 “Side Saddle around”, “or shoot through from rolling



Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

11. “Gate” Warm up for Angel Wing

Yoga does the “Locust”. In WholyFit, we do the “Angel Wing”

Use your choice of a “Counter” here like “Crowns”

Setup Level 1 leg below knee Level 2 leg above knee Level 3-men do this easily


Choose a


8. Rod and Staff

Cueing, Purpose, Muscles, Description

9. Supine Shield

10. Prone Breastplate

11. Warmup for Angel Wing


Matwork continued

12. Cruciform Position

NEW REST POSTURE. Assume face down, prone position of rest and surrender, identification with Christ. Meditate on “I have e been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live…”


13. Angel Wing

Level 1 Level 2—one hand grip Level 3– two hand grip

Option for level 4: Side lying

Double Weapon


14. Prone Weapon

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3



15. Rolling Weapon/ double


after performing each pose on this page

Level 1 holds only 1 leg throughout Level 2 (push up high on arm, can let go in level 3) Level 3




16. Cleft of the Rock

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Copyright @Laura Monica, WholyFit 8-9-08

13. Angel Wing

Cueing, Purpose, Muscles, Description

14. Prone Weapon– 90 degree angle in knee joint. Push leg into hand. Let go of support- ing hand in level 3.

15. Rolling Weapon (AKA Tractor Tipping)

16. Cleft of the Rock

Copyright @Laura Monica, WholyFit 8-9-08






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Copyright @Laura Monica, WholyFit 8-9-08

Copyright @Laura Monica, WholyFit 8-9-08

Copyright @Laura Monica, WholyFit 8-9-08

Copyright @Laura Monica, WholyFit 8-9-08

Copyright @Laura Monica, WholyFit 8-9-08


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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