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ABC NEWS IN 90 SECONDSFIONA NORQUAY: 30 minutes or longer depending on level of studentsPURPOSE:Help EAL students understand the newsDevelop listening skillsConversation skills: students discuss the news after viewingLearn vocabulary not usually heard (idioms, colloquialisms etc)Computer / device skills (modelling how to access the site, possible extension activity: type one news article or a summary of all of them into a word document, find and insert a picture to match, give your writing a Headline)Grammar awarenessDevelop ACSF learning, reading, writing and listening skills PROCESS:Ask students what they think will be in the news- write in a corner of the whiteboard Tell them what they are listening for (eg. How many stories, what are they about?)Model how to access the websiteListen/watch once straight throughAsk students how many stories / news articles (usually 3-5) and what was the topic of each- compare to what they thought would be in the news – edit the listListen to the first story, elicit details (What year? How many people? Where is this? When?) then continue watching each story at a time, until the end of the news, scribing on the whiteboard- higher levels write sentences on the whiteboardDiscuss the stories – depending on the level, higher levels could re-tell the story in their own words from dot points elicited, lower levels: write the news in sentences, simplifying if necessary.If the teacher is writing out the stories in full:Highlight vocabulary used, idioms, math, grammar, tense or focus on speech: word stress, intonation, pauses etc. Extension activities:Type one news article into a Word doc, give it a Headline, find a photo to match (focus on headlines, internet image search-copyright/size/copy + +paste, research more about the topic- google search skills/trustworthy source? ................

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