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Body image

Focus Questions

1. Discuss the issues raised in the BtN body image story with another student.

2. How do the media and advertisers portray people in fashion images?

3. What effect can images in the media and advertising have on young people?

4. Why do you think so many people are concerned about this?

5. What has the Government recently done to deal with the issue?

6. The Government guidelines want diversity in advertising and the media. What do you think that means?

7. What do they want advertisers to do if an image has been digitally changed?

8. Do you think the new code will change what advertisers and the media do? Why or why not?

9. Should the new code be made compulsory for the fashion industry and advertisers? Explain your answer.

10. What do you think should happen? What are some other solutions to the body image issue?

Body image


Working in pairs, ask students to think of as many words or phrases about body image as they can. Each pair then shares their list with the rest of the class to create a class list of words or phrases about body image. Use the list to write a class definition of body image.

Students then reflect on the following statements or questions:

• What factors affect your own body image?

• Why is the way you see yourself important (self esteem, confidence, physical wellbeing)?

• Do you think body image affects males and females in the same way?

• How does the ideal image of a woman’s body differ in other cultures and historic times?

• Who controls what images we see?

Show students the following videos that were made as part of Dove’s campaign for real beauty.

Ask students to reflect on the advertisements by posing the following questions:

• Why do you think Dove created the campaign for real beauty?

• How effective do you think the ads are?

• What do you think critics of the ads might say?

Students can then create their own real beauty advertisement or a public awareness campaign about the issue of body image and the way people are portrayed in the media and advertising. The final product can be presented in one of the following ways:

• Video/short film

• Web page

• Print advertisement (magazine or billboard)

• Animation

( Related Research Links

ABC News – Body image code for advertisers, media

ABC News – Murdoch left untouched for cover

Youth Central – Voluntary Media Code of Conduct on Body Image

Youth Central – Take a stand on body image

Kids Helpline – Body image

Children’s BBC – Body image

Young Media Australia – Effect of advertising on body image


Episode 31



Health and Physical Education

Key learning

Students will develop a deeper understanding of what body image is and how it impacts on wellbeing.





In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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