Quiz (multiple choice) – Chapter 2

Handout 5-1 Student’s Name _________________________Chapter 5: Principles of Lifting, Moving, and Positioning of Patients----QuizCircle the letter of the best answer to each multiple-choice question.1. The correct and efficient use of your body to facilitate lifting and moving is called proper:a.yoga stance.b.daily routine.c.body mechanics.d.body alignment.2.Back injuries are a common cause of disability for EMS professionals. Which of the following statements represent guidelines for safe lifting?a.Bend at your knees and hips, and keep your back straight b.Limit the lift to two team members c.Position your feet togetherd.Keep the weight about a foot from your body3. The lifting technique used to lift a patient who is on a stretcher is called a:a.dead man’s lift.b.bilateral leg lift.c.power lift.d.provider assisted lift.4. Which of the following represents an indication for an emergency move? a.Abdominal painb.Decapitated patientc.Femur deformityd.Uncontrolled arterial bleed 5. The carry method used to move a patient with no suspected spine injury from a bed to a stretcher is:a.direct carry.b.indirect carry.c.extremity lift. d.dead lift.6.A twopiece device often used to pick up patients with hip injuries or multiple injuries is the:a.stair chair.b.basket stretcher.c.scoop stretcher.d.spine board.7. A patient who is in shock is placed on the stretcher. Which of the following positions would be most effective for this patient??a.Supineb.High Fowler’s position c.Semi-Fowler’s position d.Prone8.An unresponsive patient with no suspected spine injury should be placed in:a.right lateral recumbent position.b.Semi-Fowler’s position.c.Trendelenburg position.d.recovery position.9.During a log roll, which rescuer should give the signal to roll the patient?a.The rescuer controlling the pelvis.b.The rescuer positioning the long backboard. c.The rescuer positioned at the head. d.The rescuer positioned at the feet. 10.All of the following are steps in the patient restrain process EXCEPT:a.talk to the patient with a calm and clear voice. b.secure the patient in the prone position. c.check the patient’s airway, breathing, and circulation frequently after restraints have been applied. d.ensure the group only uses force required to effectively restrain the patient. 11.Which of the following is most likely caused by improperly restraining uncooperative or combative patients?a.Pneumonia b.Aneurysmc.Diarrhea d.Positional asphyxia 12.A method used to move a patient by placing him on a blanket or sheet and pulling it across the floor or ground is called:a.blanket drag.b.shoulder drag. c.fireman’s carry. d.direct ground lift. ?2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.EMR 9Handout 5-2 Student’s Name _________________________The Call: Plan to ActRead the scenario. Then, in the space provided, answer the questions that follow.A call comes into the station at 2200 hours. The dispatcher sends your engine crew (of three average sized professionals) to the home of an elderly “person fallen.” You enter the home and are directed to the bedroom by the patient’s wife to find an obese male patient on the floor. He is alert and oriented x3 and states “I’m not hurt; I just slipped off the bed while I was trying to put my socks on”. The patient states he weighs “about 500 lbs.” and requests that you assist him back into bed. Your physical exam reveals no apparent injuries. The patient continues to request assistance and states “I don’t need to go to the hospital, I just need help back in bed.” 1.What steps should you take before examining this patient? Why?2.Should your crew attempt to move the patient? Why??2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.EMR 9Answer KeyHandout 5-1: Chapter 5 Quiz1.c2.a3.c4.d5.a6.c7.a8.d9.c10.b11.d12.aHandout 5-2: The Call: Plan to ActYou should always protect yourself by wearing personal protective equipment; in this case probably gloves would be appropriate. It may not be safe for the patient or the three-man crew to move this obese patient. Consider calling for more help and using lifting assistance devices if available (e.g. gait belts, etc.) In addition, consider the patient’s assessment, physical exam, and history to determine the patient’s need for further medical evaluation despite his claim that he is “not hurt”.?2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.EMR 9 ................

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