|Course Control Document |

| | |

|Course Title: |Patient Care Procedures |

|Course Number: |PHT1251C |

|Prerequisites: |PHT1121C |

|Credit Hours: |4.0 semester credit hours |

|Contact Hours: |100 |

|Lecture/Credit hours: |40 lecture hours/2 semester credit hours |

|Laboratory/Credit Hours: |60 laboratory hours/2 semester credit hours |

|Textbook Title: |Patient Care Skills, 6th edition |

| |Fundamentals of Musculoskeletal Assessment Techniques, 2nd Edition |

|Publisher’s Name: |Pearson Ed |

| |Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins |

|Author’s Name: |Minor and Minor |

| |Palmer and Epler |

|ISBN: |9780132082341 |

| |9780781710077 |

|Instructor Qualifications: |Physical therapist or physical therapist assistant licensed in Florida (or Florida eligible) and a |

| |minimum of two years clinical practical experience |

| | |

|Course Description: |Focuses on the development of basic physical therapy skills and procedures. Emphasis is on patient, |

| |environmental safety, positioning, transfers, wheelchair management, vital signs, goniometry, gait |

| |training with assistive devices, body mechanics, intermittent compression and clinical documentation.|

| | |

|Course Topics: |body mechanics |

| |environmental and patient/therapist safety |

| |draping |

| |turning and positioning |

| |transporting patients |

| |observation |

| |vital signs |

| |clinical documentation |

| |goniometry/joint range of motion (PROM, AROM, AAROM) |

| |wheelchairs – components and management and adaptive seating |

| |transfers and levels of assistance |

| |gait training with assistive devices |

| |hand washing and linens |

| |intermittent compression |

| | |

|Course Objectives: |At the completion of the course, students are able to: |

| |Communicate an understanding of the plan of care developed by the physical therapist to achieve short|

| |and long term goals and intended outcomes, including: |

| |demonstrating an understanding of the purpose for and techniques of proper positioning, draping, and |

| |bed mobility skills |

| |explaining the rationale for guarding techniques using a gait belt for transfers and gait activities |

| |identifying assistive devices and the range of stability provided by each. |

| |identifying areas susceptible to pressure in supine, sidelying, prone and sitting and explaining the |

| |role of proper positioning and support to prevent tissue break down. |

| |Communicate an understanding of the PT plan of care in ADL training. |

| |Demonstrate competency in performing components of data collection skills essential for carrying out |

| |the plan of care established by the physical therapist, including: |

| |discussing the rationale behind performing standard measurements and the effect on physical therapy |

| |treatment procedures. |

| |defining and applying levels of assistance used during transfers, bed mobility and patient care |

| |activities and describe the safety, status and progression of the patient. |

| |demonstrating the ability to accurately obtain the vital signs of pulse, temperature, respiration and|

| |blood pressure and recognize normal and abnormal values. |

| |demonstrating, through application, the ability to recognize and monitor changes in skin color and |

| |temperature, level of consciousness, thoraco-abdominal movements and breathing patterns and changes |

| |in vital signs in response to positional changes and/or during therapeutic interventions. |

| |recognizing the functional status of patients performing transfers, gait training, wheelchair |

| |management and mobility, and range of motion. |

| |explaining and applying the importance of inspecting the physical environment for safety, recognizing|

| |safety barriers in the home, community or work environment with topics covered in this course. |

| |describing the safety, status and progression of patients engaged in wheelchair management and |

| |mobility |

| |describing the safety, status, and progression of patients while performing gait training, balance, |

| |coordination and locomotion activities. |

| |describing resting posture in any position and use this understanding in application in order to |

| |achieve the intended outcomes of the plan of care established by the physical therapist. |

| |recognizing and applying knowledge of normal and abnormal joint movement. |

| |Demonstrate competence in implementing selected components of interventions identified in the plan of|

| |care established by the physical therapist in a time efficient manner, including: |

| |demonstrating the ability to prepare a patient for treatment including proper transporting, |

| |verification of patient ID, proper positioning and proper draping. |

| |demonstrating safe and effective body mechanics on self and instructing others in proper body |

| |mechanics for lifting, reaching, pushing, pulling, carrying, as well as during balance, coordination |

| |and functional activities. |

| |demonstrating appropriate methods for patient transporting including safety and correct body |

| |mechanics. |

| |demonstrating correct procedure for wheelchair management |

| |demonstrating the ability to perform (with correct hand placement) ROM including active, passive and |

| |active-assistive. |

| |demonstrating the ability to teach individuals to perform selected gait patterns with different |

| |assistive devices using the correct weight bearing status and the ability to modify the technique |

| |when appropriate. |

| |demonstrating how to turn a patient from supine to prone, supine to sidelying, sidelying to prone, |

| |sidelying to supine, prone to supine, how to assume a sitting position, as well as how to instruct a |

| |patient in bed mobility using appropriate communication, body mechanics and techniques. |

| |demonstrating skill in the fitting and adjustment of crutches, canes and walkers |

| |demonstrating proper guarding techniques while using a gait belt for transfer and gait activities. |

| |Demonstrate safe and effective transfers including: |

| |explaining and demonstrating proper procedure and instruction prior and during transfers |

| |utilizing proper body mechanics |

| |selecting appropriate equipment based on the plan of care established by the physical therapist |

| |comparing and contrasting types of transfers. |

| |using appropriate verbal cues when necessary |

| |using correct assistance level for transfers including: sliding transfer, three person carry, two |

| |person lift, standing pivot, sliding board, push up, floor to W/C and W/C to floor |

| |Demonstrate correct measurement of range of motion including: |

| |identifying the components of a standard goniometer. |

| |the correct positioning, stabilization and alignment for correct goniometer readings with a |

| |five-degree measurement error for each joint motion available for each joint complex. |

| |defining normal ranges of motion for each joint complex. |

| |measuring functional range of motion. |

| |Maintain appropriate communication with the Physical Therapist including: |

| |determining situations in which treatment intervention should not be provided due to changes in |

| |patient status and reporting this to the physical therapist. |

| |explaining what changes in patient status would be reported to the supervising physical therapist and|

| |reporting those changes. |

| |identifying when the direction to perform an intervention is beyond that which is appropriate for a |

| |physical therapist assistant and initiating clarification with the physical therapist. |

| |explaining a patient’s normal and abnormal responses to treatment in order to adjust interventions |

| |within the plan of care established by the physical therapist in response to patient clinical |

| |indications and reporting this to the supervising physical therapist in a timely manner. |

| |explaining the role of the physical therapist assistant in the participation in discharge planning |

| |and follow-up as directed by the supervising physical therapist. |

| |Complete thorough, accurate, logical, concise, timely, and legible documentation that follows |

| |guidelines and documentation formats required by state law, the practice setting and/or other |

| |regulatory agencies and understands the importance of documentation for reimbursement purposes: |

| |list the components of a SOAP note and give examples in each section. |

| |organize information into a SOAP note, including correct placement of treatment components. |

| |demonstrate knowledge of flow charts used for documentation. |

| |demonstrate an understanding of the APTA Guidelines for Physical Therapy Documentation. |

| |Demonstrate the ability to perform educational activities including: |

| |communicating verbally and non-verbally during simulation, with the patient (lab partner), the |

| |Physical Therapist (instructor), health care delivery personnel (instructor and/or another classmate)|

| |and others in an effective, appropriate and capable manner. This includes an appropriate introduction|

| |of self as a student physical therapist assistant. |

| |participating in educating patients and caregivers as directed by the supervising physical therapist.|

| |providing patient-related instruction to patients, family members, and caregivers to achieve patient |

| |outcomes based on the plan of care established by the physical therapist. |

| |Demonstrate knowledge of and apply safety procedures, including: |

| |safe use and maintenance of equipment |

| |appropriate cleaning of equipment and environment for infection control. |

| |ensuring the student is treating the correct lab partner through name identification |

| |ensuring the clinical environment is safe. |

| |identifying the appropriate action in an emergency situation |

| |performing correct basic hand washing procedures as well as proper cleaning of the treatment area and|

| |proper handling of laundry. |

| |Demonstrate professional behavior by: |

| |applying the role of the physical therapist assistant in given situational activities using the |

| |appropriate standards of practice and ethics of the PTA. |

| |identifying continuing education courses that could be taken by a physical therapist assistant to |

| |promote career development and lifelong learning opportunities. |

| |recognizing and respecting individual and cultural differences of instructors and classmates and |

| |responding appropriately. |

| |exhibiting conduct that reflects a commitment to meet the expectations and needs of those receiving |

| |healthcare, consumers of healthcare and those providing healthcare, through safe, ethical, legal and |

| |knowledgeable performance. |

| |relates published articles relevant to physical therapy to clinical practice interventions to achieve|

| |optimal patient care. |

| |Demonstrate and communicate an understanding of the plan of care established by the physical |

| |therapist to achieve short and long term goals and intended outcomes with regards to the basic |

| |principles, the purposes, physiological and therapeutic effects, advantages, disadvantages, |

| |indications, contraindications, precautions, frequency/duration/intensity as appropriate for |

| |intermittent compression. |

| |Demonstrate competence in implementing appropriate application of selected components of |

| |interventions identified in the plan of care as established by the physical therapist for |

| |intermittent compression in a time efficient manner. |

| |Demonstrate the ability to adapt and progress a treatment program to a patient’s condition in order |

| |to achieve the intended outcomes as developed by the physical therapist in the plan of care |

| |including: |

| |assessing a patient’s response to treatment and understanding a patient’s normal and abnormal or |

| |adverse reactions and what actions to take when abnormal or adverse reactions occur. |

| |identifying activities, positioning and/or postures that aggravate or relieve pain and/or altered |

| |sensation, or that can produce associated skin trauma. |

| |14. Demonstrate competence in implementing selected components of intervention for topics and/or |

| |diagnoses in this course, as identified in the plan of care developed by the physical therapist |

| |including: |

| |adaptive devices |

| |body mechanics |

| |gait and locomotion training |

| |wheelchair management skills |

| |15. Demonstrate competency in performing components of data collection skills essential for carrying|

| |out the plan of care established by the physical therapist: |

| |recognizing the level of functional status |

| |inspecting a physical environment and measuring physical space |

| |recognizing safety and barriers in the home, community and work environment |

| |basic wheelchair posture and measurement |

| | |

| |Note: For in-house courses, the PT is the instructor; the patient is a student laboratory partner. |

| |The caregiver and/or family member could be the instructor and/or student laboratory partner. |

| | |

|Scope and Sequence |

| | |

|WEEK 1 | |

| | |

|Learning Objective(s): |1-4 and 6-10, 14-15 |

| | |

|Assigned Reading: |Minor: Chapters 2-5, 7, 8, Handouts |

| | |

|Suggested Learning Activities: |Pre-Test, Review Syllabus |

| |Lecture: Preparation for patient care; vital signs (1) |

| |Lab: Body mechanics, hand washing, vital signs |

| |Readings: Minor - Chapters 2-5 |

| |Lecture: Turning, positioning, and draping, bed mobility (1) |

| |Lab: Vital signs; positioning and draping; bed mobility |

| |Readings: Minor - Chapter 5, 8 |

| |Lab: Turning, positioning, and draping; bed mobility |

| |Readings: Minor - Chapter 8 |

| |Lecture: Transfers (2) |

| |Lab: Finish turning, positioning, and draping; begin transfers |

| |Readings: Minor – Chapter 7 |

| |Competency 1: Vital Signs |

| |Lab: Transfers |

| | |

|Evaluation: |Pre-Test, Written Exam and/or, Quizzes or projects/presentations/papers/homework as determined by the|

| |instructor, Competency 1 |

| | |

|WEEK 2 | |

| | |

|Learning Objective(s): |1-4, 6-10, 14-15 |

| | |

|Assigned Reading: |Minor: Chapters 2, 3, 7, 10 |

| | |

|Suggested Learning Activities: |Lab: Transfers |

| |Readings: Minor - Chapter 7 |

| |Lecture: SOAP notes; Assistive devices and gait training (2) |

| |Readings: Minor – Chapters 2, 3, 10 |

| |Competency 2: Turning, Positioning, and Draping |

| |Lab: Assistive devices/gait training |

| |Lab: Gait training |

| |Lab: Gait training; Stair training |

| |Competency 3: Transfers |

| |Lab: Continue stair training |

| | |

|Evaluation: |Written Exam and/or Quizzes or projects/presentations/papers/homework as determined by the |

| |instructor. Competencies 2-3 |

| | |

|WEEK 3 | |

| | |

|Learning Objective(s): |2, 3, 5, 6-10, 14-15 |

| | |

|Assigned Reading: | Palmer: Chapters 1, 2, 5-7, 9, 10, 12-14, Handouts |

| | |

|Suggested Learning Activities: |Lecture: Principles of Goniometry |

| |Lab: UE Goniometry |

| |Readings: Palmer Chapters 1, 2, 5 |

| |Competencies 4 and 5: Assistive Devices; Gait Training |

| |Lab: UE Goniometry |

| |Readings: Palmer Chapters 6, 7 |

| |Lab: LE goniometry |

| |Palmer Chapter 12Lab: LE goniometry |

| |Palmer Chapters 13, 14Competency 6: Stair Training |

| |Lab: Spine goniometry |

| |Readings: Palmer Chapter 9-10; Handout |

| | |

|Evaluation: |Written Exam and/or, Quizzes or projects/presentations/papers/homework as determined by the |

| |instructor. Competencies 4-6 |

| | |

|WEEK 4 | |

| | |

|Learning Objective(s): |2-4, 6-15 |

| | |

|Assigned Reading: | Palmer: Chapter 7Minor: Chapters 1, 6; Handouts |

| | |

|Suggested Learning Activities: |Competency 7: UE Goniometry |

| |Lecture: Intermittent compression (final) |

| |Lab: Demonstrate hand goniometry; intermittent compression |

| |Readings: Palmer Chapter 6; Handout |

| |Lab: Intermittent compression |

| |Readings: Handout |

| |Competency 8: LE and Spine Goniometry |

| |Lecture: Wheelchairs; ADL and environmental assessments (final) |

| |Lab: finish intermittent compression, wheelchair measurements |

| |Readings: Minor – Chapters 1, 6; Handouts |

| |Competency 9: Intermittent Compression |

| |Lab: Demonstrations |

| |Final Exam; Post Test |

| |Lab (if necessary) |

| | |

|Evaluation: |Final Exam and/or, Quizzes or projects/presentations/papers/homework as determined by the instructor,|

| |Post-Test, & Competencies 7-9 |

Course Evaluation Strategies (Methodologies)

A final grade is determined using the following grading scale

|Lecture | |

|55 % |Examinations |

|5 % |Projects/Presentations/Papers/ Homework/Quizzes |

| |(individual assignment or multiple assignments determined by instructor) |

| 21% |Final examination |

|5 % |Post-test |

|Laboratory | |

|9 % |9 competencies (1% each) |

| |Each competency examination must be passed with a 70% or higher in order to pass the|

| |course. |

|Professionalism | |

|5% |Professionalism rubric |

| | |

| 100.0 % |TOTAL possible score |

|Students must earn a grade of 70% or higher in both the lecture section and the laboratory section; should a 70% in either section |

|not be achieved the student will receive a final course grade of “F” and not be able to continue in the program. |

Grading Scale

A final grade is determined using the following grading scale

|90-100% |A |

|80-89.99% |B |

|70-79.99% |C |

|Less than 70% |F |

Methods of Course Delivery: The subject matter in this course is presented in various forms which may include lectures, class discussion, demonstrations, collaborative activities, computer assignments, student projects and presentations, on-line research, guest speakers or field trips.

| |


|Course Control Document – Evidence of Understanding |

|Course: PHT1251C Patient Care Procedures |

| |

|By signing below, I affirm that I have received, read and understand the information provided in the above course control document;|

|and the grade which I must achieve to pass the course. |

| |

|Print Name: ____________________________________________ |

| |

|Signature: _____________________________________________ |

| |

|Date: __________________________________________________ |

| |

|Instructor: _____________________________________________ |

| |


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