Biography Presentation Rubric - Aberdeen School District

Famous African American Presentation Rubric

|Oral Presentation Requirements |0-Poor |1-Fair |2-Good |3-Excellent |

|Eye Contact |Does not attempt to look at audience |Only focuses attention to one |Looks at someone or some groups |Looks at someone or some |

| |at all, reads notes the entire time |particular part of the class, does|during 50% of presentation |groups 75% of presentation. |

| | |not scan audience | | |

|Posture |Slumps during presentation, fidgets |Fidgets for 75% of the time, leans|Fidgets less than 50% of the |Fidgets less than 25% of the |

| |constantly |on podium |time, stands up straight with |time, stands up straight with |

| | | |both feet on the ground |both feet on the ground |

|Vocal Skills |Shows no interest/enthusiasm in topic|7-9 vocal pauses are noticed, back|5-6 vocal pauses are noticed, |Shows enthusiasm and interest |

| |presented, mumbles, 10 or more vocal |of audence cannot always hear, |entire audience can clearly hear,|in topic by sharing extra |

| |pauses are noticed (uh, well, um…) |presentation is not practiced or |presentation is smooth and |information, less than 5 |

| | |is rushed |well-practiced |pauses are noticed |

|Content |Audience has no idea what topic is, |Presentation has no clear |Presentation has a clear |Presentation has a clear |

| |seems lost during speech, includes |beginning, middle, and end, |beginning, middle, and end, |beginning, middle, and end, |

| |less than 4 of the required elements.|includes 4-6 of required elements |includes all required elements |contains interesting stories |

| | | | |and more facts than the |

| | | | |required elements |



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