Literary Devices - Friday Night Lights

Literary Devices - Friday Night LightsIndividually or with a partner, find at least one example of each of the following literary devices within the first eight chapters of Friday Night Lights. Be prepared to share!Mood—feelings evoked by a work, achieved with word choice & descriptionForeshadowing—hints or clues to what is going to happen next in the storyFlashback—dialogue or drama from an event beforehandIrony—the opposite of what one expects to happenSituational—when a characters actions have the reverse effect he/she expectedDramatic—when the reader knows that the character will be surprised by the outcomeVerbal—sarcasmAllusion—casual reference to a famous historical or literary figure or eventSymbolism—an object or action that means something more than its literal meaningParadox—a truth, which at first seems contradictoryConnotative meaning—feeling associated with a word Vs.Denotative meaning—dictionary definition of a word ................

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