Editable Scheme of Work for GCSE Linear Unit 1, Section 2

Practical support to help you deliver this Edexcel specification as a linear course

Following the announcement that from September 2012 GCSE specifications will move to linear assessment, this scheme of work has been adapted to help you implement the Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies Short Course or Full Course specification in a linear way. It can be used to deliver the teaching models presented in the Course Planner, but is not intended to be prescriptive and is provided in editable Word format to make adaptation as easy as possible.

Other course planning support

Course Planner

In addition to this revised Scheme of Work, we have produced an updated course planner that offers examples of possible models that you should feel free to adapt to meet your needs.

SPaG Guide

Following the announcement that SPaG would be introduced into the assessment of GCSE Religious Studies qualifications, we have produced a guide to show how these have been implemented in the Edexcel specification.

Other Edexcel teaching resources

Pearson produces a range of Edexcel resources for this specification, including:

• Student books — full colour textbooks for each examined unit of the specification, plus student books for six of the 12 Controlled Assessment topics.

• Teacher Guides – lesson plans and activity worksheets in print format and as editable files.

• ActiveTeach — digital teaching resources on an easy-to-use CD ROM.

• Exam Wizard — instant access to banks of GCSE questions from past papers.

Textbooks have also been produced by Hodder Education to support this specification

Edexcel Additional Support

• Ask the Expert — puts you in direct email contact with over 200 of our senior subject experts.

Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies

Unit 1 Section 2 Matter of Life and Death

Edexcel Scheme of Work

|Content coverage |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |

|Topic 1: |To identify what Christians believe |In groups, students sort cards describing ideas about what |The Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 1A Student Book, Section 2.1 provides |

|Why Christians believe in life |about life after death. |happens after death into two piles depending on who believes |useful information. |

|after death, and how beliefs |To identify the reasons Christians |them, Christians or those of other religions. | |

|about life after death affect |believe in life after death: the main |Students discuss why Christians believe these things. They work | |

|their lives. |features of a religious upbringing. |out reasons for believing each. | |

| |To discover how beliefs about life after|Students write down how belief in these things might affect what| |

| |death will affect a Christian’s life. |they do, and then think about what they might choose to do and | |

| | |not do in a normal week. | |

|Topic 2: |To identify what the followers of one |Teacher explains the Muslim idea about life after death and |The Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 1A Student Book, Section 2.2 provides |

|Why the followers of one |religion other than Christianity (Islam)|reasons for it, using an appropriate textbook if necessary. |useful information. |

|religion other than Christianity|believe about life after death. |Students design a booklet that could be given to year 7 students| |

|believe in life after death, and|To identify the reasons the followers of|showing the main points about Muslim beliefs. | |

|how beliefs about life after |one religion other than Christianity | | |

|death affect their lives. |(Islam) believe in life after death. | | |

| |To discover how beliefs about life after| | |

| |death will affect a Muslim’s life. | | |

|Topic 3: |To understand what ‘non-religious |In pairs, students work out a definition for ‘non-religious’ and|The Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 1A Student Book, Section 2.3 provides |

|Non-religious reasons for |reasons’ means. |check they understand it. |useful information. |

|believing in life after death |To understand the meaning of near-death |Students discuss and decide upon a description of: near-death |See news articles or YouTube for examples of near-death experiences, ghosts,|

|(near-death experiences, ghosts,|experiences, ghosts, mediums and |experiences, ghosts, mediums and reincarnation. If possible they|mediums and reincarnation. |

|mediums and the evidence of |reincarnation. |show examples of each from news articles or a selection on | |

|reincarnation). |To discuss why these non-religious |YouTube. | |

| |reasons might lead to belief in life |Students make a list of reasons why these would make someone | |

| |after death. |believe in life after death. | |

Edexcel GCSE in Religious Studies — Unit 1 Section 2: Matters of Life and Death Scheme of Work © Pearson 2012

|Content coverage |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |

|Topic 4: |To understand why some people do not |Teacher draws a line on the floor (chalk or imaginary) and tells|The Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 1A Student Book, Section 2.4 provides |

|Why some people do not believe |believe in life after death. |students that at one end of the line is total belief in life |useful information. |

|in life after death. | |after death and at the other end of the line is total lack of | |

| | |belief in life after death. Students stand on the line in the | |

| | |position appropriate to their belief. | |

| | |Students explain why they are standing at any particular point. | |

| | |Students draw a similar line in their notes and record at the | |

| | |two ends, the middle and two other chosen points (A–E) what a | |

| | |person thinks about life after death at these points. | |

| | |Students write down four reasons why the people who are at the | |

| | |two ends and the middle have those beliefs about life after | |

| | |death. | |

|Topic 5: |To understand the nature of abortion. |Teacher explains what abortion is and describes the process. |The Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 1A Student Book, Section 2.5 provides |

|The nature of abortion, |To learn the current laws about |Students research the current laws and discuss them to ensure |useful information. |

|including current legislation, |abortion. |the law has been correctly understood. |Material on abortion is available online at: |

|and why abortion is a |To identify why abortion is a |Class holds a discussion to identify a list of reasons why |bbc.co.uk/religion/ethics/abortion/index.shtml |

|controversial issue. |controversial issue. |abortion is controversial. |/video/1879 |

|Topic 6: |To identify different Christian |Teacher explains different Christian attitudes to abortion, |The Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 1A Student Book, Section 2.6 provides |

|Different Christian attitudes to|attitudes to abortion and the reasons |using information from an appropriate textbook. |useful information. |

|abortion, and the reasons for |for them. |Students watch the BBC Belief File programme on abortion. |See the BBC Belief File programme on abortion, 35 minutes. |

|them. | |Students draw a table recording the different attitudes of | |

| | |Christians and why they hold the different attitudes. | |

|Topic 7: |To understand what the different |Students review glossary definitions of abortion. |The Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 1A Student Book, Section 2.7 provides |

|Different attitudes to abortion |attitudes to abortion are within Islam. |Students watch the BBC Belief File programme on Islam or use |useful information. |

|in one religion other than |To identify reasons why there are |other online resources. They discuss the different Muslim |See the BBC Belief File programme on Islam. |

|Christianity, and the reasons |different attitudes to abortion within |attitudes to abortion. They produce a list of reasons why |See also bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/ |

|for them. |Islam. |Muslims might have these different attitudes. |islam/islamethics/abortion_1.shtml |

Edexcel GCSE in Religious Studies — Unit 1 Section 2: Matters of Life and Death Scheme of Work © Pearson 2012

|Content coverage |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |

|Topic 8: |To understand the nature of euthanasia. |Teacher explains what euthanasia is and describes the different |The Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 1A Student Book, Section 2.8 provides |

|The nature of euthanasia, |To learn the current laws about |types. |useful information. |

|including current legislation, |euthanasia. |Students research the current laws and discuss them to ensure |Explanations of euthanasia are available online at: |

|and why euthanasia is a |To identify why euthanasia is a |the law has been correctly understood. |bbc.co.uk/ethics/euthanasia |

|controversial issue. |controversial issue. |Class holds a discussion to identify a list of reasons why |bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/rs/sanctity/ |

| | |euthanasia is controversial. |cheuthanasiarev1.shtml |

|Topic 9: |To identify Christian attitudes to |Teacher explains Christian attitudes to euthanasia using |The Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 1A Student Book, Section 2.9 provides |

|Christian attitudes to |euthanasia and the reasons for them. |information from an appropriate textbook. |useful information. |

|euthanasia, and the reasons for | |Students draw a table recording the different attitudes and why |Further information can be found at: |

|them. | |Christians hold them. |ethics.php |

| | | |bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/christianity/ |

|Topic 10: |To understand what the attitudes to |Students investigate Muslim attitudes to different types of |The Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 1A Student Book, Section 2.10 provides |

|Attitudes to euthanasia in one |euthanasia are within Islam. |euthanasia. They produce a list of reasons why Muslims might |useful information. |

|religion other than |To identify reasons why these attitudes |have these different attitudes. | |

|Christianity, and the reasons |are held. |Students produce a poster to record these attitudes in pictorial| |

|for them. | |form. | |

|Topic 11: |To understand how a media programme may |Students watch a television programme that includes reference to|Programmes that include reference to life after death include Ghost and City|

|Arguments for and against the |affect someone's attitude to belief (how|life after death. |of Angels. |

|media being free to criticise |it might increase belief or decrease |Students discuss whether it is acceptable for the media to show |The Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 1A Student Book, Section 2.11 provides |

|what religions say about matters|belief). |religious beliefs in a way that the religion might not accept. |useful information. |

|of life and death. | |Depending on the sensitivities of the group, they discuss | |

| | |cartoons depicting Muhammad. | |

Edexcel GCSE in Religious Studies — Unit 1 Section 2: Matters of Life and Death Scheme of Work © Pearson 2012

This grid is for you to create your own scheme of work if needed.

|Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |

|key questions | | | |

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Edexcel GCSE in Religious Studies — Unit 1 Section 2: Matters of Life and Death Scheme of Work © Pearson 2012


Content coverage

Week by week content coverage

Exemplar resources

Learning outcomes

We are happy to provide this scheme of work for you to amend and adapt to suit your teaching purposes.

We hope you find this useful.

Editable scheme of work

Edexcel GCSE Linear Religious Studies Unit 1 Section 2: Matters of Life and Death


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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