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Quality Check ToolkitHow to Select High Quality Graduate Research StudentsPreambleThe Faculty is committed to attracting high quality graduate research students from across the globe that will be trained by world-class researchers to make a difference in our community. To ensure an adequate level of “research preparedness”, it is critical to assess student quality from the outset. An application for study should be treated like a job application in terms of the care taken around the acceptance of the prospective student. The purpose of this document is to provide a tool to help researchers select high quality graduate research students.When approached by a prospective student seeking your supervision, the following four questions should be considered as mandatory. This applies to both scholarship applicants and those applying for candidature only. Other questions are also strongly recommended. Being aware of these important considerations will ultimately help to increase student retention rates and facilitate timely completions, both key themes of the Monash Strategic Plan.Please also note: as per the Australian Council of Learned Academics (ACOLA) review, 2016: “Universities have a duty of care to communicate the likely outcomes of HDR training prior to candidates commencing their training”. Universities are now required to provide prospective candidates with general information on career outcomes. It is essential that prospective students understand that career outcomes are diverse. Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census data shows approx. 26% of Doctorate holders are employed in university/vocational education teaching positions. Evidence from a Graduate Outcomes Study National Report (2016) shows approx. 80% are employed full-time 4 months after completion. See Question 4, below, for the requirement to discuss this with prospective candidates.Mandatory questions before accepting a prospective student under your supervisionHave you assessed the prospective applicant’s CV, including academic record and prior research experience? This may include transcripts, publications, thesis, etc.YesNoYou must review these documents before proceedingIf ‘Yes’ but still unsure, please discuss with your Graduate Research Coordinator 2. Have you interviewed the prospective applicant? Email and/or telephone alone are insufficient.In person Videoconference 3. Have you contacted Academic Referees about the prospective applicant?Yes NoYou must contact referees before proceeding4. Have you discussed career aspirations in the context of current employment outcomes with the prospective applicant?Yes No You are required to discuss diverse career opportunities after graduation. Other recommended questions1.Why do you want to undertake a Graduate Research program?2.What are your long-term career aspirations? 3.What previous research experience have you had?4.Provide an outline of your proposed research, including a background summary of the topic. This will also help to indicate how serious they are about undertaking a Graduate Research program.5.Why do you want to study the particular topic you have chosen?6.Why do you want to come to Monash University?Other key interview and supervisory planning objectives7.Assess the likelihood of a “match or good fit” between the team, the Academic Organisational Unit and the prospective applicant. In other words, get to know them a little better so that you get a good sense of whether you wish to supervise them and how good the match will be with your expertise and supervisory style, as well as your team. In making this assessment, be clear in your own mind about what you expect of a Graduate Research student.8.Make sure that the prospective applicant understands what being a Graduate Research student at Monash actually involves. Have they heard of the Monash Doctoral Program? Give them a realistic Doctoral program overview, including research output and the coursework or professional development activities that are required, so there are no misunderstandings. It is surprising how many candidates, particularly those from different educational systems, do not have a good comprehension of the actual nature of Graduate Research. Don’t assume that they will know because they probably don’t.9.What resources will be needed for the research project? (You will need to be clear about what resources the University can and cannot provide) Competitiveness for ScholarshipsScholarships are awarded on a competitive basis at Monash University and this may play an important decision when considering prospective applicants. The governing principle for award of centrally-allocated postgraduate research scholarships is academic merit and research potential. Factors you may like to consider include (if applicable): Grade Point Average (GPA) for academic qualificationsHonours degree grade, numerical score and ranking within classMinor thesis within postgraduate coursework degree, proportion of course and grade Research publications, including position of authorship and quality of journal quartile ranking within research discipline Fellowship of specialist medical collegesHuman or animal ethics 1. Does the project require human or animal ethics approval? Yes No 2. Have the ethics been approved prior to the commencement of the PhD project? Yes No (If No, proceed to q3) 3. If the project is commencing as a consequence of a student's enrolment, will the ethics application be submitted within 2 months of the project commencement date? Yes No Please note: If the ethics application is unexpectedly delayed or refused, a backup project must be designed, with guaranteed resources available for commencement by the student.If you have any concerns or would like to know more information about what makes an applicant “scholarship competitive”, please contact your School’s Graduate Research Coordinator.Further information about scholarships can be found online at (Monash staff authcate required) ................

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