F A Q’ s Q


1. Q: Where can I go to learn more about University Of Options?

A: If you have specific questions, feel free to contact us directly at ashley@ or dan@

2. Q: Is there a fee to join this group?

A: Dan posts tons of detailed educational videos and content to both the Facebook group, and the YouTube channel that is accessible to anyone and is absolutely free.

However, Dan also leads a private, subscription group that gives individuals with little to no experience the opportunity to do live trades alongside him. The membership fee for this private subscription group is $170.

3. Q: What is included in the private subscription group? What am I paying for?

A: The membership allows you to take the trades Dan is making in real time. Dan holds live trading sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and explains why and how he is taking the trade. A minimum of two trade alerts per week will be broadcast through an app called Telegram. These sessions are recorded and posted on Telegram within 24 hours, so if you are unable to dial in, it is never a problem. If a change ever needs to be made or updated, we will notify you through the Telegram Messenger app. For those needing extra help, "open mic" sessions are available on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. These sessions will accommodate the first seven callers and give members a more intimate setting to get specific questions answered. If you have a private matter, Dan is always available for one on one calls after the market closes.

We will provide an overwhelming amount of content and knowledge. Dan subscribes to numerous services and pays hundreds of dollars for these services so you can benefit from all of the services he subscribes to. Dan evaluates the trade recommendations from 5 different "option picking"

services and most days doesn't agree with any of their choices. Some days, he likes their recommendation and will pass it along to you, but only after fully vetting the trade. At times, he may modify a trade recommendation to make it safer, and then pass it along. There is an unlimited amount of hype in this business. You know Dan and thankfully trust him, but his concern is any of you falling prey to one of the less credible sources. His value add is to give you the benefit of his lifetime of knowledges and also pass along any great ideas that emerge from the other services he uses.

4. Q: If I want to join the private group, what kind of time commitment would I be making?

A: The goal is to have this work, even if you are never able to make a live training/trading class. When Dan takes a trade or exits a trade, he will send a notification stating exactly what the trade is and how to enter it as well as the analysis that goes behind it.

The hope is that people will watch the weekly videos posted on Facebook and YouTube, and learn more with each passing week. If you do this, you can expect to spend 2-3 hours per week for the first eight weeks.

However, we are aware that some people are solely looking for the income derived from the trades, and are not overly interested in the mechanics. These people just need to become proficient at using their brokerage account platform, and can enter and exit trades within a matter of minutes.

Dan can drive value to you regardless of where you sit. If you have a smart phone and a brokerage account, you can simply receive the trade alert and take the trade. If you want to learn, you can watch the videos when you have time. It doesn't matter which trading platform you use, provided your broker has an app to trade with and their margin requirements are not too stringent.

Our members who take the time to be on the calls or watch the recorded calls, and are able to get comfortable with their brokerage accounts have a very broad knowledge base within eight weeks, and are able to follow Dan's trade alert instructions to execute the trade within a matter of minutes.

5. Q: I know I can use any trading platform as long as the broker has an app to trade, but what do you suggest?

A: Dan heavily uses TastyWorks because they have the lowest commission, but he also uses E*TRADE, Ameritrade, Trading Station, and Schwab to execute his trades. These platforms are where he gets all his charts and graphs that you see in his videos.

6. Q: How do I know if my account is set up to take trades?

A: It most likely is not. When setting up your account be sure to choose Options Trading Level 3. If you say beginner, they won't approve you. Dan thinks it is okay to use his experience, assuming you'll be following his trades. To be sure you can take all the trades Dan recommends, it is best to say that you have 10 plus years of experience, and that you take 30 plus trades per year, averaging $5k per trade.

If your broker calls you to interview you on your experience it is best to tell them that most of your trades are credit spreads. You do iron butterfly's and iron condors, and when you sell a naked put that you only do so on over sold stocks that are way out of the money with a 50% stop loss.

7. Q: Is it logistically possible for all the people in the group to make the same options trade at the same time?

A: Yes, it is possible. We will only trade in contracts that have a great deal of liquidity. It is important that we all use limit orders to enter the trade, and we pick a point between the bid and ask price. If everyone placed a market order at the same time, the last people in would get a slightly worse price. However, 30 or even 100 people cannot influence a liquid market. Especially given most of us will buy or sell a single contract.

8. Q: Does this refer to the stock market or the bond market?

A: Indirectly both. We always trade stock options, but often we will trade ETF's that invest in bonds. These ETF stocks and options trade like the underlying bonds.

9. Q: In case I want to see the live trading sessions, is there a defined schedule?

A: Yes, please contact Ashley to find out what your groups schedule is.

10. Q: What is the win rate?

A: In terms of performance, it depends greatly upon the amount of contracts you trade. The average win is $40-$60 per contract. Dan usually trades 10 contracts but STRONGLY requests new people start with 1 contract. The first month is not about making money, it's about learning to trade safely.

During the videos and live session, Dan always has the trading account that he uses for this group, open. He is very transparent.

His hope is to set low expectations and prepare the group for a 70-80% win rate. When they do have a losing trade, it rarely loses more than 50% of the perspective gain. This ratio allows a trader to be profitable even at a 50/50 win rate. Here is a screen shot of the current members closed position report. You can see there are very few losses.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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