My E-Portfolio Project - Amazon S3

730005673725centerBy: Jeannie McCall Date: 10/20/2018 Instructor: Christine Gaiser2420096000By: Jeannie McCall Date: 10/20/2018 Instructor: Christine Gaiser3492121459940My E-Portfolio Project Course : Business 215 Management & Principles 6900096000My E-Portfolio Project Course : Business 215 Management & Principles Table of contents:Planning (IL, CC, TD) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………............2-3The proposal for the event can be framed by stating some points………………………………….2The following process can be used to collect revenue…………………………………………………….3Organizing & Staffing (IL, CC, TD) …………………………………………………………………………………………….4-5My Title- Business Head/ Country level………………………………………………………………………….4Their Responsibilities…………………………………………………………………………………………………….4-5Controlling & Leading (IL, CC, TD) ……………………………………………………………………………………………6-14 School event proposal………………………………………………………………………………………………….6-7 The 10-question quiz…………………………………………………………………………………………………….8-10My thoughts on the test……………………………………………………………………………………………….11My final thoughts on what I think about management……………………………………................12-13Describe how you will lead/manage your team………………………………………………………………14Planning To get the event rolling, there is a lot of planning and rigorous efforts required to implement things. Planning is the primary function, and everything takes place accordingly when planning is done.For a successful event to take place, lot of funds are required and to raise such funds, either the company or a person should have brand name, goodwill in the market or they should contribute something for the social welfare.The proposal for the event can be framed by stating some points: Goods/services being donated:For the social welfare, there are various goods/services which can be provided to upgrade the status of destitute and deprived people. Goods and services like basic food, clothing, money, proper facility for sanitation, shelter can prove to be helpful for the needy people. Further some camps can be organized to provide education and awareness to such people so that they can maintain their basic standard of living in the society. For providing all such services, funds can be raised from the general public and also from the State which can further be used to donate for the destitute people and to organize event.Utilizing the location:To utilize the location, following points can be kept in mind: - sitting arrangement for the people, proper formation of stage for anchoring, food stalls, record keeping desk wherein whosoever is contributing their names can be recorded, Health/welfare room for needy people and many more.Promoting the event:Social media is the best way to promote such events because now a days so many people are connected to Facebook, twitter, Instagram, wasp and uploading about the event in such sites can prove to be a big hit. Apart from this, cold calling, putting hoardings, word of mouth, distributing pamphlets can also help in promoting the event.If benefits are provided to the people who are participating and contributing, they can show their zeal to join such events. Benefits like recognition, promoting their image, souvenir, certificate distribution, can be used to bring enthusiasm in them which will further help in their participation and promoting the event.Process to collect the revenue: The following process can be used to collect revenue: Application form to be provided through social sites or a hard copy of it can be provided through office.Filling of application form by applicantsVerification code to be sending to verify their identityCollection of revenueReceiving receipt for paymentDistributing pamphlets for eventTo the team of volunteers: They can be provided pertinent information about the purpose of such event and contribution required. Further they can be asked for step by step process to follow for the collection of revenue. Through this way, it can prove to be a big anizing & StaffingOrganizing The second function of management to address is organizing. There are many moving parts to your event and organizing them will be key to ensuring no resource gets missed or wasted. Using the known information and the concepts learned in class, create and present your organizational structure in the second section of the proposal you began last week. Make sure you include the answers to these questions: Explain who reports directly to you and why you selected them. Describe what their responsibilities will be. Explain who else they interact with, and how they will interact.My Title- Business Head/ Country level:Business Development Managers (Regional Level) report to me on New Business Development and handling Key Accounts of existing and new customers, for each of their Regional level.They were selected on their Sales and Business Development competencies, good know-how of the clientele’s Business and local market knowledge, plus their educational qualifications.Their Responsibilities: B2B Sales, New Business Development, Account Management, and Promotion of Company’s Solutions/ Services for respective region, including Price Contract Negotiations & Delivery ManagementLead generation, Client Meetings- Mid & Top management in HR/ Technical/ Design/ Procurement departments for requirements in Engineering/ Large Projects domain - Manufacturing/ Automotive/ Power sector/ Product Engineering Services/ Industrial sectorsParticipation in Trade Events & ExhibitionsMaintain Profit and Loss for their regionsWeekly reporting and discussion with managementInteraction:With clients on Phone/ emails/ Skype/ Face to Face- daily/ weekly basisWith internal departments of company- Legal/ Commercial/ Pricing/ Delivery- daily/ weekly basisStaffing Human Resource Planning:It is essential in any organization, even a volunteer one. While you will not be conducting formal interviews of your team members, you need to have at least a basic understanding of the job responsibilities, so you can make decisions on where they will make the biggest impact. For this section of your proposal, you will present a breakdown of the following: Summarize the groups/teams you envision needing for your event. How many volunteers may be needed for each; explain your reasoning. Describe how you plan to communicate with your team(s), including explanations of: How often you will communicate. What form(s) of communication you will useSuppose the event being organized is institute level Trade fair with cultural evening by students, then following will be the composition of team…Team seeking sponsorship – Size 5 having skills of effective presentation and good at financial planning.Team booking stalls for trade fair –Size 10 or more with sales skills, persuasion and convincing skillsTeam seeking participation in cultural event – Size 4 having good coordination and relationship building skillsTeam for planning and executing the event - Size 10+ with strategizing, controlling and communicating skillsTeam members for accounting, secretarial, printing and promotional task – Size 8 book keeping and accounting skills, Documentation skills, creative and tech savvy.Number of people required for each of the above job/teams is discussed below.Team for sponsorship will comprise of 5-6 volunteers. This size is alright for seeking sponsorship because this task needs identifying potential sponsors for an institute level event and make calls to pitch the event. Since sponsors will be limited but demands concentrated effort to get them on board, so a small but focused group is suitable.We need large number of volunteers for stall booking. This task requires contacting large numbers traders/ merchants and use of reference and personal contacts. 10 or more will be desired size.Since taking and responding participation request is the main task, Size of 4 will be fine for this task.Planning and execution needs designing of layout, deciding cultural activities, preparing the venue, getting permissions etc. This demands a good number of manpower with varied skills. They will also be coordinating the event day. A group of 10 or so will be appropriate of this, also members from different groups has to be included in it for smooth coordination and communication.Accounting, secretarial, printing and promotional task needs eight people two for each munication planControlling & LeadingSchool event proposalName: School event for Fundraising for school uniformsPurpose: The event is being held for Fundraising to purchase new uniforms for the school sports team.Date of the event:20th of October 2018Venue: The local fire departments picnic groveEntry Fee: Free for students and parents, $10.00 for outsidersEvent Management Details:Staffing: 15 volunteers are working on arranging and planning the event.Planning:To raise funds amounting to $ 1600 for new uniforms for the sports teamThe local business will support the event by donating goods and services.The publicity will be done via local newspapers and anizing:Event will be held at the local fire departments picnic grove with zero additional costs.There will be many game and food stall to entertain the students and parentsThe outsiders will be allowed entry at a fee of $ 10.00 per visitor.The participants would be provided refreshments.Controlling:Staff: The supervision will be managed by the 15 volunteers. Their responsibility will be operating the game and food stall, managing the main entrance and to manage the security and any potential risks at the picnic grove.Inventory (Donations): A donation box will be strategically located at the venue.?? One volunteer will be assigned the role to manage the donation box.Revenue: The funds collected will be handed over to the school committee for purchase of the new sports uniform. The excess amount will be added to the school’s welfare funds.Leading:The special volunteers will be assigned the duty to attend the participantsThe chief guest will be the founder of the schoolVolunteers as well as school committee will be responsible for making the event successfulPublicity Management of the event:All local newspaper will publicize the event as their contribution Total investment till date:The total investment for organizing the event has been $ 100 and we are expecting total expense to be $ 500 for organizing the event.Last date for getting sponsorship:We will request all sponsors to actively participate and give donations by October 18, 2018.QuizThe world is filled with managers and leaders. Both are quite necessary for a successful business, but rarely does someone completely master the traits of both. Often visionary entrepreneurs are moved aside for someone who can keep things steady and smooth. Of course, when companies grow complacent, it's the leader who charts a new direction and brings the entire ship around.Which role suits you best? The 10-question quiz below will help you find your path to contentment and success. No need to answer dishonestly since a higher score does not make you a winner. There's no single right answer to each one. Managers and leaders are equally necessary to a well-run company, so there is no single "best" result except the one that's right for you.At the bottom you will find some score-based descriptions and suggested reading to help you advance your path whether you wish to manage or lead.1.On the morning of a big meeting, two key team members call in sick. You:A.Call them and firmly encourage them to come in anyway.B.Roll up your sleeves and work with the team to get ready.C.Call for a quick 15-minute huddle to redistribute their responsibilities.D.Call in your most trusted player and ask him or her to step in and take charge.2.In the middle of crunch time on a critical project, a pipe bursts in the break room, flooding the whole floor and jeopardizing the computers. You:A.Google the instructions and fix it yourself so the team is minimally disturbed.B.Call an emergency plumber and keep close as he works so it gets done fast.C.Rally the team and get their ideas on how to keep the workflow going.D.Tell your team members to grab their laptops and have your assistant book a large room for the day at a local restaurant.3.It's your job to address the crowd at the quarterly meeting and set the tone for the rest of the year. Your speech emphasizes:How great the team is and how much you enjoy working with your people.The value to the team of following company procedures to increase productivity.The importance of all employees making the sales process "their own" and thinking creatively to get ahead of the trend.The exciting new developments in your field and how your company can lead the way to the future.4.Employees who walk in your office know they may find you absorbed in reading:The company policies and procedures manual so you can update it.The latest industry magazine or the book from that efficiency expert you loved at the last conference.A biography of someone whose life inspires you.A New York Times bestseller on world trends and rapid change.5.Your team has encountered a major setback, and you call everyone in for a meeting. At the end, your people respond by:Quietly returning to their desks, feeling nervous but calmer than before.Firing up their computers, initiating your recommended course of action with determination.Chiming in with their own suggestions and ideas, which could be incorporated with your own.Returning to their desks with genuine excitement, ready to go back to square one if necessary.6.You have just had a great quarter in which the team exceeded all the benchmarks. You:Treat them all to a catered lunch.Give a rousing speech that personally acknowledges each individual's contribution.Invite them to a celebratory strategy session dinner with cocktails to set new benchmarks for the next quarter.Plan an off-site retreat, complete with adventure activities, to envision a new audacious goal for the rest of the year.7.The weekend finally arrives after a hectic but very fruitful week. You:Decide to sleep in Saturday as a reward.Send out a "Great job, everybody!" email before you leave the office on Friday.Spend Sunday sketching out ideas to beat your record for the last week.Dedicate time each morning to dreaming up an exciting new project to show everyone on Monday morning.8.You have arrived at the annual conference and look over the program of sessions and speeches. You choose to spend most of your time at:Workshops and small groups aimed at the key to employee efficiency and satisfaction.A keynote and some panels on employee empowerment and growth.An all-day workshop on establishing personal and professional trajectories.A roundtable with industry leaders, a keynote by a famous entrepreneur, and the networking events.9.There's no avoiding it … you're going to have to cut the well-liked but ineffective staff member. When you call her into your office, after you give the bad news, you:Follow with an encouraging speech about the many talents she has that will see her through.Offer to be a positive reference for her at future employers.Give her the name and number of a colleague with a position that would suit her well.Take her to lunch and spend some time discussing a career path she might truly enjoy.10.An employee asks to talk to you about applying for a promotion you know is out of his current reach. Your response is to:Gently but firmly suggest he might be ready in a year or so.Explain what skills he needs and guide him through a self-assessment.Help him lay out a plan for developing the skills he needs and track his progressShow him some possibilities for other jobs shifts he has not considered and get him energized about a new direction.Now total your score. Score: 22 pointsEach "1" response is worth 1 point.Each "2" response is worth 2 points.Each "3" response is worth 3 points.Each "4" response is worth 4 points.Where do you fall?16-25 points: Phil JacksonYou're good at handling the complexities of a game with many players. You can adjust on the fly to keep everyone focused on winning today's game. You have a strategy for the season, but you also believe you can only play one game at a time. You know how to handle a myriad of intense personalities and get them going in the same direction even if they don't all play at their best.’A company needs you because the world changes and you can't run everything the same way forever. You could take the team members through minor disruptions and get them to improve processes along the way while keeping them happy and satisfied. You can improve your output by engaging the team in the real numbers of the business. You'll quickly surface hidden talents and energy that will make your team stand out. Read the Great Game of Business by Jack Stack and Bo Burlingham to learn how.My thoughts on the testWhen it comes to week one's test scores, I agree with their test results. I am used to dealing with so many complex situations with different people where I have always found a situation to make everything fall in place. For example, when I was a manager at the grocery store, most of the time I had to handle complex issues when there were not enough cashiers at night. To overcome upstairs customers, I asked everyone to stay a half of hours; some agreed, and some disagreed. but by doing that, it made it easy for the workplace and the customer service so everyone one could go home on time. When the next day came, I brought pizza for the cashiers who stayed to help me out that night. The test revealed that I have a strategy for different issues, but I feel I can only deal with one situationat a time. That is true; I feel my full attention should be handling that problem but even though I know how to handle most situations at the same time as well as handling one, the test talks about how I deal with different personalities good and bad, but I always get them to go along with my plan. That’s also true. I am a person who tries to get a person to see the big picture of the issue before judging the issue at hand.My final thoughts on what I think about management. A company needs you because the world changes and you can't run everything the same way forever. You could take the team members through minor disruptions and get them to improve processes along the way while keeping them happy and satisfied.You can improve your output by engaging the team in the real numbers of the business. You'll quickly surface hidden talents and energy that will make your team stand out.Read “The Great Game of Business “by Jack Stack and Bo Burlingham to learn how.We are in a very competitive economic environment today largely due to the massive impact of communication technology putting the world at our fingertips. In this scenario most of the successful brands and large organizations worldwide are creating fresh milestones in leadership excellence and over the top management, a no bars no boundaries mindset and out of the box thinking has taken business management to an altogether different sphere. Hence, most managements are very much aware of the need to carry the team along with the organization to achieve its core goals of maximization of profits and global growth. They do not want to handle crises within the organization when they have so many to handle externally. Therefore, a leader should have the ability to promote harmony and avert or manage crises effectively internally and externally. I had an opportunity to accomplish this within my project management team in the below example.Strategic means related to strategy in other words it is the identification of overall aims and the means to be adopted for achieving them. It consists of devising a plan for achievement of specific goals and following through with perfect implementation of the plan together with adequate control measures to ensure the goal is achieved. What finally matters is always the goal. Strategic leadership and management both emulate these basic features of strategizing within their jobs. So, a strategic leader whether at top, middle or department level needs to absolutely understand and be attuned to the objectives to be achieved, the plan for the same and how they will manage the people and processes to derive optimal results and what control measures they will implement to ensure success. A leader must motivate his entire team through performance and maintain a human element through inclusion and encouragement for everyone to explore their talents and excel. I have absolute belief that strategy is the most important management tool at the disposal of leaders for successful achievement of goals, and to exceed expectations. Lack of a well formulated strategy to lead and motivate others towards achievement of goals as a unified team, is sure to lead to failure or average results at best. It is like going on a treasure hunt without a map. I would utilize strategy to the maximum with absolute focus on the goal.However, this is when teams are operating optimally with all major attributes required well defined and clearly implemented otherwise the major goal is lost with the advantages turning into disadvantages. It is essential the essence is not lost of proving the united we stand maxim right. Cooperation and collaboration are essential elements of relationships within a team’s work environment and it is essential we understand the importance of these attributes to manage tough situations, meet impossible deadlines, and ensure optimal performance. It is like a support system within our work sphere. Until and unless a team this place this characteristic it cannot successfully operate as a single unit and achieve required goals as clearly defined with simultaneous responsibility and accountability. The basic requirement of optimal efficiency with maximize performance and output and effective growth for the team and individuals with ability to manage conflict and crisis adequately needs to be fulfilled.The disadvantages of working in a team only arise due to ineffective Team Management or failure to implement all the required features within a team leading to inadequate delegation of work resulting in extensive conflict. The job profile and work of every individual within the team needs to be clearly defined or it may lead to an equal involvement and participation of different members which dissatisfaction among employees becoming rife. it may become extremely difficult to achieve consensus until and unless teams are created with extensive evaluation of individuals involved and their suitability for being part of the team. Certain members main constantly try to outshine others and grab all the credit and subsequent benefits resulting in a dysfunctional group with a stressful atmosphere. Every leader needs to be effective in team management to guide, lead support and carry the team along as a single unit towards achievement of goals and subsequent success by displaying all qualities required within the team.Therefore, teamwork is extremely important and required but the management of a team unless it is optimal and efficient renders the entire process ineffective."All the world's a stage and all the men and women but players" is the famous quote of the greatest dramatist of all time, William Shakespeare. It can also be understood to mean that life is but a game. Business in that case is a game with large stakes, with the type of game varying greatly based on the business process. It can be simple Casino games such as roulette or Poker, or tennis rugby and cricket with long-term players playing test cricket matches and the latest type of online games counter strike global offensive and call of duty represented by the new class of leaders in global organizations heading technical and IT companies like Microsoft, Google, Facebook and Amazon, where strategy is king and competitive intelligence the mainstay. The rules and regulations can be startlingly similar with a no holds barred approach signified by out of the box thinking and innovative utilization of resources. It also consists of on the spot decision making with ability to think clearly on your feet to search a head achieve the goal while keeping the Enemy at Bay and remaining one step ahead by outthinking and second guessing the strategy of the competitor. With globalization controlling the external environment by building a strong team is the name of the game in business. Every organization having achieved exceptional success in the current scenario has this one common factor of a strong leader at the helm having created an exceptional team resulting in superlative performance and achievements beyond those targeted. Is it any wonder that the business world is witnessing a surge of 20 somethings setting new records of success and achievement in business by simply being good at Counter Strike? Looks like the next generation is set to enjoy this game big time. We are waiting and watching, let the competition continue till endgame.Describe how you will lead/manage your team.Encouragement: -A manager must encourage and praise the employees even in their minor improvements. By praising employees for their effort can create a positive energy among themselves which would lead them to work even more harder for the succession of the company.Decision-maker: -A manager is said to successful if they can make proper decision at the right time. But they are also a great leader of they make decisions by discussing the issues and problems along with the team. Leaders must value other people's ideas and opinions and try to understand other people's thinking and their point of view. This way they can get much respect and be valued among the employees.Feedback: -An honest and sincere feedback is all the employees wants. If the employees get an honest appreciation from their leader then they can be highly motivated to give their best to the company. Then can help to guide the employees in the right path.Team building: -A manager must always make a strong bonding with the team by proper communicating and by showing genuine interest in other people. This helps the employees to feel important and valuable for the company. When employees feel they are worthy enough to be a part of the greater success of the company, then they will also respect and be responsible for their work. ................

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