League Format & Rules(updated July 2018)I. LEAGUE GAMESA.??Scheduling·????????Call for Teams –?Every Coordinator for their community is responsible for emailing the “Call for Teams” (which should include: Name of Team, coaches contact information, age group, coed/boys/girls, A or B division and no more than 2 conflict dates to not schedule games) to the league scheduler and cc’d the gotsoccer coordinator; This must be submitted by March 2 (Spring Season) and August 4(Fall Season).Paperwork and Team fees are due NO LATER than: March 12th for the Spring Season and August 18th?for the Fall Season along with a check for the full team fee.? Failure to submit this form by the required due date will result in the team’s ineligibility for participation in that season. ?All team/player information must be done in GOTSOCCER NO LATER than March 19 (Spring season) and August 25 (Fall season) or teams will not be allowed to play and will forfeit and will be charged a forfeit fee of $100. League Coordinator must have time to print rosters and mail player cards to coaches before they games begin. ·????????Final Game Schedules –?Final game schedules will be emailed to coordinators and posted to the Intercommunity Soccer League web site at least 10 days prior to the first game date.??·????????Schedule Changes –?Notifications must be given the Wednesday PRIOR to scheduled game day. ·????????Play all Games -?Each team is required to play all scheduled League games in each Spring/Fall season.? Any teams who do not complete their schedule and who are multiple offenders may be assessed a?League fine?for each un-played game, be place in “Bad Standing”, and possibly forfeit their ability to play in the next season.·????????League Game Day –?ICSL recognizes Friday Nights and Saturdays are the official day for league play and makeup games could be on Sundays.? If agreed upon by all teams in the age division, league games can be rescheduled to be played over another Saturday or Sunday weekend or during a week day. Sundays for HS Games during the Spring season.·????????Start and Finish times?-?League games could start as early as 11:00 am and finish as late as sunset on non-lighted fields.? No game should be scheduled to complete later than 9:30 pm if lighted fields are available.·????????Break time between matches?-?A minimum of?45 minutes?should be allowed between games if teams play two matches in one day.? Coaches need to keep in mind the health and abilities of their players at all times.·????????Friendly Games –?Friendly games can be scheduled with any of the league teams.? Each individual team that schedules a “friendly scrimmage” is responsible for their own referee fees.B.??Cancellations·????????Season End -?All league games must be completed by the official end of season as published in the season Calendar.·????????Failure to Show -?A team that fails to show for a scheduled league game, and does not provide “Sufficient Notification” to both the opposing team(s) coach/manager and hosting site coordinator will be assessed a?League fine?and full?Referee fees?for each game missed where referees were scheduled and in attendance.? Failure to remit the fee to the hosting site coordinator or referee assignor within two weeks of the match may result in the team being placed in “Bad Standing” by the league.? The hosting site coordinator or referee assignor should see the money is either paid to the schedule referees or refunded to the team that paid them at the site.·????????Reasons for cancellations?(for inclement weather) - The Hosting Site Coordinator can cancel some or all of the games scheduled for a day due to inclement weather or because of field conditions.? This cancellation can be done with the aid of weather forecasting.? Notification to all scheduled team coach/managers and referees is the responsibility of the Hosting Site Coordinator and should be done no later than 3 hours prior to the start of the first game. ?A Head Referee may shorten or cancel a game due to inclement weather.·????????Reasons for cancellations?(other than weather) - A team can cancel a game after giving “Proper Notification” for “Qualifying Reasons”.? This notification must be given the WEDNESDAY by 5:00pm prior to scheduled game day or fine will be implemented if this is recurrent in the same team. Teams that are short players for any reasons does not warrant canceling or rescheduling of a scheduled league games.? These games should be played as stated on the schedule or may be deemed forfeited and?League fines?assessed.?C.??Rescheduling·????????Rescheduling Responsibility -?Rescheduling the game is the responsibility of the team who cancelled it.·????????Team Availability -?“Reasonable Availability” must be maintained by both teams to play.?·????????Alternate Game Day - ICSL recognizes Friday nights and or Saturdays as the official day(s) for league play, however, games may be made-up during any day within the current season if agreed upon by both team coaches.?D.??Game ResultsPost Game Reporting?- ALL teams must report their games within 48 hours to Ken Anderson Please email Ken at kja23mj@ or Text him at (309) 645-9349 by Sunday at 8:00pm – please make sure you note your team name/age group, what team you played and both scores.E.??Forfeiture·????????Declaring forfeit?-?Individual coaches, teams, or clubs cannot declare forfeits.? If a game is not played as scheduled, please notify the referee assignor and the ICSL board where a decision will be made regarding a game forfeiture and possible assessment of?League fines ($100)·????????Late Show?– The teams have 15 minutes from the scheduled kick-off time to field a team (minimum of 7 players) Minimum to play is 4 players(6v6); 6 players(9v9) and 7 players(11v11).F.??Paying Referees·????????Referee Payment through the league – Normal Pay Practice?- Referee Payment?– Referees are paid through the league.???The Referee Assignor will tabulate the referee pay information for each week period starting at the beginning of the season. That information will be submitted to the bookkeeper, reviewed, and then the bookkeeper will get payment to the Referee Assignor in a timely manner. Payment to referees are paid the day of each game. See “League Game Rescheduling” for information regarding referee fees if a team does not show for a scheduled game.?·????????Referee Payment – If cash payment is made to the referee –referees are to be paid before the start of each game in accordance with the Referee Fee Schedule.??It is suggested that the payment be made in cash in denominations that are easily split amongst each licensed participant. These fees are split between the two teams in attendance. See “League Game Scheduling” for information regarding referee fees if a team does not show for a scheduled game.·????????Missing Referees -?When an Assistant Referee is missing?the payment of fees does not change.? The Center and one Assistant still get paid as indicated on the?Referee Fee Schedule. ??A parent or spectator may be asked to monitor sidelines for the Center Referee if agreed upon by both coaches; this person should not be paid. The extent of responsibilities assigned to these replacements is at the discretion of the Center Referee.G.??Hosting Team Responsibilities·????????Field Preparation –?The Host Coordinator is responsible for acquiring fields to play all games scheduled at their site.???This person should have the fields set up for team warm-up 45 minutes prior to the start of each game.?Hosting coordinator is the responsible for canceling the games due to weather or field conditions. II. OFFICIALS GUIDELINESA.?????Prior to the Game·????????Arrive?20 Minutes Prior to game time·????????Inspect?the field for debris, proper goal safety, and proper net installation·????????Compare ID card photo to each player·????????Inspect?Players equipment?B.?????Issuing Red Cards·????????Issued in 1st?Game –?If a Red card is issued during the first game of a “Double Header”, the Center Referee should keep the card or pass it on to the Center Referee of the next game.? The card can be returned to the team coach or manager after the second game has completed.? C.????Substitution Rules·????????Substitutions?– A team coach can make substitutions, with the consent of the Center Referee, at the following times:·????????Prior to a throw-in in your favor, or a throw in for the other team when the other team is also subbing·????????Prior to a goal kick, by either team·????????After a goal, by either team·????????After an injury, by either team, when the referee stops play·????????At half time·????????Restrictions –?There are no restrictions as to the number of substitutions during a game but permission may be refused at the discretion of the Center Referee.?D.?????Game Format & LengthBeginning Fall 2016, ICSL has adopted the Birth Year age divisions, as recommended and required for all competitive/Recreational teams by US Soccer and IYSAClick?HERE?for the link to the official statement from US Youth SoccerClick?HERE?for the link to the Birth Year Age Matrix from US Youth SoccerSINGLE or DOUBLE HEADER GAME LENGTHSGeneral Field/Game Information As of 8/1/2016U9U10U11/U12U13-U15 Jr High (oldest age is 15-must still be in Jr High School)?U18 High School (Must still be in high school to play)Ball Size4445Number of Players7v77v79v911v11Goal KeepersYESYESYESYESMax Field Size (yards)60 X40 yds60 X 40 yds?50 X 70 yds?110 X 70 yds?Goal Sizes (feet)6-7 x 18-216-7 x 18-21?6-7 x 18-21??8 x 24Game Length(mn)4 – 12 min quarters?4 - 12 min quarters2 - 25 min halves??2 - 30 min halvesBreak Times(mn)2 min?2 min5 min??5 minOffsidesYESYESYESYESAdditional RulesBoard Discussed Build out lines and updated rule July 2019 (ages 9/10); Players retreat to midfield BUILD OUT LINE.? When Goalie releases the ball, players are allowed to start attacking. Board Discussed Build out lines and updated rule July 2019 (ages 9/10); Players retreat to midfield BUILD OUT LINE.? When Goalie releases the ball, players are allowed to start attacking. ????????Below are the Age and what team they would be associated to. Please make sure you are looking at the correct Season year on the top heading.* Game Length – The game length can be shortened due to threatening?weather?or for extremely warm temperatures or high humidity. The Center Referee can call water breaks during each half to allow for re-hydration at their discretion.E.????Weather Issues·????????Reasons?- Game lengths can be shortened due to severe weather with the approval of both coaches and the Center Referee.? Games should be shortened, cancelled or postponed for the following reasons:·????????Lightning·????????Heavy Rain or Hail·????????Tornado Warning·????????Suspended Games?- Games suspended for lightning may resume only after 30 minutes have passed since the last sighting of Lightening or hearing of thunder.·????????Canceling Games?- The Hosting Site Coordinator may cancel games the day before or the morning of the games due to pending weather conditions.? There is no expectation of referee payment when this occurs.F.????Filing a Referee Incident Report·????????Threats -?If you are threatened, either physically or verbally, file a written?report within 48hrs of the incident and submit it to the referee assigner and carbon copy the ICSL Board members. ·????????Terminating Games?– If you are forced to terminate a league game?due to player, coach or parent conduct, file a written?report within 48hrs of the incident and submit it to the referee assigner and carbon copy the ICSL Board members.III. ICSL CONCUSSION POLICYICSL Board of Directors / Club DOC's & Administrators / Team Coaches & Managers / Referee AssignorsThe ICSL Board of Directors approved using the IYSA Concussion Notification form and policy starting with the 2016 FALL season of ICSL league play.? IYSA mandates the use of this form for all IYSA recreational league activities.? Form can be downloaded under Forms tab (Referee’s and Coaches should carry a couple copies of this form with them at all times).Coordinators should insure that all team managers & Coaches are aware of this policy, and the form to be used.? Coaches/Team managers should keep a copy with them at all times.? All Club Assignors should make this link available to all game officials for those individuals officiating ICSL League games.All ICSL carded coaches must have taken the CDC Tutorial before a coach's pass will be issued.? CDC Tutorial link: or it can also be taken by logging into your individual coach profile on Gotsoccer. Go to background check tab and the concussion video training on that page, click pay and once completed your coach profile will show that you have your CDC training finished. Recommended steps / procedure to follow:If a player is suspected of being concussed that player should be withheld from further participation until he /she has seeks medical treatment in accordance with IYSA Concussion policy.If a game official believes that a player has been concussed and the coach disagrees, the game official's decision not to allow reentry of that said player will over rule.? The decision of the official will be upheld?and supported by the ICSL Board of Directors.??When-In-Doubt-Sit-Out!!For the safety of the player, your full support on this policy is expected.Any questions, concerns please contact the League Office.????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????IV. LEAGUE REGISTRATIONA.??League Registration for Teams·?????????Age Group Chart?- Age by?January 1,?Birth Year·?????????On-Line Registration?– All teams registering with ICSL Leagues must register using Got Soccer –When you have completed the entry of team, players, and coach’s information club on the submit button.? Your team will not be officially registered until all the required forms are received.Forms –?The following are the required forms?to register a team* ? ? ? ?All ICSL Communities and single-entry teams must sign off and send to the League Office the IYSA Organization Statement of Understanding and Agreement. Prior to the start of the Fall season or the first season of play, whichever comes first. ?Be advised that no team rosters or?ID cards will be released until this form has been received in the League Office. ?This said form must be submitted on an annual basis. Organization Statement form can be found on the 'Forms' page on this web site.§?????????USYSA Player Cards for each player –with picture attached for each player (These cards are only good for ICSL League games only. THEY ARE NOT TO BE USED FOR COMPETITIVE TOURNAMENT PLAY)§?????????Photo-Copy of IYSA Medical Release & Liability Waiver forms – completed and signed by parent or guardian for each player§?????????Photo-Copy of Certified County Birth Certificate for any new player+ ? ? ? ?Team Registration materials - Team roster, and Player ID cards will not be release until all team staff (coaches, managers) have had an approved background check completed, and that all coaches have taken the CDC Concussion tutorial.§?????????Check for?League Registration Fee/player carding?– clubs may pay for all associated teams at one time and therefore not remit a payment with each team registration.·?????????Mail?–?These forms should be mailed to the ICSL – Trish Fulk: 1712 Fawnridge Lane, Pekin, IL 61554 for processing.? An official roster copy will be available on-line once ICSL Trish Fulk) has completed their review.? The IYSA stamped?player & coaches ID cards?will be returned to the COORDINATOR of each Community once processed or we will give you access to print your cards and league Roster.B.??ICSL League Roster and ID Cards·????????Player Cards are required in order to play.??If the team is newly formed at the Player Cards have not been received by the ICSL Registrar in time for the game, a photo copy of the Player Cards will suffice.? This exception should not occur beyond the first scheduled league game.·????????Team coach/manager should have the copy of the ICSL Roster and Player ID Cards?in their possession at every League game.? If a team does not have these items at every League game, the Hosting Coordinator should report this incident to the Referee Assignor.? ?C. ??Insurance Injury Claims·????????Insurance –?Each IYSA registered player has Accident Insurance which provides coverage encompassing all IYSA sanctioned events.·????????Injury Claim –?A club or parent can submit a claim for an injury by obtaining and completing an?IYSA Insurance Claim Form.? This form must be sent to the ICSL Registrar and Board President for signature.·????????Injuring Reporting –?All injuries occurring during league games should be reported?by the Hosting Team Coordinator to the ICSL Board and Referee Assignor.? These incidents must be reported in a written statement, to include date, time, location and what team was playing.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?V. PLAYER GUIDELINESA.?????Focus·????????Sportsmanship –?Players are required to conduct themselves at all times with respect for their teammates, opposing team members, coaches, referees, and spectators.?B.?????Conduct·????????Fine -?If a fine is assessed, it must be paid in full before that person is allowed to attend another sanctioned event.·????????Reporting Incident -?Player ID Cards must be sent to the League Office with a written report to the ICSL Board Members and Referee Assignor.? A local team or referees are not to hold the card(s).·????????Red Card for Conduct –?If a player receives a “Red Card” for an offense other than fighting,?that player is suspended for that game and the next scheduled league game.** ICSL Substitution Rules:·?Prior to a throw-in in your favor or a throw in where the possessing team is also subbing.·?Prior to a goal kick, by either team·?After a goal, by either team·?After an injury, by either team, when the referee stops play·?At half timeVI. COACH, TEAM MANAGER & PARENT GUIDELINESA.?????Focus·????????Motivation –?Be a good Role Model.? The primary focus of youth soccer is the development of the players, not just from a skill standpoint but also from a personal standpoint.? Each adult should encourage sportsmanship and respect at all times. Children learn by watching the adults around them.? Keep in mind calls made by the referee are at their discretion based upon the site of vision which may be different than what is seen from the coaches or parents angle.? Treat all game officials as if they are a member of your family.? No one deserves to be treated poorly in front of others for doing the best they can.?·????????Rule Adherence –?Coaches, Team Managers and Parents are required to know and follow all ICSL guidelines, IYSA Rules and FIFA Laws of the game.?Sidelines1. Parents and other spectators must sit on the opposite side of the field from the players.2. No one is allowed to stand at the end of the fields while play is in progress, including teams awaiting their games. This is highly distracting to both the players on the field and the referees.Equipment1. Players who must wear glasses are required to wear specifically designed sports glasses or goggles. Players will under no circumstances be allowed onto the field in “street glasses”.2. All players must have shin guards, covered completely by socks.3. Soccer specific cleats are not required, but any cleats worn must NOT be metal cleats or have cleats at the end (toe) of the shoe.B.?????Conduct·????????Red Card for Conduct –?If a Coach or Parent is issued a “Red Card” before during or after a game for physical or verbal abuse of another parent, player, coach, or official, that person must remove themselves from the playing site and may be subject to sanctions, including a fine and temporary or permanent suspension from all ICSL events.?Please see PARENT CODE OF CONDUCT handout. ·????????Fine –?If a fine is assessed, it must be paid in full before that teams next game. The team will not be allowed to play and will forfeit until fine is paid in full. IF fine not paid by end of the season – the team will not be allowed to play next season. ·????????Game Ejections?– A Coach or Parent may be ejected from a game without a red card.? Frequent ejections could lead to suspense from further?games.?UPDATED JULY 2019 - REMINDER to let ALL COACHES KNOW: ICSL Rule amendment – Discussion regarding Coaches Code of Conduct rules and making some adjustments and making discipline clear.If there is a complaint, we ask that BOTH parties, submit a letter with details to the issue or altercation and we will also ask for a statement from the referee’s assigned to that game. Please email complaint letter to the board icslboard309@ and allow the board 5 business days to response. We also suggest that each person involved should have a 24 hour “cooling off period” before a complaint letter is sent to the board to make sure everyone has time to collect their thoughts. The board also wants to REITERATE that there is to be absolutely no swearing at officials, other coaches, opposing team or any player or board member(s) as this is never appropriate and it will NOT BE TOLERATED.VII. CLUB & TEAM GUIDELINESA.?????Risk Management Program·????????Rule?- All ICSL registered teams will adhere to the Risk Management Program identified by the US Soccer Federation (Rule 4044) and US Youth Soccer (By-law 214, Section 2).·????????Requirement?– Club Board of Directors, Club Directors of Coaching, Club trainers, team coaches, team assistant coaches, team managers must complete a Got Soccer Club/ICSL?Risk Management Background Check.?·????????Background Checks?– All club and independent teams are responsible for running background checks and submitting findings to ICSL immediately following the appointment of any person identified as having contact with players under the age of 19 as of January?1st?of the current seasonal year.· ? ? ? ?For instructions on how to obtain a Background check please contact the ICSL Registrar. ?Login to your Got Soccer Club account, click on Club Tab, click on coaches, create a coach’s profile and save. ?This will create a password and username for this individual. ?It is the Club / Team Administrator's responsibility to notify the ICSL Registrar if an individual is pending or under review.AS OF JUNE 1, 2019ALL COACHES MUST NOW ALSO COMPLETE A NEW BACKGROUND CHECK PROTOCAL for the FALL 2019 Season– PER IYSA Guidelines Effective June 1, 2019. The cost is $18.00 per coach background. The ICSL league no longer has the ability to pay for each background check as we have provided this service for free to our community coaches in the past. Background Checks will take at MINIMUM 5 business days to process and get approved. So please plan accordingly. We will no longer be able to approve coaches immediately as we have done in the past. *We realize coaches may have taken the “Heads Up Concussion” course through the gotsoccer coaches profile, however IYSA has revamped their background checks and concussion protocol courses and the two systems unfortunately, do not connect, therefore, EVERYONE will need to take the Heads up Concussion protocol of courses along with doing ANOTHER Background check through the directions below.IF you get a background expiration from IYSA or Gotsoccer, please IGNORE….. This is the new system to complete background check requirements. NEW COACHES – please make sure a coach profile is set up in GOTSOCCER, just like before and then new coach proceeds with the directions below. to the?League Background Search Disclosure with Illinois Youth Soccer Association!In this session, you will be asked information which will be used to conduct a background screening by NCSI, upload a Heads Up Concussion Training certificate, and will be prompted to complete SafeSport training.Please read through each page carefully to ensure that all information is provided accurately.IMPORTANT: In order to complete this link, you will need to upload a valid Heads Up Concussion Training Certificate. If you have already completed the training and have your certificate, please proceed and CONTINUE (green button) and then upload the certificate when asked.?If you do not have your certificate, please complete your Heads Up Concussion Training to receive?your certificate at this link?before proceeding?-?HEADS UP CONCUSSION TRAINING?LINK You will need to log in or Register. When coaches have completed their heads-up concussion courses (there are 6 lesson sections total) through this new weblink, please provide me with a copy of the Completed Course Certificate. (you will also need to upload a copy when you are completing the background check requirement, this is why you want to complete the Safesport training 1st BEFORE you order the background check) - (Copy of sample certificate below) – copy of this form needs to be ALSO submitted with the team registration forms.When the coaches complete the background check, please make sure you click & Check ALL the leagues your club is affiliated with, so you will not have to do another background check for another organization. Background checks are good for 2 years. The Safesport Training – after a coach has done this initial training (6 courses) – then a refresher course will be required annually. It should take about 5 days at most to get approval from your background check. Once approval given, you should then be able to assign the coach to a team.Once approval given, Sport Ngin should flood all the approvals into the GOTSoccer system so ICSL Administrator (Trish Fulk) can see approvals and then can proceed to approve the rosters and give everyone access to print cards and rosters. Please click on IYSA, CIYSL, Intercommunity Soccer League (ICSL)- ALL THREE organizations that would get copies of the results of your background check along with your registration information and safesport trained information.B.?????Payment of Fees and Fines·????????Clubs are expected to follow up to make sure all?League fees?and if applicable assessed?League fines?are paid.? Failure to submit payment could result in an individual team or the entire club being placed in “Bad Standing”.?C.?????Goal Safety -- Rule?– All teams registered with ICSL are required to follow the Goal Safety Policy as documented in the IYSA Rules (Rule 021-A).VIII. LEAGUE FEESA.?????Registration·????????Registration Fee?– A?League fee?is set for each season (Fall and Spring) by the ICSL for each player or team registering with the league and state.? This fee should be submitted with the?Call for Teams form but can be submitted by the associated Club as a total by August 30 fall teams and by March 30?for spring teams.? All fees are payable to ICSL.?IX. TEAM INCIDENT REPORTS, FINES & APPEALSA.?????Filing a Team Incident Report·????????Reasons?- Team Written Incident report can be filed with the ICSL Board Members for any type of complaint including but not limited to:·????????Unsafe or poor field conditions·????????Poor Conduct by referees, coaches, players, or parents·????????Violation of ICSL or IYSA rules·????????Timing?- An incident report to complain about a team, coach or player should be filed within a week of the event.? All incident reports must be filed by the end of November for the fall season and by the end of June for the spring season.·????????Content?- All reports should contain only the facts of the problem/incident and should be void of anyone’s personal opinions about the people involved.·????????Investigation?- All reports will be reviewed by the ICSL Board of Directors based on the merits of the information provided.? All parties involved (including a parent, if a player is involved) will be contacted to provide their version of the facts.·????????Review?- At the next ICSL Board meeting each incident report will be reviewed and a decision will be made to assess fees, fines, or any other type of reprimand deemed necessary to address the situation.?B.?????Fines·????????If?League fines?are assessed for any reason, the Club, Team, or Parent will be notified via letter indicating the ICSL Board decision.·????????Payment is due to the ICSL as indicated on the letter in order to prevent a?Bad Standing situation.X. TRUTHThe purpose of the “club cards” is to provide enough players to play a league game. ICSL League cards are not to be used for entering into a competitive tournament.A league game can only be cancelled due to weather?or field conditions.The team is still expected to travel for the single game.? An additional game can be added as a friendly game or in order to reschedule a previously cancelled game.? Notification to the ICSL office is required.As an ICSL registered team you must play all schedule league games.? Failure to do so will result in a $100 fine assessed to the team which must be paid prior to the team’s participation in the next ICSL league season.?XI. ICSL DEFINITIONS:Bad Standing?– Depending on the severity of the offense, Bad Standing could include suspension from League Play.?Proper Notification?–?Contacting the?Coach or Team Manager?of each of the teams scheduled as well as the Referee Assignor.?Sufficient Notification?– No later than the Wednesday just prior to the scheduled game day.?Reasonable Availability?–Teams must reasonably make themselves available to reschedule league games.? If the teams cannot come to an agreement the ICSL Game Scheduler may dictate a game date and time and if the game is not played determine a winner by forfeiture.? ................

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