Participation Rates in Higher Education 2006 to 2018: Pre ...

Participation Rates in Higher Education 2006 to 2018: Pre-release access listThe list below details all Ministers and Officials who have 24-hours pre-release access to the embargoed publication from 09:30 on 25th September 2019.RoleMinisters:Secretary of State for Education?Special Advisor to the Secretary of State?Minister of State for Universities, Science, Research and InnovationSenior Officials:Permanent Secretary for EducationDeputy Permanent Secretary?Director General, Higher and Further Education?Director, Career Learning, Analysis, Skills and Student ChoiceDirector, Higher Education, STEM and Tertiary ProvidersDirector, Student FinanceHead of Profession for StatisticsDeputy Head of Profession for StatisticsPress Office: Press Officer, Higher Education Press Officer, Higher EducationSocial Media OfficerSocial Media OfficerPolicy Officials:Head of Higher Education StrategyPolicy Advisor, Future Student Finance and FundingPolicy Advisor, Widening Participation and AccessPolicy Advisor, Widening Participation and AccessProduction Team:Deputy Director, Higher Education AnalysisHead of Higher Education Statistics UnitStatistician, Higher Education StatisticsSenior Statistical Officer, Higher Education StatisticsHigher Statistical Officer, Higher Education Statistics?Higher Statistical Officer, Higher Education StatisticsAssistant Statistician, Higher Education StatisticsTeam Leader, Admissions and Widening Participation Statistics ................

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