ACT Persuasive Rubric – Analytic

ACT Persuasive Rubric – Analytic

|Traits |Position & Understanding of Task |Complexity |Focus and Development of Ideas |Organization |Language |

|6 |The essay shows a clear understanding of|The essay addresses complexity by |Development of ideas is ample, specific,|The organization of the essay is clear; |The essay shows a good command of |

| |the task. The essay takes a position on |examining different perspectives on the |and logical. Most ideas re fully |the organization may be somewhat |language. Sentences are varied and word|

| |the issue and may offer a critical |issue, or by evaluating the implications|elaborated. A clear focus on the |predictable or it may grow from the |choice is varied and precise. There are|

| |context for discussion. |and/or complications of the issue, or by|specific issue in the prompt is |writer’s purpose. Ideas are logically |few, if any, errors to distract the |

| | |fully responding to counter-arguments to|maintained. |sequenced. Most transitions reflect the|reader. |

| | |the writer’s position. | |writer’s logic and are usually | |

| | | | |integrated into the essay. The | |

| | | | |introduction and conclusion are | |

| | | | |effective, clear, and well developed. | |

|5 |The essay shows a clear understanding of|The essay shows recognition of |Development of ideas is specific and |The organization of the essay is clear, |Language is competent. Sentences are |

| |the task. The essay takes a position on|complexity by partially evaluating the |logical. Most ideas are elaborated, |although it may be predictable. Ideas |somewhat varied and word choice is |

| |the issue and my offer a broad context |implications and/or complications of the|with clear movement between general |are logically sequenced, although simple|sometimes varied and precise. There may|

| |for discussion. |issue, or by responding to |statements and specific reasons, |and obvious transitions may be used. |be a few errors, but they are rarely |

| | |counter-arguments to the writer’s |examples, and details. Focus on the |The introduction and conclusion are |distracting. |

| | |position. |specific issue in the prompt is |clear and generally well developed. | |

| | | |maintained. | | |

|4 |The essay shows an understanding of the |The essay may show some recognition of |Development of ideas is adequate, with |The organization of the essay is |Language is adequate, with some sentence|

| |task. The essay takes a position on the|complexity by providing some response to|some movement between general statements|apparent but predictable. Some evidence|variety and appropriate word choice. |

| |issue and my offer some context for |counter-arguments to the writer’s |and specific reasons, examples, and |of logical sequencing of ideas is |There may be some distracting errors, |

| |discussion. |position. |details. Focus on the specific issue in|apparent, although most transitions are |but they do not impede understanding. |

| | | |the prompt is maintained throughout most|simple and obvious. The introduction | |

| | | |of the essay. |and conclusion are clear and somewhat | |

| | | | |developed. | |

|3 |The essay shows some understanding of |The essay may acknowledge a |Development of ideas is limited and may |The organization of the essay is simple.|Language shows a basic control. |

| |the task. The essay takes a position on|counter-argument to the writer’s |be repetitious, with little, if any, |Ideas are logically grouped within parts|Sentences show a little variety and word|

| |the issue but does not offer a context |position, but its development is brief |movement between general statements and |of the essay, but there is little or no |choice is appropriate. Errors may be |

| |for discussion. |or unclear. |specific reasons, examples, and details.|evidence of logical sequencing of ideas.|distracting and may occasionally impede |

| | | |Focus on the general topic is |Transitions, if used, are simple and |understanding. |

| | | |maintained, but focus on the specific |obvious. An introduction and conclusion| |

| | | |issue in the prompt may not be |are clearly discernible but | |

| | | |maintained. |underdeveloped. | |

|2 |The essay shows a weak understanding of |There is little or no recognition of a |The essay is thinly developed. If |There is some indication of an |Sentence structure and word choice are |

| |the task. The essay may not take a |counter-argument to the writer’s |examples are given, they are general and|organization structure, and some logical|usually simple. Errors may be |

| |position on the issue, or the essay may |position. |may not be clearly relevant. The essay |grouping of ideas within parts of the |frequently distracting and may sometimes|

| |take a position but fail to convey | |may include extensive repetition of the |essay is apparent. Transitions, if |impede understanding. |

| |reasons to support that position, or the| |writer’s ideas or of ideas in the |used, are simple and obvious, and they | |

| |essay may take a position but fail to | |prompt. Focus on the general topic is |may be inappropriate or misleading. An | |

| |maintain a stance. | |maintained, but focus on the specific |introduction and conclusion are | |

| | | |issue in the prompt may not be |discernible but minimal. | |

| | | |maintained. | | |

|1 |The essay shows little or no | |The essay is minimally developed. The |There is little or no evidence of an |Sentence structure and word choice are |

| |understanding of the task. If the essay| |essay may include excessive repetition |organizational structure or of the |simple. Errors may be frequently |

| |takes a position, it fails to convey | |of the writer’s ideas or of ideas in the|logical grouping of ideas. Transitions |distracting and may significantly impede|

| |reasons to support that position. | |prompt. Focus on the general topic is |are rarely used. If present, an |understanding. |

| | | |usually maintained, but focus on the |introduction and conclusion are minimal.| |

| | | |specific issue in the prompt may not be | | |

| | | |maintained. | | |

No Score: Bland, Off-Topic, Illegible, Not in English, or Void


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