Macbeth Essay Assignment

Macbeth Essay Assignment

Now that you have read and analyzed the play, you will write an analytical essay on Macbeth. The essay is worth 150 points and will be the first major assignment of the 2nd Semester, so I expect everyone to work on and submit this assignment so that the 2nd Semester starts on a positive note.

Your essay should be a response to one of the following prompts.

1. Macbeth is one of Shakespeare’s most dynamic tragic heroes. Analyze his character. (You can think about the significance of his experience, what he represents, examine his mental deterioration, etc.)

2. Lady Macbeth is one of Shakespeare’s most powerful female characters. Analyze her character. (You can think about the significance of her experience, what she represents, her influence on her husband, her attraction to the supernatural, etc.)

3. The supernatural plays an important role in Macbeth. To what extent does it motivate Macbeth’s actions?

4. Macbeth presents many themes for analysis. Choose one of the following themes - Guilt and Conscience, Ambition, Appearance vs. Reality, Good vs. Evil and Fate and Free Will - and discuss how it developed throughout the play.

In your notebook, brainstorm some ideas/answers to one or two of the prompts of your choice. Jot down as many ideas/answers as possible and do not edit yourself at all.

Now, choose the prompt that you had the most ideas/answers for and you are ready to create your thesis statement. THE THESIS STATEMENT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF YOUR ESSAY. Everything that you write in your essay is connected back to your thesis so it needs to be strong.

Your thesis statement must make a claim and include three points that back up the claim.

What claim does your thesis make?

What are the three points that back up this claim?




Now, in your notebook, write your thesis in one or two complete sentences being sure to include the title of the play, the author’s name, your claim and the three points that back it up.

For example: In the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare, Lady Macbeth is the driving force in the action and the outcome of the play. The factors that contribute to her powerful role are her own ambition to become queen, the influence she has over her husband and her connection to witchcraft.

Calendar for Macbeth Essay

|1/17 |1/18 |1/19 |1/20 |1/21 |

| |Read/Enact 5.1-3 |Read and View 5.4-9 |Discuss Macbeth Essay |Writing Workshop: |

| |In groups of 5 – 3 actors and 2 | |assignment handout |Incorporating Quotes |

|M.L.K.’s Birthday |directors to act out the “Out damned |Discuss play as a whole | | |

|No Classes |spot” scene. | |Creating a Thesis Statement |Find 1 quote to back up each of|

| | | |Lesson |the 3 points of your thesis (3 |

| | | | |quotes total). |

| | |H.W. Take notes for 5.4-9 |H.W. Finalize your thesis | |

| |H.W. Take notes for 5.1-3 | |and get a flash drive |Writing Body Paragraphs |

| | | | | |

| | | | |H.W. Finish finding quotes and |

| | | | |draft body paragraphs |

|1/24 |1/25 |1/26 |1/27 |1/28 |

|Review for Final Exam | | |Writing Workshop: | |

| | | |Secondary Sources Readings | |

| |Final Exams |Final Exams |and quote search |No Classes |

|H.W. Study for final. | | | | |

|Notebooks are due at the | | |Writing the Introduction and| |

|start of the exam (Acts 3-5| | |Conclusion | |

|–90 points possible) | | | | |

| | | |H.W. Rough draft of essay | |

| | | |due on Monday 1/31 | |

|1/31 |2/1 |2/2 |2/3 |2/4 |

|Meet in Computer Lab – Rm. |Writing Workshop: | |Writing Workshop: |Meet in Computer Lab – Rm. 323 |

|323 to type 1st Draft |Present Sample Essays and Macbeth | |Essay Revisions |for final edits and finishing |

| |Essay Rubric |DDI Testing | |touches |

| | | | | |

| |Peer Editing | | |Essay due at the end of the |

| | | | |period |

|H.W. Typed draft due |H.W. Make hand written edits to essay| | | |

|Tuesday |based on peer and self-edits | |H.W. Make hand-written edits| |


• Your essay must present a clear and arguable thesis statement.

• Your essay must be five paragraphs long.

• You must have three primary source quotes (from Macbeth) to support your thesis.

• You must have one secondary source quote (from a critical essay about Macbeth) to support your thesis.

• Your essay must be typed and follow all MLA format.

• Your essay must be submitted on February 4th.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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