All-Time Favorite Movies – MAJOR GRADEYour assignment is to research on the internet 15 of your favorite movies and create a database providing information on each movie. The Internet Movie Database would be a good place to start (). Use the following link to access IMDB: . Create a new database. Save the DATABASE in your H:Drive as Last-Movies394500718111002. Create a new Table in Design View. Save TABLE as “Movies”. Use the following field names: MOVIE TITLE (instead of ID)GENRE (i.e. comedy, drama, romance, etc.)RELEASE DATE LEADING ACTOR/ACTRESSDIRECTORRATING (i.e. PG, G, R, etc.)RUN TIME (input in minutes) AWARDS – add new field name that has a Yes/No Data Type421005057150Design View Notes:There is NO Primary Key! (Click on field 1, “Movie Title”, 117157555245and click to remove it)Data Type should be “Text” for all Fields except: Release Date which should be “Date/Time”, Runtime which should be “Number”, and Awards which should be “Yes/No”Do not include the word “minutes” in RUNTIME, only include the number (which should be in minutes, not hours) 421005019685Use the following Look Up Wizards Genre- Action, Comedy, Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi, ThrillerRating- G, PG, PG-13, RCreate an Input Mask for Release DateChoose “Short Date”4572000762003. Create a FORM to enter the movies you choose.44005508382000From the Create tab, choose Form Wizard (CreateMore FormsForm Wizard) Select All FieldsNextColumnarNextName the form “Favorite Movies” Finish36957008445500Toggle to Design View and format your form as shownHint: Your Form should be 4” wideChange the theme of your formAdd “Your Name” as Footer; 16 pt, different color font (your choice)-561975110490center10795004. Enter all of your movies using the Form View.If you can’t find ALL this information on a movie- pick another movie.Only count Oscars and Golden Globes as “Awards”If there is more than one “answer” for a field (i.e. 3 leading actors) pick and use just one.409575208915Once all of your information has been entered, close the form and open the table view.5. Sort the movies in alphabetical order by title.Center the information in the “Rating” and “Run Time” columns45243751104906. Create the following Queries using the Query Wizard: Q1. All movies that are between 90 and 120 minutes long. Fields: movie title, rating, and run time27146257239000Sort descending by run timeInclude 90 and 120 minutes (>=__ and <=__) in the criteriaSave Query as: 90-120 Minute MoviesQ2. All movies made during or after the year 2000Fields: movie title and release date485775010795Sort ascending by movie title234315014033500Criteria for release date must be in MM/DD/YYYY formatUse 01/01/2000Save Query as: 21st Century Movies Q3. All Comedies that are PG or PG-13.40767007683500Fields movie title, genre, and ratingSave Query as: Comedies Enter criteria for Rating as: “Criteria 1” Or “Criteria 2”3400425215907. Create the following Report using Report Wizard: R1: Using your Movies Table, select the following:Include Movie Title, Genre, Director, and Run TimeGroup by GenreSort in Ascending Order by Title with a Stepped Layout and Portrait OrientationSave Report as “Movies by Genre”Use the Design View and Layout View to resize fields so that all information is displayedChange the theme of your report.Add a label (Aa) in the footer with your name as shown8. Save your work.182880095885971550342900009. Upload to Google Drive (with the following items on your database) ................

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