At The Movies - Lanternfish ESL

At The Movies

Look at the expressions below. They are commonly used to describe movies.

Actors, Stars:

Who: Who’s in it? (be in a movie= act in a movie)

Bruce Willis is in it.

It’s starring Bruce Willis.


It takes place ___________________

Where: In the city, in the country, in Italy, on Mars, on a ship, in an airplane . . .

When: In the 80s, in the 90s, in the 1800s, in the future, in the past, in winter . . .


What’s it about?

It’s about ___________________________

What: Two people who fall in love, a meteor that crashes into the earth,


In the end, ____________________

What happened: They get married, they save the earth . . .


What kind of movie is it?

It’s a _________________

What kind: comedy, romance, sci-fi, documentary, horror, animation, thriller, action movie.


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