Family and Consumer Sciences

Family and Consumer Sciences

Child Development 0-6 Years Snapshot

Mrs. Harley

|Day |Date |M-F |Daily Learning Target |Agenda – |Formative Assessment |

| | | | |Congruent Tasks | |

|Unit 2 – Infants |

|21 |1-3-13 |R |I can examine and analyze how infants |#1 Physical Development of an Infant Vocab |BR: What are the four areas of development? |

| | | |develop physically. |Pass out, they can fill in throughout the lesson | |

| | | | |#2 Physical Development of Infants – Part I PPT & Guided Notes |Developmental Matrix |

| | | | |#3 Developmental Matrix | |

|22 |1-4-13 |F |I can explain how physical development|#4 Physical Development of Infants – Part II PPT & Guided Notes |BR: What is the difference between gross motor skills and fine motor skills? |

| | | |affects infant care. |Progression of Ability to Grasp Objects WKST | |

| | | | |#5 Developmental Milestones Time Line | |

| | | | |#6 Toys for Development |Exit Slip: Toys for Development |

|23 |1-7-13 |M |I can identify the physical needs of a|#7 Physical Needs of a Baby Project (Create Posters) |BR: Describe head-to-foot development. |

| | | |baby. | |Poster Creation |

|24 |1-8-13 |T |I can evaluate various ways of |#7 Physical Needs of a Baby Project (Finish posters and present) |BR: Why is it important to introduce babies to one solid food at a time? Why |

| | | |nurturing and bonding with babies. | |are routines important? |

| | | | | |Physical Needs Presentation |

|25 |1-9-13 |W |I can identify the challenges of |Jon and Kate – Introduction Episode |BR: What are 3 physical needs that infants have? |

| | | |caring for multiples. |#8 Surviving Sextuplets & Twins | |

| | | | | |Discussion |

|26 |1-10-13 |R |I can identify the parts and functions|#9 Brain PPT & Personal Notes |BR: What is the different between creeping, crawling, and cruising? |

| | | |of the brain and how it affects |Text Review: P. 287 1-7 | |

| | | |intellectual development. |#10 Errors in Perception WKST |Object Permanence WKST |

| | | | |#11 Object Permanence WKST | |

|27 |1-11-13 |F |I can examine and analyze how infants |#12 Intellectual Development of Infants PPT & Guided Notes |BR: What condition did Kate have that affected her ability to have children? |

| | | |develop intellectually. |Baby Beethoven Clip | |

| | | | |#13 Baby Einstein Evaluation |Baby Einstein Evaluation |

| | | | |“Baby Einstein’s: Not So Smart After All” | |

| | | | |Discussion | |

| | | | |Telling People How to Grow a Baby Brains Project | |

|28 |1-14-13 |M |I can examine and analyze how infants |#14 Infants Social/Emotional Development |BR: When does an infant’s vision peak? |

| | | |develop socially. |#15 Children at Play Assignment | |

| | | | | |Children At Play Assignment |

|29 |1-15-13 |T |I can create a project to express |Leadership Lab |BR: What are four ways that babies communicate? |

| | | |content learned in Child Development | | |

|30 |1-16-13 |W |I can identify potential risk factors |#16 SIDS PPT & Guided Notes |BR: What is the difference between bonding and attachment? |

| | | |related to Sudden Infant Death |#17 Low Production of Serotonin Article | |

| | | |Syndrome. |Finish Toy |Article Evaluation |

| | | | |#18 HMWK: Social Emotional Development Interview | |

|31 |1-17-13 |R |I can thoroughly explain topics |#19 Unit 2 Bingo |BR: What are 3 emotions that babies communicate? |

| | | |studied in unit 2 of Child |#20 Unit 2 Study Guide |Unit #2 Review |

| | | |Development. | | |

|32 |1-18-13 |F |I can thoroughly explain topics |Unit 2 Test |Use this time to review! |

| | | |studied in unit 2 of Child |Grade Test | |

| | | |Development. |Evaluate Test | |

|No School – Martin Luther King Jr. Day |

|Unit 3 Toddlers |

|33 |1-22-13 |T |I can examine and analyze how toddlers|#1 Toddlers Physical Development PPT & Guided Notes |BR: What ages encompass the toddler stage? |

| | | |develop physically. |Growth for Toddlers WKST | |

| | | | |*Bring in Children’s Book Tomorrow |Growth of Toddlers WKST |

|34 |1-23-13 |W |I can examine and analyze how toddlers|#2 Intellectual Development for Toddlers PPT & Guided Notes |BR: What large muscle development tasks take place during toddlerhood? |

| | | |develop intellectually. |Learning of Toddlers WKST | |

| | | | |#3 Children’s Book Lesson Development |Learning of Toddlers WKST |

|35 |1-24-13 |R |I can examine and analyze how toddlers|#4 Toddlers Social/Emotional Development #70-71 |BR: Since learning the meaning of words is a major brain development skill |

| | | |develop socially and emotionally. |Terrible Two’s Writing Activity (on PPT) |that toddlers are learning, what might a toddler call the following: |

| | | | |#3 Children’s Book Lesson Presentations |Cow: |

| | | | | |Pig: |

| | | | | |Stove: |

| | | | | |Why do toddlers tend to use these words instead of their actually term? |

| | | | | |Children’s Book Lesson Presentation |

|36 |1-25-13 |F |I can explain how physical development|#5 ABC’s of Toilet Training PPT & Guided Notes |BR: What is autonomy? Why is it important for toddlers? |

| | | |affects toddler care. |#6 Regression in Toilet Training Article | |

| | | | |Discussion |Unit #3 Quiz |

| | | | |#7 Toilet Training Public Announcement | |

| | | | |Jon and Kate episode | |

| | | | |#8 Unit 3 Quiz 1 | |

|37 |1-28-13 |M |I can explain how physical development|Finish Jon and Kate episode |BR: What are three signs that a toddler is ready for potty training? |

| | | |affects toddler care. |#9 Children at Play Toddler Assignment |Children at Play Toddler Assignment |

|38 |1-29-13 |T |I can explain how physical development|#9 Children at Play Toddler Assignment |BR: On average, when do girls and boys potty train? |

| | | |affects toddler care. |#10 Unit #3 Bingo |Unit #3 Review |

|39 |1-30-13 |W |I can thoroughly explain topics |Unit #3 Test |BR: What is separation anxiety? |

| | | |studied in unit 2 of Child |Grade Test |Participation |

| | | |Development. |Test Evaluation | |

|40 |1-31-13 |R |I can plan developmentally appropriate|Toddler Room Activity |BR: What are three tips to give to parents of toddlers who are beginning to |

| | | |learning activities for toddlers. | |potty train? |

|41 |2-1-13 |F |I can plan developmentally appropriate|Toddler Room Activity |BR: Explain what self-awareness means to a toddler |

| | | |learning activities for toddlers. | | |

|Unit 4 – Preschool |

|42 |1-28-13 |M |I can examine and analyze how |#1 Physical Development of Preschoolers PPT & Guided Notes |BR: What is egocentrism? |

| | | |preschoolers develop physically. |#2 Peter and Abel’s Growth – Math Activity | |

| | | | |Work on Developmental Matrix | |

|43 |1-29-13 |T |I can examine and analyze how |#3 Intellectual Development of Preschoolers & Guided Notes |BR: Explain how a parent of a toddler can help build self-esteem in their |

| | | |preschoolers develop intellectually. |Thinking Further (on PPT)- Turn in as Exit Slip |child |

| | | | |Chapter 15 Questions (p.472) | |

| | | | |Reviewing the Chapter #1-8 |Participation/Discussion |

| | | | |Thinking Critically #1-2 | |

| | | | |Making Connections #2 | |

|44 |1-30-13 |W | I can examine and analyze how |#4 Social Emotional Development of Preschoolers |BR: What is deferred imitation? |

| | | |preschoolers develop socially and |Pre-School Test For You & Discussion | |

| | | |emotionally. |#5 Early Education Article & Reading Assessment |Toddler Room Activity |

|45 |1-31-13 |R |I can determine how play impacts |#6 Story Time PPT & Guided Notes |BR: Describe Erikson’s “Initiative vs. Guilt” concept. |

| | | |learning and development. |Children’s Book Evaluation (the end of PPT) | |

| | | | |Public Librarian Guest Speaker? |Developmental Matrix |

|46 |2-1-13 |F |I can plan developmentally appropriate|#7 Reading is Fun Project – Computer Lab/Library |BR: What are the three effective story-telling techniques? |

| | | |learning activities for preschoolers. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |Chapter 15 Questions |

| |2-4-13 |No School | | |BR: What are the five categories of traditional literature? |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |Article Assessment |

|47 |2-5-13 |T |I can plan developmentally appropriate|#7 Reading is Fun Project - Presentations & Peer Assessment |BR: Which organ is the slowest in maturation? |

| | | |learning activities for preschoolers. | | |

|48 |2-6-13 |W |I can thoroughly explain topics |Developmental Matrix Due |BR: What are the five categories of traditional literature? |

| | | |studied in Child Development 0-6 |#8 Preschoolers Review Questions |Reading is Fun Project Presentation |

| | | |years. |#9 Unit #4 Bingo | |

|49 |2-7-13 |R |I can thoroughly explain topics | |BR: What is the difference between Modern Fantasy and Realistic Fiction? |

| | | |studied in Child Development 0-6 | |Unit #4 Review |

| | | |years. | | |

|50 |2-8-13 |F |I can thoroughly explain topics |Unit 4 Review | |

| | | |studied in Child Development 0-6 | | |

| | | |years. | | |

|51 |2-11-13 |M |I can thoroughly explain topics |Unit 4 Test | |

| | | |studied in Child Development 0-6 | | |

| | | |years. | | |

|52 |2-12-13 |T | |CATCH UP and Possible Project with Saffell Street Elementary | |

|53 |2-13-13 |W | | | |

|54 |2-14-13 |R | | | |

|55 |2-15-13 |F |I can thoroughly explain topics |Final Review | |

| | | |studied in Child Development 0-6 | | |

| | | |years. | | |

| |2-18-13 |No School |

|56 |2-19-13 |T |I can thoroughly explain topics |Final Review |BR: What is the difference between Modern Fantasy and Realistic Fiction? |

| | | |studied in Child Development 0-6 | | |

| | | |years. | | |

|57 |2-20-13 |W |I can thoroughly explain topics |Finals | |

| | | |studied in Child Development 0-6 | | |

| | | |years. | | |

|58 |2-21-13 |R |I can thoroughly explain topics |Final | |

| | | |studied in Child Development 0-6 | | |

| | | |years. | | |

|59 |2-22-13 |F | |Club Day | |

| | | | |Last Day of Trimester | |


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