Lisa Brown Kindergarten Lesson Plan
Lisa Brown Kindergarten Lesson Plan
October 27th—October 31st
Letter Oo
*8:00 Pledge of Allegiance in Hallway
| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |
| |Complete review [Hh] cut and |Make Torn Leaf |Find letter Oo in magazine |Journals and review letter cut |Make Oh—Oh Octopus book. |
|8:03—9:00 |glue page. | | |and glue page. | |
|Calendar |Treasures small group phonics |Treasures small group phonics |Treasures small group phonics |Treasures small group phonics |Treasures small group phonics |
| |Calendar | |Calendar |Calendar |Calendar |
| | |Calendar | | | |
|9:00—10:30 |Introduce letter [Oo] phonics |Review letter [Oo] phonics |Review Letter [Oo] and sound. |Review Letter [Oo] beginning |Review letter [Oo] (recognition |
|Phonics/Letter |cards. Read poem “Ollie |cards. Read book Read “Olive the|Read “Todd’s Odd Day.” Skill:|sound. Review words that begin |and sound). Review words on |
|Recognition/Reading |Octopus.” Skill: Identify and |Octopus’s Day of Juggling.” |initial/medial sound, matching |with [Oo] on marker board. |marker board. Write sentences |
| |make rhymes, initial sound, |Activity: find things that begin|sounds. Write words with medial |Write sentences on chart paper |on chart paper choosing words |
| |syllables. Find [Oo’s] in poem.|with letter [Oo] on last page of|[Oo] sound on marker board. |using [Oo] words on marker |from marker board. Complete |
| |Practice writing lower case [0] |story. Write words that begin |Activity: Fill in the missing |board. Complete [Oo] phonics |Medial sound [Oo] page. |
| |on marker board for correct |with [Oo] on marker board. |word game. Read “Oh-Oh |cut and glue page and color word|Questions: |
| |formation. Complete lower case |Practice writing upper case [O] |Octopus.” Complete phonics |page. |*Who can formulate a sentence |
| |[o] handwriting and initial |on marker boards for correct |packet and make Oh-Oh Octopus. | |from the sight word I hold up? |
| |sound cut and glue page. |formation. Complete upper case|Questions: |Question: |Computer Lab 9:45—10:30 |
| |Question: |[O] handwriting page and color |*Who can distinguish between |*Who can formulate a sentence |Activity: (letter |
| |*Who can formulate a rhyming |word page. |these two pictures and tell me |using a /o/ word from the board?|recognition) Success Maker: |
| |word that has medial sound /o/ |Questions: |which one begins with /o/? | |math and reading skills |
| |that rhymes with the words I |*Who can formulate words that | | | |
| |say? |begin with /o/? | | | |
|Objective |*Identify and match the letter |*Identify and match the letter |*Identify the same initial sound|*Formulate/Create Sentences |*Demonstrate knowledge of sight |
| |[o] to the sound /o/ |[o] to the sound /o/ |in a group of words | |words |
| |*Recognize the difference |*Recognize the difference |*Match the letter [o] to the /o/| | |
| |between a letter and a printed |between a letter and a printed |sound | | |
| |word |word |*identify rhyme | | |
| |*Handwriting: Write [Oo] |*Handwriting: Write [Oo] | | | |
| | |*Identify rhyme | | | |
|Lesson Set |Strategies: |Strategies: |Strategies: |Strategies: |Strategies: |
| |*Modeling |*Modeling |*Modeling |*Modeling |*Modeling |
| |*Scaffolding |*Scaffolding |*Scaffolding |*Scaffolding |*Independent practice |
| |*Independent practice |*Independent practice |*Independent practice |*Independent practice |Blooms Taxonomy: |
| |Blooms Taxonomy: |Blooms Taxonomy: |Blooms Taxonomy: |Blooms Taxonomy: |*Identify |
| |*Formulate |*Formulate |*Distinguish |*Formulate/Create |*Formulate |
| |Assessment: |Assessment: |Assessment: |Assessment: |Assessment: |
| |*Marker boards |*Marker boards |*Thumbs up-Thumbs down |*Observation |*Observation |
| |*Work sheet |*Thumbs up-Thumbs down |*Observation |*Work sheet | |
| | |*Work sheet |*Work sheet | | |
| | | | | | |
|Standards |RF.K.2d; RF.K.3a; L.K.2c; |RF.K.2d; RF.K.3a; RF.K.3; |RF.K.2d; RF.K.3a; RF.K.3c: |RF.K.2; RF.K.3a; RF.K.3c; SL.K.2|L.K.5a;RF.K.2; L.K.2d; RF.K.3c; |
| |RF.K.3c; RI.K.3; RI.K.1 |RF.K.3c;; RI.K.3; RI.K.1; RI.K.2|RL.K.5; | |RI.K.3, RL.K.3; RI.K.1; RL.K.1; |
| | | | | |RF.K.3c |
|10:30—10:40 | Daily |Daily |Daily |Daily |Daily |
|Interactive Writing |News (modeled writing). The |News (modeled writing). The |News (modeled writing). The |News (modeled writing). The |News (modeled writing). The |
| |helper of the day tells the |helper of the day tells the |helper of the day tells the |helper of the day tells the |helper of the day tells the |
| |class something they want them |class something they want them |class something they want them |class something they want them |class something they want them |
| |to know. The teacher writes it |to know. The teacher writes it |to know. The teacher writes it |to know. The teacher writes it |to know. The teacher writes it |
| |on chart paper. Modeling |on chart paper. Modeling |on chart paper. Modeling |on chart paper. Modeling |on chart paper. Modeling |
| |letters, letter sounds, writing |letters, letter sounds, writing |letters, letter sounds, writing |letters, letter sounds, writing |letters, letter sounds, writing |
| |on lines, emphasizing proper |on lines, emphasizing proper |on lines, emphasizing proper |on lines, emphasizing proper |on lines, emphasizing proper |
| |spacing and punctuation. |spacing and punctuation. |spacing and punctuation. |spacing and punctuation. |spacing and punctuation. |
|Standards |W.K.5 |W.K.5 |W.K.5 |W.K.5 |W.K.5 |
|10:40—11:20 |Lunch/Recess |Lunch/Recess |Lunch/Recess |Lunch/Recess |Lunch/Recess |
|11:20—12:15 |Review #0—10 and # word 0—10. |Review #11 and #11 number word. |Introduce addition using |Introduce addition with numbers,|Review addition with numbers, |
|Math |Introduce # 11 and number word |Review the make up of the |maniupulatives. |pictures, using words and/is. |pictures, using words and/is. |
| |eleven. Discuss the make up of |number. Discuss place value. | |Complete addition work sheet. |Complete addition work sheet. |
| |the number. Introduce ways to |Review ways to make 2. Complete| |Questions: |Questions: |
| |make 2. |#2 handwriting page and graphing|Questions: |I have 7 pieces of candy and |I have 3 loads of dirt and I |
| |Complete #11 handwriting page. |page. |If there were8 kids on the |________ brings me 4 more. How |need 11 loads of dirt? How many |
| |Questions: |Questions: |playground and 3 more join them |many pieces of candy do I have |more loads of dirt will I need |
| |Explain what the number eleven |If there are 11 cars and two |how many kids are on the |now? |if I have 3 loads of dirt and I |
| |means? |people in each car, how many |playground now? | |need 11? |
| | |people are there all together? | | | |
|Objective |*Identify the number /11/ the |*Identify the number /11/ the |Represent addition and |Represent addition and |Represent addition and |
| |number word /eleven/ |number word /eleven/ |subtraction with objects, |subtraction with objects, |subtraction with objects, |
| |*Write the number /11/ and the |*Write the number /11/ and the |fingers, mental images, |fingers, mental images, |fingers, mental images, |
| |number word /eleven/ |number word /eleven/ |drawings, sounds (e.g., claps), |drawings, sounds (e.g., claps), |drawings, sounds (e.g., claps), |
| | | |acting out situations, verbal |acting out situations, verbal |acting out situations, verbal |
| | | |explanations, expressions, or |explanations, expressions, or |explanations, expressions, or |
| | | |equations. |equations. |equations. |
|Lesson Set |Strategies: |Strategies: |Strategies: |Strategies: |Strategies: |
| |*Modeling, |*Modeling, |*Counting |*Counting |*Counting |
| |*Independent Work |*Independent Work |Blooms Taxonomy: |*Independent Work |*Indepentent work |
| |Blooms Taxonomy: |Blooms Taxonomy: |*Tell |Blooms Taxonomy: |Blooms Taxonomy: |
| |*Explain |*Explain |Assessment: |*Explain |*Explain |
| |Assessment: |Assessment: |*Observation |Assessment: |Assessment: |
| |*Observation |*Observation | |*Observation |*Observation |
| |*Marker Boards |*Marker Boards | | | |
| |*Worksheet |*Worksheet | | | |
|Standards |.1; .3; .4;.4a; |.1; .3; .4;.4a; |K.OA.A1, .B.4, .B.4b |K.OA.A1, .B.4, .B.4b |K.OA.A1, .B.4, .B.4b |
| |.4b;.5; K.G.1;K.G.2; |.4b;.5; K.G.1;K.G.2; | | | |
|12:15—12:40 |Rest |Rest |Rest |Rest |Rest |
|12:40—1:05 |Introduce “Fall.” Read “ The |Read “A Tree for all Seasons.” |Read “ The Little Old Lady Who |Read “ Leaves, Leaves, Leaves.” | Read “Autumns First Leaf.” |
|Social Studies/ |Leaves on a Tree” and “A Maple |Discuss the seasons of the year |Wasn’t Afraid of Anything.” If |Discuss leaves and the different|Review the season of Fall. |
|Science |Tree.” Discuss. |emphasizing the season of Fall. |time other Halloween books. |kinds and how they change in the|Science Lab: Use leaves |
| |Question: |Question: |Question: |Fall |collected to make leaf prints. |
| |Why do you think we have |Who can compare the life cycle |How do you think we should |Question:. |Question: |
| |seasons? |of a tree to the life cycle of a|collect our evidence that we are|Can you explain why leaves are |Can you name the four seasons |
| | |pumpkin? |in the season of Fall? |different shapes and colors? |and tell me which season is |
| | | |*PC DRUG FREE ASSEMBLY | |after Fall? |
|Objective |*Identify basic needs of plants |*Identify basic needs of plants |*Collect empirical evidence as a|*Identify basic needs of plants |*Identify basic needs of plants |
| |and animals; food, water, light,|and animals; food, water, light,|class |and animals; food, water, light,|and animals; food, water, light,|
| |air, space |air, space |*List and classify objects |air, space |air, space |
| |*Describe the four seasons. |*Describe the four seasons. |according to the single |*Describe the four seasons. |*Describe the four seasons. |
| | | |properties of size, color and | | |
| | | |shape. | | |
|Lesson Set |Strategies: |Strategies: |Strategies: |Strategies: |Strategies: |
| |*Questioning |*Questioning |*Questioning |*Questioning |*Questioning |
| |*Discussion |*Discussion |*Discussion |*Discussion |*Discussion |
| | | | | | |
| |Blooms Taxonomy: |Blooms Taxonomy: |Blooms Taxonomy: |Blooms Taxonomy: |Blooms Taxonomy: |
| |*Tell |*Compare |*Tell |*Explain |*Tell |
| |Assessment |Assessment |Assessment |Assessment |Assessment |
| |*Observation |*Observation |*Observation |*Observation |*Observation |
|Standards |LS.2.K.4, ESS.8.K.6 |LS.2.K.4, ESS.8.K.6 |NS.1.K.6, |LS.2.K.4, ESS.8.K.6 |ESS.8.K.6, |
| | | |PS.5.K.1 | |PS.5.K.1 |
|1:05—1:20 |Recess |Recess |Recess |Recess |Recess |
|1:20—2:00 |1:18—1:58 |1:18—1:58 |1:20—2:00 |1:20—2:00 |1:20—2:00 |
|Prep. Time |Art |Music |Library |P.E. 1 |P.E. 2 |
| |Mrs. Busack |Mrs. Carr |Mrs. Trafford |Coach Setzer |Coach Setzer |
|2:00—2:50 | Make leaves book. |Make Seasons of the apple tree. | Go on Fall walk. |Paint leaf picture. |Fall Parties |
|Continue | | | | |2:00—3:10 |
|Social Studies/ | | | | | |
|Science | | | | | |
|2:50—3:10 |Snack |Snack |Snack |Snack |Snack |
*HW.10.KRecognize types of tobacco products
*HW.10.K.5Recognize the effects of tobacco products on the body (e.g., bad breath, yellow teeth)
*HW.10.K.6Recognize that alcohol is a drug
*HW.10.K.7Recognize that drugs are illegal
*HW.10.K.8 Recognize ways to avoid tobacco, drug and alcohol use (e.g., say “NO”, ignore, walk away, a better idea)
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