Directions: Cross out prepositional phrases. Identify the OP(s). Underline the subject once and the verb phrase twice. Circle all nouns. Label the adjectives (ADJ). Label the adverbs (ADV).

1. He is somewhat shy, but his brother is rather outgoing.

2. Jenny seems quite perturbed by John’s rather funny remark.

3. Don’t give up so easily.

4. Mother rapidly stirred the creamy soup.

5. In the event of a disaster, quickly leave the room and call your mother.

6. If you want a dessert at dinner, you cannot eat the last peanut butter cookie.

7. He looked very handsome in his new tuxedo at the dance.

8. She was a very pretty young woman.

9. The ancient, tired musician stumbled wearily over the music stand.

10. Red Rover, won’t you come over?

11. My mother is the new chemistry teacher at the school.

12. Sam played his best volleyball game of the year.

13. My best subjects are English and French.

14. John is the owner of the noisy dog.

15. The runners ran quickly to the starting line.


Directions: Cross out prepositional phrases. Identify the OP(s). Underline the subject once and the verb phrase twice. Identify the helping verbs (HV), linking verbs (LV), and action verbs (AV). Label the direct objects (DO), indirect objects (IO), predicate nouns (PN) and the predicate adjectives (PA). Label the adjectives (ADJ). Label the adverbs (ADV).

1. We chose the chocolate ice cream for the birthday party.

2. That house seems vacant.

3. The librarian enthusiastically recommended the book.

4. The woman in the red car looks suspicious to me.

5. This chocolate hazelnut cake tastes delicious.

6. The driver seemed anxious in the next lane.

7. During the movie his date seemed angry.

8. My favorite aunt is Aunt Mary.

9. Only the lonely die young.

10. You cannot eat the last piece of apple pie.

11. She was a very pretty lass.

12. The ancient, battered teacher stumbled wearily over his desk.


Directions: Cross out prepositional phrases. Identify the OP(s). Underline the subject once and the verb phrase twice. Identify the helping verbs (HV), linking verbs (LV), and action verbs (AV). Label the direct objects (DO), indirect objects (IO), predicate nouns (PN) and the predicate adjectives (PA). Label the adjectives (ADJ). Label the adverbs (ADV).

1. The sailor fell into the sea during a violent storm.

2. A thunderstorm arose in the late afternoon.

3. The sky was filled with dark clouds.

4. He left the door open to let in the fresh air.

5. Find the book for your reading assignment.

6. Cookies and milk are my favorite afternoon snack.

7. You could ask a respected friend for sage advice.

8. African daisies grow in profusion this time of year.

9. Will you add marshmallows to my hot cocoa?

10. She gave a trite answer to the question.

11. Make crescent rolls to serve with the roast beef and potatoes.

12. My brother broke his leg during the soccer game.

13. Neither of my sisters lives near me.

14. How long will you be studying for your science test?

15. The article on Harper Lee is on the table.


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