English 9 Vocabulary List 1

English 9 Vocabulary List 1

1. Palpable: (adj) easily felt or touched.

2. Indolent(ly): (adj/adv) disliking or avoiding work; lazily.

3. Disarm(ing): (v) removing or lessening fears or suspicions.

4. Amenities: (n) comforts or conveniences.

5. Imprudent: (adj) unwise

6. Scruples: (n) feelings of doubt or guilt about a suggested action.

7. Solicitous(ly): (adj/adv) showing care, attention, concern (solicitous for her welfare)

8. Opiate: (n) anything that tends to soothe or calm someone; medicine containing opium.

9. Deplorable: (adj) very bad; regrettable

10. Precarious(ly): (adj/adv) unsteadily; in an unstable manner

English 9 Vocabulary List 2

1. Imminent: (adj) near, about to happen (EX. Imminent danger)

2. Infallibility: (n) inability to make a mistake (EX. Her infallibility made her the best lawyer.)

3. Doggedness: (n) stubbornness; persistence

4. Reiterated: (v) repeated

5. Precariously: (adv) unsteadily; insecurely

6. Literally: (adv) actually, in fact

7. Infatuated: (adj) carried away by shallow or foolish love

8. Vigilant: (adj) watchful; careful

9. Enthralled: (adj) fascinated

10. Solace: (n) comfort; easing of grief

(EX. When her grandpa passed away, we tried to give her solace with lots of food.)

English 9 Vocabulary List 3

1. Uncanny: (adj) eerily remarkable; being beyond what is normal or expected; strange (describes a strange event)

2. Implicit: (adj) absolute, unquestioning, being without a doubt; certain (describes your thoughts, beliefs)

3. Diligent: (adj) careful and hard-working (describes a person, animal)

4. Callous: (adj) unfeeling; insensitive; feeling no emotion. (describes a person, animal)

5. Desolation: (n) loneliness; ruin (a thing that you see in a place where a disaster has happened)

6. Stupefying: (v/adj) Verb: to make astonished or insensible

Adj: paralyzing, numbing, amazing, bewildering

(describes something you do)

7. Interminably: (adv) endlessly (describes how you do something)

8. Remonstrances: (n) protests (a thing that you give to others)

9. Luxuriant: (adj) thick, growing in great abundance (describes something that grows thick)

10. Dispersing: (v/adj) scattering; breaking apart (describes a group of something that is separating)

English 9 Vocabulary List 4

1. Agility: (n) quickness of movement (something that a person or animal has)

2. Anonymous: (adj) with no name; not easily distinguished from others (describes a person, place, thing or idea)

3. Abyss: (n) either a deep hole in the earth or something beyond our understanding/measurement (a thing)

EX. The meaning of life is an abyss for some people.

4. Affable: (adj) pleasant and friendly (describes a person or animal)

5. Affront: (n) an insult (a thing that you give someone or receive)

6. Baffle: (v) to confuse (something you do to someone or that something does to you)

7. Beguile: (v) to charm or delight, often in order to deceive or to trick (an action; something you do to others or that something does to you)

8. Billow: (v) to flow, to rise or to swell (an action that something does)

EX. The flag billowed in the breeze.

9. Brandish: (v) to wave something in a threatening way (an action; something you do)

10. Brazen: (adj) bold; showing no shame (describes a person or animal)

English 9 Vocabulary List 5

1. Annihilate: (v) to destroy; to wipe out (an action; something someone does)

2. Adversity: (n) misfortune; hardship (a hard thing someone goes through in life)

3. Aghast: (adj) horrified; shocked (describes a person)

4. Benign: (adj) good-natured; harmless (describes a person, animal, tumor, etc.)

5. Ardent: (adj) eager, hardworking (describes a person or animal)

6. Asperity: (n) sharpness of temper (something a person has)

7. Buoyancy: (n) 1. ability to keep something afloat; stay above water 2.cheerfulness (something a person has: personality or ability)

8. Burnish: (v) to make shiny; to polish (something someone does; an action)

9. Cavort: (v) to leap about (an action; something someone does)

10. Compel: (v) to force; to try to convince a person to do something that you want (an action; something someone does)

English 9 Vocabulary List 6

5 Carnage: (n) the slaughter or destruction left over after a disaster (can be seen)

1. Clarity: (n) the cleverness of something (how you see or understand)

EX: The teacher explained the lesson with clarity.

2. Commence: (v) to begin (something you do; an action)

3. Conformity: (n) behavior that follows the usual customs; behavior that goes along with the rules (something that you have)

4. Consolation: (n) a thing that comforts (something that you give to someone)

5. Contaminate: (v) to pollute; to poison (an action; something you do)

6. Contrive: (v) to think up, to devise or to plan (an action; something you do)

7. Coordinate: (v) to adjust something so that all parts of it or people involved work or run smoothly (an action that you do when planning or preparing something)

8. Covet: (v) to long for or to envy; to be jealous (an action; something that you do)

9. Cower: (v) to draw back or crouch in fear and helplessness (an action)

English 9 Vocabulary List 7

1. Decree: (v) to command or decide beforehand (an action; something a person does)

2. Deferential: (adj) showing polite respect (describes a person)

EX: She was deferential because she held the door for the old man.

3. Deft: (adj) skillful in a quick, sure, and easy way (describes a person or animal)

4. Depreciate: (v) to belittle or to lower the value of (an action; something that happens)

5. Dilapidated: (adj) shabby and falling apart (describes a thing)

6. Diligent: (adj) careful and hardworking (describes a person or animal)

7. Discern: (v) to see or detect by looking carefully; to figure out (something a person does)

8. Docile: (adj) easy to manage; submissive (describes a person or animal)

9. Ecstatic: (adj) filled with delight (describes a person)

10. Elude: (v) to get away from (an action; something a person does)

English 9 Vocabulary List 8

1. Adversities: (n) great misfortunes; hardships (a thing someone experiences)

2. Disdainful: (adj) scornful; filled with dishonor; contemptuous (describes a person or thing that is bad)

3. Adorn: (v) to add beauty to; to decorate (an action; something someone does)

4. Revelry: (n) merrymaking; festivity (a thing, a party, something people participate in)

5. Restitution: (n) compensation; repayment; payback (something someone gives to another person as payback)

6. Glowered: (v) glared; stared angrily (an action; something someone does)

7. Lavished: (v) gave generously without holding back (an action that someone did to someone else or for someone else)

8. Aloof: (adj) at a distance; unfriendly (describes a person or animal)

9. Pliant: (adj) flexible (describes a person, thing, or animal)

10. Tremulous: (adj) trembling; shaking (describes a person or animal)

English 9 Vocabulary List 9

1. Longevity: (n) long duration of life; long life (thing that a person or animal has)

2. Predator: (n) one that preys, hunts, or devours (a person or animal that hunts)

3. Epitaph: (n) an inscription at a gravesite in memory of the person buried there; writing on a tombstone (a thing)

4. Immortality: (n) the quality of being exempt from death; unending existence; living forever (something someone has)

5. Dire: (adj) warning of a disaster; serious or dangerous (describes a situation, experience, or problem)

6. Sustenance: (n) something that sustains or maintains life; food (a thing a person has or needs to live)

7. Vital: (adj) necessary to maintain life; very important (describes something)

8. Quarry: (n) one that is pursued or hunted; the prey (a person or animal that is hunted)

9. Eulogy: (n) a formal speech that praises someone; usually at a funeral (a thing)

10. Commemorate: (v) to serve as a memorial to call to remembrance; to remember (an action; something someone does)

English 9 Vocabulary List 10

1. Vexation: (n) annoyance (something someone has)

2. Adulation: (n) overflowing flattery or praise (something someone shows)

3. Compromised: (v) to settle by having each side give up some demands (action)

4. Distracted: (adj) having one’s attention diverted (describes a person or animal)

5. Aghast: (adj) terrified; shocked (describes a person)

6. Anguish: (n) great mental or physical suffering (something someone has)

7. Disconsolate: (adj) unable to be comforted (describes a person or animal)

8. Incessant: (adj) continuous (describes someone or something)

EX: The teacher got mad because the student’s talking was incessant; it never stopped!

9. Poise: (n) a dignified appearance (something someone has)

EX: The beauty pageant contestant demonstrated poise, even when walking in front of millions of people wearing a swimsuit and high heels.

10. Gnaw: (v) to eat away at; torment (an action)

EX: The guilt from cheating on the test gnawed at the boy’s gut; he eventually told the teacher because he felt so much shame.

English 9 Vocabulary List 11

1. Annihilate: (v) to destroy

2. Expendable: (adj) worth sacrificing to gain an objective

3. Teeming: (v) to swarm; overflow

4. Paradox: (n) something contradictory; a statement opposed to common sense

EX: You have to be cruel to be kind.

5. Resilient: (adj) able to recover quickly from misfortune or difficulty

6. Undulate: (v) move in waves; like a wave

EX: The shoppers lined up at the door for the after-Christmas sale undulated throughout the store once the doors opened.

7. Clarity: (n) clearness

8. Impotent: (adj) powerless; helpless

9. Revoke: (v) cancel; withdraw

10. Contrition: (n) deep feeling of guilt and repentance

English 9 Vocabulary List 12

1. Galore: (adj) in abundance; a lot of

2. Squeamish: (adj) oversensitive

3. Wily: (adj) tricky

4. Intricate: (adj) full of detail

5. Course: (v) to move swiftly

6. Righteous: (adj) morally right; believing your way of thinking is better

7. Qualms: (n) uneasiness or misgiving; problems

8. Reverence: (n) profound respect

9. Deceptive: (adj) deceiving; tricking someone

10. Ingenuity: (n) cleverness; smartness

English 9 Vocabulary List 13

1. Distraught: (adj) troubled; anxious; unhappy

2. Haggard: (adj) having an exhausted appearance; sloppy

3. Vault: (v) to leap

4. Insolent: (adj) bold in a reckless way

5. Insinuating: (adj) arousing doubts and suspicions; hinting

6. Pandemonium: (n) wild noise and disorder

7. Derisive: (adj) mocking; making fun of

8. Craven: (adj) very fearful; cowardly

9. Rakish: (adj) having a carefree, dashing appearance

10. Inscrutable: (adj) mysterious; strange

English 9 Vocabulary List 14

1. Hesitate: (v) to be slow to act, speak, or decide

2. Startling: (adj) alarming; frightening or surprising

3. Intense: (adj) tending to feel deeply

4. Cessation: (n) a stopping, either permanent or temporary

5. Repugnant: (adj) hateful

6. Myriad: (adj) a countless number of; a lot

7. Apprehend: (v) fear; to be afraid of

8. Earnest: (n) a pledge; an assurance; a promise

9. Agitation: (n) disturbance

10. Aperture: (n) opening (EX: door, cut, hole, window, etc.)

English 9 Vocabulary List 6

1. Carnage: (n) the slaughter or destruction left over after a disaster (can be seen)

2. Clarity: (n) the cleverness of something (how you see or understand)

EX: The teacher explained the lesson with clarity.

3. Commence: (v) to begin (something you do; an action)

4. Conformity: (n) behavior that follows the usual customs; behavior that goes along with the rules (something that you have)

5. Consolation: (n) a thing that comforts (something that you give to someone)

6. Contaminate: (v) to pollute; to poison (an action; something that you do)

7. Contrive: (v) to think up, to devise or to plan (an action; something you do)

8. Coordinate: (v) to adjust something so that all parts of it or people involved work or run smoothly (an action that you do when planning or preparing something)

9. Covet: (v) to long for or to envy; to be jealous (an action; something that you do)

10.Cower: (v) to draw back or crouch in fear and helplessness (an action)


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