
Name:_____________________Adjectives and Proper AdjectivesA word that describes persons, places, or things is an adjective. An adjective usually answers one of three questions about the noun or pronoun it modifies.What kind?Please use the drawing paper.How many?Wanda had three sisters.Which one?That seat is taken.Usually the adjective comes just before the noun it modifies. However, when the noun is the subject followed by a linking verb, its adjective follows the linking verb as part of the predicate. These adjectives are called predicate adjectives.The puppy became frisky.A proper adjective is an adjective formed from a proper noun. Sometimes the proper adjective is the same word as the noun that forms it. At other times it has a special ending. All proper adjectives begin with a capital letter. the Wyoming foothillsChinese checkersExercise 1 Draw an arrow from each adjective in italics to the noun or pronoun it modifies.The first robots were built in the Middle Ages.1.Some early robots can still be seen today.2.In Venice, Italy, two human-sized robots dressed in medieval clothing strike the clocktower bell every hour.3.In Germany, figures dance and play musical instruments under a church clock.4.Although their movements are simple, they are entertaining.5.These robots get their power from clock parts.6.Today robots work on land, in outer space, or on the ocean floor.7.Japanese scientists are creating a crablike robot to work underwater.8. This robot can take a great deal of underwater pressure.9. The abilities of this robot are awesome.10. Robots are important to space exploration.11. American spacecraft landed robots on Mars in 1977.12. These robots tested Martian soil and atmosphere.13. The Soviet Union used robots in 1978 to take the first pictures of the surface of Venus.14. The pictures showed rust-colored rocks and an orange sky.15. The pictures were truly breathtaking.Articles and DemonstrativesAn article is a special kind of adjective. There are three articles, the words a, an, and the. The describes one specific item or items.The program was canceled because of the snowstorm.A and an refer to any one item of a group. Use a before words that begin with a consonant sound. Use an before words that begin with a vowel sound.A giraffe is an elegant animal.Demonstrative adjectives are used to point out something. The words this, that, these, and those are demonstrative adjectives. This and that are singular. These and those are plural. This and these refer to things that are close. That and those refer to things that are at a distance.Read this book.He washed these apples. (close to the speaker)Take that train.Those boys are on the other team. (at a distance from thespeaker)Demonstratives often appear before the nouns they modify, but they can standalone. When a demonstrative is used by itself, it is a demonstrative pronoun.Exercise 1 Write in the blank the article that best completes each sentence.Give this to your sister. I like those the best.Do you have aticket for theclass play?[moon is really bright tonight.2. It is helpful to have [calculator.3. My dad keeps maps in [car glove compartment.4.field hockey team has a match after school.5. Sara hopes to get [bicycle for her birthday.6. My father thinks ordering pizza is [ excellent idea.7. I read my little sister a story about [ unicorn.8index of street names appears on most maps.9. I will be attending [ school on Maple Street.10.My mom wants to buy [ sports car.Exercise 2 Draw a line under the demonstrative in parentheses that best completes each sentence. Write P in the blank if it is a pronoun or A if it is an adjective.P(That, These) is the biggest pumpkin I’ve ever seen!1. (This, Those) baby’s skin is as smooth as silk.2. Miriam told (those, that) same joke yesterday.3. (Those, That) elephants are sleeping in the shade of the tree.4. (This, These) takes two solid hours to complete.5. Is (those, this) your favorite song?6. (That, Those) icicles look like long, jagged teeth.7. (This, Those) is the worst I have seen!8. (This, These) ants are busy at work.9. (That, These) are the best days of our lives.______10. I have climbed (those, that) tree a hundred times.11. The pilot calmly steered us through (that, these) big cloud.12. (This, Those) makes a high, piercing noise.13. Her eyes shining, the little girl pointed to (those, that) piece of candy.14. May I buy five of (that, those), please?15. (Those, That) students want to transfer to our school.______16. (Those, That) sounds like an interesting movie.______ 17. (This, These) is what we bought for Dad.______18. Liam, take (this, these) and put it over there. ................

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