Alphabetic Word Bank - Primary Resources

Alliteration Word Bank

|Adjectives |Names |Verbs |Nouns |

|Angry |Ant |wins |apples. |

|Cheeky |Chad |chews |cheese. |

|Dirty |Emma |drops |eggs. |

|Eggy |Davey |eats |dummies. |

|Funny |Henry |grabs |honey |

|Giggling |Kate |flies |fleas |

|Happy |Frank |juggles |geese |

|Jumping |Georgia |hates |jelly |

|Kind |Liam |kicks |lollies |

|Lovely |Jay |meets |kings |

|Moody |Niki |likes |monkeys |

|Nice |Peter |picks |noses |

|Purple |Michael |nips |peas |

|Racing |Sufyan |tips |rubbers |

|Slim |Robert |rolls |songs |

|Tiny |Will |sings |trucks |

|Wobbly |Tom |bites |wellies |

|Bendy |Billy |adds |bugs |

Use one word from each column to make each tongue-twister.

Every word in each sentence must start with the same letter, e.g.

Bendy Billy bites bugs.


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